Rate My Professors (33)

CHSTW1B . Hernandez E D 2 Months Ago

Completely terrible. The workload she assigns is inhumane. She expects you to read 100 pages in a single day, with questions on the reading due the very next day. Grade heavily depends on your TA. Lazily rehashes old material. Boring, outdated content.

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CHSTW1B . Hernandez E D 2 Months Ago

Absolutely awful. Inhumane the amount of work she gives. She expects you to read like 50-100 pages in ONE DAY and the very next day those reading questions are due. Wouldn't budge on the grading policy until she was hounded by hundreds of students. Depends on your TA but they make or break your grade.

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CHST154 . Hernandez E D 9 Months Ago

Absolutely hated the lecture style. Online course, two people presented each day. Heard from the professor during class sporadically before and after presentations. Not what I wanted from the course, I wish there were real lectures.

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CHST183 . Hernandez E D 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Hernandez is intelligent and knowledgeable. Personality may not be for everyone, as she may come off as tough or rude. Expects participation and there's a group presentation at the end. The readings weren't too bad, but they are important for the 3 response papers. Class content is interesting and easy A if you do the work and show up.

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CHST184A . Hernandez E D 2 Years Ago

This class will test your self-discipline. The professor will not give you homework regularly. Regularly watching weekly readings and videos can help you get through midterms and finals. There's not too much pressure.

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CHST184A . Hernandez E D 5 Years Ago

In this class Professor Hernandez gave lectures in class about the books and the Chicana writers. Some guest lecturers were included too. However, I did most of my work with my TAs. The TAs helped the most with the papers and preparing for the midterm & final which were take-home. Class was not bad, but not as interactive with professor.

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CHST184 . Hernandez E D 5 Years Ago

She is very unstructured and has a bad attitude. Talks to students like she wants them to feel stupid if she doesn't like their answer. Every week in section a group of people present the weekly book so the TA doesn't have to do anything. If I didn't have to take it for a requirement I wouldn't have. Overall made me lose respect for the CHST dpmt

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CHST184A . Hernandez E D 6 Years Ago

Class itself wasn't too bad, grade consists of 4 papers and a group project presented in section. Lecture can get boring and isn't really necessary since the essays are based off reading. Hernandez can be condescending and will cut off students at times, especially if what they are sharing isn't something she agrees with.

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CHST154 . Hernandez E D 8 Years Ago

NEVER TAKE HER!!!!! She is unstructured and lazy! Whole class consisted of student presentations everyday and her giving a remark here and there... Quizzes were based on these presentations but were TOUGH. She didn't hand back quizzes because she didn't want to make new quizzes if she taught the class again. ALSO, the reader was $88!!!!!!

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FEMST80 . Hernandez E D 11 Years Ago

I thought this class would be a lot different. The prof was nice and really into the subject, but did not prepare for exams at all. Heavily reading based class. Reading was dry and hard to get through. Not upset that I took the class, however.

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FEM80 . Hernandez E D 11 Years Ago

Expected both a fun class and an easy class but this class was neither. She is not funny and makes up terrible tests because she listens to whatever the TA's want. She is unorganized. Did not like her very much.

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FEMST80 . Hernandez E D 11 Years Ago

Went into class thinking it was an easy A. Boy was I wrong. Class is heavily reading based, and the readings are long and ambiguous. Professor does not make study guides and does not tell you what to study for the exams.

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FEMST80 . Hernandez E D 11 Years Ago

Much to my disappointment, this class is terrible. Professor Hernandez is only there to try to get you to laugh at her jokes, she's not even funny. The midterm is on readings and is super specific. Did all of the reading, walked out of the midterm thinking I got an A and got a C-some of the questions are ambiguously written. Take Fem20 instead.

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FEMST80 . Hernandez E D 13 Years Ago

This class is an easy A but you won't really learn much. We spent the first few weeks just listening and giving personal stories of being gay or having friends/relatives that are. The reader is very expensive, and not used that much. Ellis is an awesome person and you should talk to her for fun, but she didn't teach me a whole lot.

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FEMST80 . Hernandez E D 13 Years Ago

Looking back it was easy but pretty boring and it is a subject that interests me. Reader was a rip-off and i only used it for the 8pg research paper that was pretty easy

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WS80 . Hernandez E D 15 Years Ago

She stereotypes about gay men without being ironic about it, uses words without explaining what they mean and thinks she's hilarious.

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WOMST80 . Hernandez E D 15 Years Ago

Bought the reader... Opened it once, maybe twice to write me paper and do my midterm. Grade divided in 4 parts of equal weight- Section, Midterm, Paper, Final... She cancelled our final, I got a C on the midterm and barely participated came out with an A-, you do the math, But it was interesting.

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WMST80 . Hernandez E D 16 Years Ago

This class is so easy it's not even funny. No need to read or go to lecture, just sections. Optional final, short paper about your personal relationship w/ the LGBTQ community. Insanely easy A.

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ANYUDCLASS . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

if you don't have a TA her class is amazing... lower division has TA's.. they are hard... she is awesome

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WMST80 . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

The class is insanely easy; I read about 10% of the reader and never went to lecture, got an A. The lectures (I went to maybe 4) were unclear and lacked direction. The TA (Naomi Klein) was really helpful and knowledegable. Grade consists of take home midterm/final, 7 page research paper, and discussion. Reading was less interesting than I hoped.

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WS181 . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

Ellie is a great support to have. I have learned so much from her about life. Stay open-minded about her approach and you will definitely learn. Plus, she's got a sense of humor which is great.

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WMST180181 . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

Ellies class is one where you hold the power and can write your own destiney. There is little structure, but it only forces you to create a structure for yourself. Its not too hard, and you dont have to read everything.

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WMST180 . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

At first Ellie's teaching style was unnerving, but I soon rememebered that everyone is different and has different strenghts and weaknesses. The class has a lot of opportunity for fascinating discussion if you stay open minded to a class that is unconvential. Ellie is a sweet and approachable woman and I appreciated her class.

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WMST162180 . Hernandez E D 18 Years Ago

I find the criticism of Ellie to be rather harsh, especially the last post. Yes, Ellie is very unconventional; she has a different way of teaching and communicating ideas. However, you just have to go into her class with an open mind.

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