Rate My Professors (44)

ME156 . Beltz G 17 Years Ago

I have worked with Dr. Beltz both as a Prof. and an administrator. As a Prof. he is top notch - excellent teaching style. As an administrator Dr. Beltz is truly concerned with the well being of his students. He has recently helped organize support for engr students during finals week. Just one of the many things Dr. Beltz does to help his students.

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ME230 . Beltz G 17 Years Ago

Best Prof ever. Great teacher, interactive class and allow students to participate in class. Makes a mediocre subject very intriguing! Anyone who says malicious things about him must be crazy and have no interest in engineering.

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ME197 . Beltz G 17 Years Ago

There are stuffy, secluded professors who mutter about their subject with little interest; Glenn is not one of them. If you'd rather learn engineering from someone more like your pranksterous older brother, seek him out.

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ME15 . Beltz G 18 Years Ago

awesome teacher!

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ME14 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

i think beltz comes off sorta weird and unhelpful but my feelings for him totally turned around when i had him for a teacher. he is straight forward and teaches and tests on the basics. he is a strong believer that if you study what he teaches you will do

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ME1514153 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

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INT94BW . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

Great for anyone, any major, interested in airplanes & flight. Cool field trip to airport (walked on the tarmac!), saw plane videos & fun movieclips. Work load is minimal - like microscopic - but there. Have to read 1 pg articles & write down any questions you have. Teacher & sub - super approachable & HOT! Couldn't decide who I hoped for each day!

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ME14 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

like how everyone else says, he is one of the best professors out there. he is helpful, clear, and will spend time with you to get you to pass the class and understand the material. he is great in learning your names and after the class is over, he still remembers you. take this class if you can

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ME15 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

Best Professor I have ever had (and will ever have for that matter). He makes class fun. Yes thats right, I actually enjoyed an engineering class! I learned (and rememberd) most every concept he presented. Take any class he teaches!!

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ME15 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

Beltz is the man, thats all there is to it. He is very fair in grading and he is entertaining while teaching. Very helpful and directly answers questions. Highly recommended.

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ME15 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

The best professor I have had. His lectures are very clear and at times entertaining. You won't find somewhere better to teach you this material. Tests are reasonable, and reflect the homework in terms of difficulty. Very helpful and will leave you wishing you had him for all engineering classes.

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ME14 . Beltz G 19 Years Ago

Dr. Beltz is a great teacher, and like people said, does take the time to learn everyone's name, and, more importantly was able to make Statics interesting. He also makes himself available to his students and is very fair. I wish I could like all of my professors this much.

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ME110 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

It is obvious that through Dr. Beltz's teaching he really cares about the students. He is always avalable and his lectures are clear and easy to understand. I learned more from Dr. Beltz in the classes that I have taken at UCSB than any other prof.

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ME153156 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

Beltz is the best teacher I have ever had. He really goes out of his way to make a difference; he helps out students not only with their questions but also counsels them when in need. Thanks Professor Beltz!

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ME153156 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

A great teacher, it is amazing that he cares enough to expend the time and effort to learn each person’s name. He demands respect from the class, but only because he is giving you the same respect in return

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ME197 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

AWESOME and really cares how students do in his classes. relates well with all students and listens to their concerns as well as trys to accomodate all requests. spent extra office hour time with me when my grades were slipping in order to understand!

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ME14 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

All the professors at UCSB should be as great as Dr. Beltz. He's always available and his teaching brings clarity to even tough subjects. He loves teaching and it shows.

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ME14 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

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ME14 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

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ME14 . Beltz G 20 Years Ago

AWESOME PROFESSOR. He turned a boring subject like statics into a lot of fun. He was really helpfull and a very fair tester and grader. His tests tested you on the material covered and they were never impossibly hard. If you knew your stuff you get an A.

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