
Rate My Professors (28)

RGST15 . 11 Years Ago

He is a big southern sweetheart. The lectures are a little dull so it helps if youre interested. The essay wasnt difficult, and neither were the midterm and final. He gave us the free responses before the final and surprised us by letting us choose which ones we wanted to do. Very nice of him i thought.

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RGST15 . 12 Years Ago

Very good teacher, lectures are interesting. Don't really need to do all the reading. Tests aren't hard but they aren't a very good test of the material you are supposed to learn. Overall good teacher, I enjoyed the class.

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RGST15 . 12 Years Ago

I thought the class would be more interesting than it was. ATTEND SECTION. going to section will make the midterm a joke&the final much easier. stay on top of the psychologists reading as they'll all start blurring together. Paper is really easy but time consuming. lecture can get boring. skip the "TA lectures" as they wont be on the midterm/final

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RGST15 . 12 Years Ago

I want to stress you dont need to read any of the novels only read the Theories book. Midterm is easy b/c they basically give you the test before. Paper is easy. IDK how the final is im taking it in 1 hour :O

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RGST15 . 12 Years Ago

This was one of my first college classes. In retrospect, I did all the reading out of fear more then necessity. Roof is entertaining, and he loves the subject. There was a lot of reading, but only basic comprehension was necessary. The class is simple and requires only attentiveness and common sense. Your TA will be your primary resource.

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RGST152 . 13 Years Ago

Takes role randomly so you have to go every time, but lectures are usually interesting discussion or entertaining movies... Makes the tests hard to study for though since the content is not set in stone. Tons of reading that he randomly chooses questions from, but the books are interesting!

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RG15 . 14 Years Ago

Didn't feel the need to attend lecture, just read the book and know the differences between the theorists. Not as interesting of a class as I thought.

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RGST15 . 14 Years Ago

This class is so useless and boring.

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RGST152 . 14 Years Ago

His lectures are unorganized and sometimes kind of ridiculous. There was a midterm and final and three assignments, but they aren't bad. There were 5 books but I didn't read all of them and got an A-. MT was 10mc 3 short answer. Final was 3 essays and he gave us the topics beforehand.

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REL15 . 15 Years Ago


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RS152 . 15 Years Ago

american religion. very enthusiastic. he is adorable, funny (in his old school way) nd just a fun class to attend- very interesting and addictive readings- paper assignments were actually enjoyable due to the interesting content

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RGST15 . 15 Years Ago

A little diappointed in the class. Roof didn't encourage much class discussion or independent thought and was frequently unwilling to answer student questions. Extremely disappointed that rather than lecturing, Roof frequently played films. Easy class though.

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RGST15 . 15 Years Ago

This class kind of a joke. It has really no structure and the TA's do everything. Go to discussion since they are the one's who really grade you. Easy class, easy tests, but lots of reading. Oh and sometimes he takes random attendance.

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RG15 . 15 Years Ago

Dr. Roof is extremely passionate for his area of work and is always available for conversation. He focuses on the most interesting and contraversial aspects of the material.

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RGST15 . 15 Years Ago

He is a very nice professor who will answer your questions. He takes random attendance. I attended because I respect him. A lot of reading. Tests are easy. Interesting material and discussion.

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RGST15 . 16 Years Ago

The class itself is kind of boring, the section really makes the class because the readings are REALLY interesting. Paper is kind of tedious, but midterm and final are not hard. Roof is a cute man, means no harm, just not the most engaging lecturer.

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RELST15 . 16 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class, but it did focus on the general theories of people who studied religion, not just their theories about religion. The professor was great and always kept me awake. If you go to class, there really isn't much of a need to do the readings, or vice versa. PS: Memorize definitions for key terms, and you'll ace the exams.

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RGST15 . 16 Years Ago

I didn't really go to lecture very often (1-2 times a week) and did practically none of the reading and got a B+. Not really a psychology of religion class, more psychology w/ religious elements. I pretty much considered this class to be a joke, great easy GE though.

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RS152 . 16 Years Ago

This class is hard to take seriously. I did almost none of the reading and got a B+. It's kind of a boring class. His lectures aren't very intellectually challenging. Take him if you just need another random class, assuming you are not in the religious studies major. Takes random attendance. Must write 4 short essay assignments.

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RS152 . 18 Years Ago

Roof is a good teacher, and a good guy. I like to take classes with him.

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RGST152 . 18 Years Ago

I loved this class and the way in which he taught it. You could easuly follow his lectures because the mirrored the readings, which were also beyond excelent. I would suggest taking any of his classes.

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RELSTUD . 19 Years Ago

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RELST . 19 Years Ago

It is unbelievable that this guy teaches at a UC. He is so easy that it is disturbing. Want an easy A, take him. But don't expect to learn very much, because he doesn't really think through any of his ideas. Challenge him intellectually, and watch his back off, because he can't follow you.

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RGST15 . 20 Years Ago

How does a bad professor end up department chair? Pointless, unrelated lectures, worthless section (which he headed), decent essay topics, poor tests. Interesting readings, tho, and fairly easy.

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