
Rate My Professors (108)

147a . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Almost failed his class, dropped halfway through, took it with another professor later and got A. Gives trivial examples in class while homework seem like rocket science. This guy is too busy to accommodate students for extra office hours. Had other classes during his office hours so I had no chance to ask him questions, consequently the near fail.

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147a . 2 Years Ago


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MATH8 . 4 Years Ago

Very clear lecture notes. Lots of homework but exams are not that hard as homework.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Math major. Took this as my first math class at UCSB. I didn't do well for the midterm, but I studied hard for the final and got an A. After taking a lot of math courses, I think he is one of the several professors that explain things clear and organized. If you want to get an A, just do all the homework and all the recommended exercises!

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

do not take his class

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

The lectures and homework teach enough to pass, but you'll want to go to CLAS to get an A/B. The exams are much harder than the homework and the textbook is horrible so it's hard to study, but if you go to CLAS and keep up with homework you should be fine. He's an average lecturer, not amazing but not horrible.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

TBH Dai is not that good at explaining math stuffs and his lectures can be boring but he does seem caring. The class is primarily based on 1 midterm & 1 final. Most questions are fair if you read the textbook & do the hw and a few of them are slightly harder. If u learned linear algebra before/work hard on textbook&hw it's not hard to get an A.

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MATH8 . 5 Years Ago

Not a lot of room to write so I'll make bullets: -okay/average lecturer -has a sense of humor, tries to make class enjoyable -very important to read the book -go to TA's office hours -tests are mostly based off hw, so try to really understand it -bad at responding to emails -don't think he prepared me well enough for upper division math courses

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

The homework was very numbers-based, but then on the midterm and final, it was mostly proofs and not many actual problems to solve. Received almost perfect scores on all homework and quizzes, but the exams were impossible. He's a great teacher with lots of enthusiasm, however, the examples given didn't help much for preparing to take the test.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

I don't understand why so many people think Dai is not good. You can't expect all the questions on final are easy and taught before. If you are math major and come from China or India, this class will be very easy and fundamental. At least 80% of people I know got A or A+.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Dai is an excellent professor and accessible outside the class. I am not really good at math but I eventually got A. His notes and power point are organized. Just go over it after each class. Midterm and quiz are pretty easy. Final is easy with only one fair question he did not mention before. I used 10 minutes to figure that question out.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Not good

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

His lecture is boring but regular, which can completely convey what a student should know for this class. The amount of homework is little and the grading is loose, so MATH 4A teaches by him would not be a hard class.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

He's terrible at explaining things. He doesn't go through examples and there's a ton of homework on stuff never talked about in class. Don't buy the book it's dry and unhelpful. DEFINITELY find a CLAS teacher if you have Dai so you can actually learn. Got 84% on the midterm and 55% on the final worth 55%. Actually cried real tears during the final

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Lectures were okay. TA was ehhh. I went to CLAS and it helped guide me through the difficult concepts. I took the midterm got an A, then took the Final and got an F. I think (just a suggestion) you shouldn't make the final so incredibly difficult especially if it is worth 55% of your grade. This class totally ruined my major gpa.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Dude makes no sense. He doesnt explain any math problems, all of his lecture are arbitrary and he is terrible at answering questions, you might as well not go to lecture, it might just confuse you more. Pray you have a good TA! the only saving grace was the MASSIVE curve(15%), and for some reason at the end everyone's quiz grades raised to 100%

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

nice person, material itself is not that bad, but lectures werent helpful . learning myself most of the time. never tried this hard for a B. there is a curve, but barely raised my grade. good luck

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Do not take his class. If you can afford to take it with a teacher with a better rating at another time then do it. He is awful at teaching and nothing makes sense. If it was not for my awesome TA, I probably would not have even passed the class. He is absolutely terrible. The class is graded on a few things.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Our final had a question (worth 8% of the final with little partial credit) that was NEVER seen before. Dai later uploaded the graded final to gradescope, unannounced. Most students are probably still unaware of how brutally he graded our test. It seems designed to cull our averages so more students would be in the B range. I guess he succeeded.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Professor Dai is just not good at explaining any of the concepts. Even though he posts all of his lectures online, which is very helpful, I would rewatch them several times and still not understand the concept. You just have to hope for a good TA and make sure you ask them a lot of questions.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

The curve was slight for the final and only by half a grade. There's one midterm and one final. The midterm weighed 30% and the final weighed 55%. His lectures are generally boring and he records/posts them so there's no need to go. Sections are important with quizzes but they're generally pretty easy and TAs are so helpful.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

He tried his best teaching the material and making lectures interesting. His hw is tedious and doesn't emphasize key concepts well. Work through the book problems because they're more straightforward and you'll pass

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Only a 2% curve I believe, so naturally, my grade didn't get boosted at all. You'd think he'd at least give you a 3% curve so that everyone's letter grade got boosted by one stage, especially considering his inability to teach well.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

He's a very friendly guy who tries his best to help students. However, he's really bad at lecturing. It's like he dances around the theory behind major concepts, but is unable to emphasize the important connections that make the material stick. Some may dig that; I didn't. Read along and load up on CLAS and tutoring hours to make up the difference.

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