
Rate My Professors (50)

EARTH3 . 8 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU ARE NOT MAJORING IN EARTH SCIENCE. I don't think you're listening. DO NOT. If you are minoring, take Earth 4 instead. He is very knowledgeable but way too hard of a grader. The lab was the best part because I had a cool TA. One more time: don't take this class unless you absolutely have to.

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GEOLOGY3 . 8 Years Ago

He is awesome

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EARTH30 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Awramik loves earth history and is a very nice guy. Awramik is one of the authorities in his field and is very enthusiastic about the subject matter. At times lecture can be dull and slides are too wordy, but I liked learning about the history of the earth from somebody who loved talking about it.

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INT94ER . 10 Years Ago

As this was only a 1-unit seminar, I cannot speak to the quality of professor Awramik's more rigorous courses. However, my frequent conversations with him after class made it obvious that he is not only incredibly intelligent but also passionate about his field and wants to impart his knowledge to those with an interest in earth sciences.

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EARTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Horrible! Lectures are long and boring. Section labs are 2 hours and are unclear/difficult without the help of the TA. Avoid this class if you don't want your GPA to lower. Oh yeah the field trip was also the worst day of my life.

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EARTH30 . 13 Years Ago

Awramik often goes off on tangents and takes forever to explain really simple things that don't end up on the tests. The tests really weren't very hard, and they're pretty much the whole grade. Lectures are super boring but all the slides are online and you won't miss anything by not going to lecture or not reading the book. Not the best class.

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EARTH30 . 13 Years Ago

This man known his stuff! I am just taking this course because i thought that it would be interesting, but boy did i mess up. His class is very difficult and his slides are extremely wordy. He grades on a curve, one midterm, extra credit, and the Final. I will never take a course like this again!

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GEO3 . 13 Years Ago

Simple as this! if your not a geology major dont take this class, if you are try not to sleep during his lecture and re read all of his slides. Ps i heard that this class is one of the hardest class in the Geology major!!! lucky i passes lol

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GEO3 . 14 Years Ago

He is a very good professor in terms of clarity and performance. But his tests are really hard in a way( there is one time scale quiz, two midterms and a final) each of the tests have true false, short answers, maps, and a essay,,,for the final it is the same thing but one extra essay added. Dont take this class if its not your major.

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GEOL30 . 14 Years Ago

Really hard class due to how broad the subject matter is.

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GEOL30 . 15 Years Ago

Quite frankly, Awramik is the man. He's a little dry, but if you pay attention in lecture you'll learn a lot more about science than you ever imagined. His tests are very in depth, but if you pay attention in lecture and study an A is very feasible. This dude is cool. I had my doubts at first, but he's one of the best professors I've had at SB.

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GEOL30 . 15 Years Ago

He's the best lecturer I've had here, in any class. His lectures are through, clear, and memorable. However, do not make the mistake I did and skip discussion. Attendance is mandatory and discussions are interesting. Take this class if you like biology and dinosaurs as a kid.

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GEOL30 . 15 Years Ago

He's very enthusiastic and a really good professor, but his tests are a little hard. Study and you should be fine.

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GEOL30 . 15 Years Ago

Somewhat interesting class, but only if you try to actively participate. Can be boring at times. A lot of the information is available online for you, so missing lectures isn't too big of a deal.

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GEO300 . 16 Years Ago

This guy is the best out there to teach a class on paleo. After his class the books look out of date. He brings the latest to the class, he's well informed about what's going on in the field. So, in terms of info he's the best. Now, his class is not easy for the non-readers, but if you stay awake and think you can easily get an A.

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GEOL3 . 17 Years Ago

Awramik is pretty good. There are a TON of slides/stuff to remember, so try to keep up with the class. Tests can be difficult if you don't study as they are pretty in depth. Overall a fair grader and a great lecturer.

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GEOL30 . 18 Years Ago

First off, you gotta dig his badass neck-beard. But this guy is super qualified and has the lecturing skills to prove it. Puts tons of time into helping students, if they just ask. Also, take his honors section. It's just an hour a week of him helping you get the subject better. Tough stuff, but he makes it interesting.

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GEOL . 18 Years Ago

Great professor. Very willing to go out of his way to help students. Eager to share his ideas.

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GEOLOGY3 . 18 Years Ago

Super nice guy. Class was too early and not too exciting.

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GEO30 . 19 Years Ago

He is an extremely nice man, very enthusiastic about the subject, and willing to help out students, but the class is really hard. The lecture topics don't seem relevant, but they are. Keep up w/ the reading and do the extra credit.

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GEO30 . 19 Years Ago

NICEST man ever! Willing to help anyone and VERY understanding. However, his lectures are boring. But, he has power point on the web, so that's good.

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GEOL30 . 19 Years Ago

BORING!! He covers material slowly, which is good if you can stay awake. When I look around during class most are doodling and trying not to fall asleep. Nice guy, eager to help those interested, but just keep in mind, the first half of the class is all about bacteria...ugh

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GEOL30 . 19 Years Ago

This class was NOT easy. He was a nice man, but his tests are IMPOSSIBLE and unfair. Don't take his class...I've heard from numerous people that they got their worst grades in college in this class. WARNING!

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GEO30 . 19 Years Ago


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