
Rate My Professors (29)

MATH4520 . 9 Years Ago

His lectures weren't overly clear but he is more than willing to help. He is kind hearted and definitely helps if you go to office hours. Tests were very similar to practice exams!

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PSTAT120A . 14 Years Ago

Not bad at all like people make him out to be. Tests are fairly easy if you know the material fine. Does have an accent but explains material fine with enough examples in class. Laid-back personality.

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PSTAT120A . 15 Years Ago

please do your self a favor and never take his class... you will thank your self for doing so.... trust me!

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PSTAT120A . 15 Years Ago

Great professor. Clearly presents the material. The correct TA will really help. He is funny and doesn't give you any BS. Exams are not bad if you follow the in-class examples and pay attention to the review.

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PSTAT120A . 15 Years Ago

He is a really nice and funny guy, but he did not really try to help students. he would talk to you if you go to OH, but he would not actually help you understand the class better. when I went to talk to him about some questions, all he said was that I should get a tutor (which I needed to pay for). his lecture is too hard and not clear at all.

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PSTAT210 . 15 Years Ago

Awesome professor, take him for measure theory! Explains things well in class, uses examples, goes over material again if needed to help his students. Also, he is funny at times. Not too much HW, most of which bearable. Also, no exams, how sweet is that!

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PSTAT5A . 17 Years Ago

His accent is ridiculously strong. I spent half the cl**** just trying to understand what he was saying. You will learn 10 times more just by reading the book than by attending his lectures. His tests are difficult as he words his questions to try and trick people.

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PSTAT5E . 18 Years Ago

He is VERY BORING! His lectures are a pain. I would recommend takeing CLAS and not going to his lectures. The class itself is fairly easy - just DO YOUR HW!!! And you will do great! One + is that the practice midterm/finals were very simular to actual tests! But I would avoid taking any other classes with him.

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PSTAT5E . 18 Years Ago

I would't recommend this professor to anyone. Although the professor is smart, he lacks the skill of teaching, which makes the class EXTREMELY boring. Many times during lectures it seems that he does not talk to students, but that he talks to himself. His hand gestures are totally out of the context. The class is easy, but you learn NOTHING in it.

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PSTAT5E . 18 Years Ago

take CLAS if u need help. his notes were all online, and i rarely went because he was so boring. the book explains it better than he does. if you do the hw, the quizzes in section are just like them, and his tests are almost exactly like the practice tests.

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

hard to understand...take CLAS for him

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PSTATS5E . 19 Years Ago

GGRR. This professor was not clear, interesting or especially good at teaching. I didn't take CLAS and it almost killed me. Quizes are insane, he gives them to you ahead of time, and the midterm was pretty easy too. Lectures are a waste of time and no one goes.

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

ok so I guess everyone gave him a sad face. It's all because of his retarded BELL CURVE. every point counts. I passed it with a A- because I took CLAS and I constantly have to make sure everything is clear. Don't be afraid to get help or else you'll be screwed.

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

He has a true bell curve, which is so bad (99% on midterm equaled B- b/c 30% of students got 100%!) Tests are easy & just like practice tests but EACH point counts so much b/c of curve. Take CLAS b/c u are truely in competition for a decent grade. He is very unclear but full notes are online

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

UGH he is HORRRIBLE! i am SO empowered by the poor quality of teaching that I am taking action, i never want to see this man in a teaching profession again. if you hate him, too, join the crusade! and TAKE CLAS! it will save you!

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

He has a thick eastern european accent and it takes some time getting used to it. However, the class in general is pretty easy and he gives a practice midterm and final which helps a lot. The midterm was ridiculously easy.

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PSTAT5E . 19 Years Ago

He's extremely boring, and you can probably learn better from the book, CLAS, and your TAs. And the notes are online, which is not a big incentive to go to class. His class makes me wanna sleep, and his accent is so annoying. Just keep up with the "homeverk" and you'll be ok.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

Horrible Professor, simply reads powerpoint slides. Does not have much experience teaching and shows it. A shame he is the only one teaching this stupid class.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

o god. he does not know what he's talking about. boring lectures where he basically reads from the book but worse, he makes mistakes that the book doesn't make. basically learn from the book and ta's.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

While his lectures are very boring and he does not communicate very well...this class was insanely easy. I learned everything from the book and it didn't matter that the teacher is a little odd.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

Avoid taking his class if you can. He likes to "surprise" you in pop quizes, midterms and finals. What he said about the test might be totally different than what's actually on the test. His lectures do not help at all, go to CLAS.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

What a shady guy...isn't really clear on what's goin on in his head. Lectures are the most boring thing I've been to.

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

this guy has no idea as to what to teach... no one can learn anything from this instructor in 5E. thanks to the TAs i can hope to pass this course. in short he SUCKS....

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PSTAT5E . 20 Years Ago

Although the material covered in this class is relatively easy, he does not know how to teach it. I basically learned everything from CLAS and just by reading the book on my own. Going to lecture is a waste of time, just go for his "pop up" qu

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