Very disappointing. Her lectures are mostly making sure you read rather than presenting new ideas. She struggles to hold open conversations around race relations while teaching emotionally heavy stories of color. Not the strongest teacher for the non-white student. Still, some good mental-health related topics covered. Too many papers/projects.
Organization/grading is kind of confusing. Papers were graded a bit harshly, but she gives detailed feedback and you have the opportunity to revise. Participation/group presentations were easy. If you understand the general ideas of the authors/texts, you should be good for the final and the class.
Amazing professor, really cares about her students, and the format of the class was engaging. Do all the readings, they're interesting and help you participate in class discussions. I'm a stem major and writing is not my forte, but she gave great feedback that helped me improve on my papers and do well in the class.
This class was very enjoyable, although it did take a bit of time to get into the swing of her teaching style. The class was centered almost entirely on poetry and framed around social issues, which was interesting, though I did feel like I was missing something without any novels. The organization of the class is a bit odd, but I learned a lot.
I loved having Professor Carlson! She is super sweet and knowledgeable. There was a lot of reading to do and even though I only read about 70% of the material, I was able to secure an A . The readings are pretty short and I recommend focusing more on the poetry than the prose texts. You definitely need to work hard for an A but it is worse it.
had to pass no pass the class because I didn't have the attention span todo well. two essays, one midterm, one final, and a participation grade from section. midterm was all right, final was a lil hard. essays they expect a lot out of you to come up with original analysis when most of it was already said in class. loads of reading i couldn't keep w
Carlson is very passionate about the subject, and her lectures were really helpful imo. Even though I hate poetry, I liked the class. The midterm and final are an EASY A, and if you can write decently you can get a good grade on the essays. The reading can sometimes be a lot, but make sure you actually read! Getting an A is very doable
If you want to sit in the driest class ever then this is the class for you. The material is easy but her ability to make a whole class nod off is astounding
Haha... I didn't buy the book and I made it through the whole quarter. But i highly recommend you at least read the poems BEFORE lecture that they are assigned. google them and save $200. I think it's pretty easy to get an A in the class if you pay attention to her and take notes on what she SAYS rather than whats on the slides.
Prof. Carlson's lectures are all clearly outlined and follow a very specific structure (though do expect tangents). There are no surprises, and almost all of the readings were poetry. She is very clear, funny, and encourages people to give their own opinions (even in a large lecture) and does not belittle any comments. She's an amazing person!
I love Professor Carlson; she is so kind and passionate. She has an organized and straightforward lecture style that is incredibly open and encourages participation. When she gets excited by a thought she can get a little caught up in it when the time allows for it but it's never just tangential. Great professor, always there for questions.
Dr. Carlson genuinely cares about her students' level of understanding and engagement with the material. I only say that lectures are mandatory because of the way she presents: she'll have a slide up on the projector but she will go off of it with a lot more content than you could ever receive elsewhere. Very passionate and keeps it interesting.
Prof. Carlson is a very motivated, engaging, and informative speaker. She really shows how much she cares for the content in her lectures and the quality of her powerpoints. She always looks bangin in her outfits too.
Not a hard class if you go to lecture and keep up with reading. Really fair midterm and final. She’s super enthusiastic, definitely a good speaker, but her lectures are so boring. Also she goes off on tangents and asks the most roundabout questions that are difficult to answer. If you don’t like poetry don’t take this class because it’s all poetry.
Professor Carlson is AMAZING! Extremely intelligent and a great speaker. She's a little out there, but in a good way. If you're not into literature, don't take the class; but if it's something that interests you, you will LOVE her. She gives great feedback on papers and cares about you being a good student.
I feel so bad for this prof. I really want to like her, I think she's a funny person, but her classes are SO BORING. I always go in thinking it won't be that bad, I like the Romantics, but then IT'S THAT BAD. serious snooze fest. and she emphasises participation but then asks the weirdest questions in the most roundabout so you can't answer them.
She is very passionate about what she teaches but many times she does not make sense in her comments about the reading. She goes in to other tangents. She will make yuo redo your paper if its not "good" enough. She expects a lot form her students.
If you are not into poetry, this is an incredibly agonizing class. She is a good speaker, but the information is so ridiculously boring that the lectures seem to go on forever. Okay for GE credit if you take it P/NP.
This class was very good, extremely interesting.
This teacher is as useless. She says "blah blah blah" on a regular basis when she quotes poetry and her lectures could be summed up in about ten minutes tops. She also spends way too much time asking what the students think about the poems. Who cares?
She is a good professor for this type of class, definitely a good orator. I never really was into literature but she makes bearable and even interesting, at times. I won't say she will make you enjoy it but she is the best lit teacher I've had. Do yourself a favor and read the short poems before class, bring your book, share opinions, take notes :)
Loved both Eng 103B and 197 with her. Do the reading, listen to her lectures, and write good papers. she really appreciates quality writing and has some great ideas. Romantic writers is NOT my area of interest, but she made me appreciate it.
Professor Carlson is wonderful! She is passionate about poetry and her passion really is infectious. I found myself looking forward to class each week. Also, she is very helpful if you have questions about the material covered during lecture. Cook wants you to succeed! Take her course. She is awesome!
Professor Carlson is a phenomal lecturer. I love it when a speaker is passionate and her passionate never fails to bleed into the audience. I was never interested in British literature until I took this class and now I can't get enough of it. If a class is offered with her as the speaker, take it! It will be a class that you remember.