
Rate My Professors (23)

LING146 . 4 Years Ago

Nice guy but dull lecturer and hard to follow sometimes, especially bc he passes through his slides quickly. Not inherently difficult material, but sometimes very dense.

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LING115 . 5 Years Ago

Great guy. Excellent teacher. Really loves what he does and it's really cool the way students are kept engaged in the frequent class discussions. He provides printed handouts to follow along but they are online too. Lecture covers them and adds a bit to em so it's worth it to show up to class. I found the material very easy and enjoyable. 10/10.

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LING106 . 7 Years Ago

Love this class, not only because this is my major. The project is stressful but every other aspect of that class is really easy-going. The professor is such a sweet man. If I could, I would take this class again!

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LING106 . 12 Years Ago

Probably the easiest Phonetics teacher: 3 MC quizzes, production test and project (all easy); 2 quizzes (the hardest part). You learn the IPA and how to produce, but not much else from the book. Not complaining though as what he does teach, he teaches well. He is also very helpful outside of class. Do the readings for yourself, not the class. GREAT

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LING106 . 12 Years Ago

Very friendly. Willing to help outside of class. You can learn a lot from him in office hours if you are interested in his field of study. Definitely a great professor to talk to! I wish I could've taken more of his classes! Tests are based on Notes and definitions from book. Project was do-able; just don't procrastinate!

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LING107 . 14 Years Ago

This is a fun class. Gordon was really funny and helpful whenever there were questions. The book is not necessary as long as you go to lecture. He gives you the notes in class and the test problems are exactly like the homework assignments. Section was absolutely useless, but attendance was still required.

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LING106 . 16 Years Ago

Class was pretty boring, though it was funny hearing a huge group of students make funny sounds. He's not a very good teacher, so you basically end up teaching yourself. But the class was easy, just basically memorization. He grades easy, plus he's freaking adorable. DON'T BOTHER BUYING THE BOOK! You never use it, and it's expensive.

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LING106 . 17 Years Ago

One of greatest professors in entire human history. He's so passionate about the subject and so compassionate to his students. He actually TEACHES so that students ENJOY LEARNING, unlike other "Teach"ers who just make students feel miserable & not interested. You will not regret taking him. His TA Uldis is also down to earth cool guy. Mad props!

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LING106 . 18 Years Ago

I took this class, expecting it to be really easy, and it most definitely wasn't. You don't need to read the book or anything, but there is a lot of memorization involved. You get to watch him make awesome noises and faces in class, though. It was worth it, but not by much.

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LING106 . 18 Years Ago

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LING111 . 18 Years Ago

He's still a nice guy, but this class was almost too easy. I attended about half the time, didn't look at the book, didn't study (just did the homework), and got an A+. I think the class is designed for beginning linguistics students, and I'm a senior, but still. . . man, it was trivial. He's a personable guy, though, and makes the class fun.

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LING106 . 19 Years Ago

overall nice guy, helpful and his classes are so damn easy... i took him ofr ling 20 a couple of years ago and got an A without buying the book... did the same for this class too... 3 mini quizes, 2 quizes a really easy project and a 10 minuet oral final... no midterm... way easy

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LING106 . 19 Years Ago

A very easygoing guy. The class material was pretty trivial, I thought, but he at least made the lectures interesting. When you ask him a question you feel like he's really thinking about it and answering you sincerely, not just brushing you off. He's a nice fellow and I look forward to taking Phonology from him next quarter.

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LING . 19 Years Ago

good teacher- pretty hot.

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LING20 . 20 Years Ago

Really clear and easy class... he breaks down material. He does everythong on power point and you can cet em' online- I hear from other students that the other prof. who teac the class are really bad so only take it if gordon is there-PS. I never got the book &never read for the class- I got an A.

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LING106 . 20 Years Ago

Gordon is a breath of fresh air. His classes are usually pretty small, he actually grades some of the work, and he's nice and helpful. A lot of the classes I've taken at UCSB have been with profs who lecture for an hour for the paycheck and forget about the students, Gordon seems to actually care.

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LING20 . 20 Years Ago

Class was pretty easy. Used powerpoints and everything was structured well. My TA was awesome. go to office hours so if you make a mistake on the test, at least the TA will know you know it and push up your grade.

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LING106 . 20 Years Ago

It's a tough class but it's not that hard to get through. You have to study, but the book is next to useless. The project saved my grade because the tests were hard. A lot of memorization.

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LING20 . 20 Years Ago

This class is extremely interesting, and Prof. Gordon makes it pretty clear. The midterm took some studying but it was not too hard. All in all, great class and great teacher.

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LING20 . 20 Years Ago

Gordon is a nice guy, but more importantly he is a great teacher. Even when the subject becomes dry, he never seems to drone on. Easy to pay attention.

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LING111 . 21 Years Ago

a nice person, but very dry with his phonology. the lecures are exactly the same every day, with no variation of teaching strategy. you do get to know the material pretty well though.

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LING20 . 21 Years Ago

Doctor Gordon is a light hearted person and very understanding, he doesnt require too much work but makes sure you are actually learning something

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LING20 . 21 Years Ago

Dr. Gordon is so much fun to have for linguistics! He really loves phonology, and allows us to debate color terminology and fringe semantic prototypes for far too long. He's a very helpful guy, and easy to understand.

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