
Rate My Professors (13)

ARTHI130D . 3 Months Ago

This was one of my favorite professors at UCSB. She is very passionate about what she teaches which makes learning easy. Attendance is not mandatory, but if you want to succeed you must go to lectures. Material is not easily accessible online and most content is provided in lecture. She is very open about grading criteria.

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ARTHI6H . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

lecture material was very important, readings were easily manageable and the midterm grading was so chill! as long as you go to class you'll do great, though lectures can be really boring. midterm, research paper, final, and extra credit for seeing the campus art museum.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

I liked Professor Boswell's lectures a lot, and her readings were not too long, and relevant. The overarching project was a decent amount of work, but doable if you space it out and don't cram like I did. Overall would recommend for a pretty easy GE.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

Make sure not to feel anxious about this class. Especially for most students who only have three classes, this class is given too much homework. If it is a compulsory course, it is recommended to choose other courses or communicate with the school to apply for a course change

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

This class was very enjoyable to me since I like art history. Professor Boswell carried out great lectures; easy to follow and included pictures and videos. There are writing assignments on top of a midterm, but nothing was hard. As long as you did the readings and attended lectures it wasn't hard to understand the concepts. Great GE!

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

Maybe it was because it was online, but I found this class super boring. Lectures felt very unorganized and slides were basically just photos so you had to go to class to get all the information. Luckily, tests were easy as she gave the essay prompts ahead of time, but still would not take again.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

I took ARTHI 6H online but it was really interesting! Tbh you can get by without doing all the readings, section is helpful and the class is overall good. We had one bigger project spread out over the course of the class. Midterm and final were not too bad but a little difficult. We did an awesome close-looking exercise and saw artifacts in person.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

Be prepared to take notes. You can play a drinking game to the number of "ums" the professor says during her lectures. This class was only offered online even though in-person classes were in session. They were disorganized, and if you missed class, there was no way to retrieve information from her presentations.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

Prof Boswell was super nice and was very knowledgeable on the content of the course, but her lectures were kind of inconsistent and really hard for me to follow and she kind of barely breezed over a lot of terms that were key on tests.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

The professor literally doesn't include any textual description on her slides regarding the terms she listed out for the test range, and she still expected us to know all of the terms, asking us to consult only notes and materials covered in class without using any outside source. She did not record lectures.

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ARTHI6H . 2 Years Ago

If the materials reviewed in review sections are not allowed to be put on final exams, what is the purpose of review sections? No recording, few words on powerpoints, not allowed to use outside sources (even if you simply used it for review), but looooooots of materials to cover. Not recommended.

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ARTHI6H . 3 Years Ago

Mannnnnnn be prepared to pay attention to lectures because this class is mostly midterms and finals where you have to get ready to info dump. Info dumping summarizes this class well because she just talks a wholllleeee lotta crap and you're expected to memorize it all with very little tools except your memory + notes.

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ARTHI6H . 4 Years Ago

I took the class to get a writing req done, but I ended up loving the class. I thought the info was super interesting, and Boswell was a great lecturer. Definitely recommend attending class because not everything is on the PowerPoints she posts online. 2 Essays that build on each other, graded pretty easy. Final and midterm were relatively easy too

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