
Rate My Professors (15)

CS165B . 9 Months Ago

Really great lectures, also has a lot of review if you're rusty on background math. Sometimes lectures can be paced poorly though, leading to rushed explanations of very technical or math heavy concepts. Assignments were on the easier end. Exams also were more conceptual rather than math or proof heavy.

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CS165B . 9 Months Ago

Great CS professor. I learned so many things in his class. He has a strong background in Math, so maybe you will find it hard to follow him, but the hard part will not be covered in the exam. Choose his course, learn machine learning and get an A!

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CMPSC165A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I took 165A and 165B concurrently and find that 165A is much harder than 165B. I spent more than 30 hours per week for 165A while less than 15 hours for 165B. Finally, I got A+ in 165B and A in 165A. Lecture is not easy to follow and his slides are not well organized, but Prof. Wang is really nice and ready to help all students.

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CMPSC165A . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I just created a rmp account just for wang because I was really disappointed to see such a low score. I think he's improved over the years, and his lectures were very understandable, and the homework (which seems to be the main complaint over the past years) has become optional. If you're confused about anything just ask him, hes VERY eager to help

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CMPSC165A . 2 Years Ago

Prof. Wang's teaching is amazing. Interesting lecture, along with good visual assistance. My personal feeling is that the homework, tests, and the lecture is overly hard compared to other 4 units classes in this Uni. Probably take this immediately after CS111 and stats classes would be helpful or you forget all the data manipulations in Python.

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CS165A . 2 Years Ago

Homework are too hard.

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CS165A . 3 Years Ago

This professor is so bad it's actually funny. His lectures give you complex equations without any real explanation as to how they work. He teaches like phd so it's hard for undergraduates to follow. Don't take this class unless you have prior experience with AI. His hw takes forever to understand and do. Only positive is he is a nice guy.

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CS165A . 4 Years Ago

I actually enjoyed having this professor and don't know why the reviews are so negative. The tests and homework were difficult but he had a generous curve. I also liked that he also put effort into making the class more modern and teaching about more recent developments in AI opposed to the standard topics for 165A.

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CMPSC165A . 4 Years Ago

Professor Wang is by far, the worst professor at UCSB. He is careless of his students's needs, discourages collaboration, and assumes we can easily understand very complex material. I was looking forward to learning more about AI, but was disheartened by his teaching. Expect a bunch of complex formulas to be thrown at you without explanation.

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CS165A . 4 Years Ago

Professor Wang is very knowledgable but fails to convey this knowledge to undergrads in an "introductory" AI course. The homeworks are very tough and hard to understand. The programming assignments are fun but usually only 30% of the homework, 70% is written and usually takes hours to even understand the questions.

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CS165A . 4 Years Ago

Really smart and nice professor but he teaches still as a PhD and skips through a lot of logical inference and derivation of theorem when presenting you the knowledge. In other word, you're given a lot of what instead of how and why which are significantly important. We crammed in too many concepts in this course.

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CS165A . 4 Years Ago

His teaching gives you a feeling that he is still working like a PhD instead of an assistant professor, which means several things: 1. Lectures and in-class explanation are elusive and obscure to follow. 2. He doesnt prepare his way of presentation in a way that is easier for undergrad to understand. Way too many formal expression.

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CS165A . 4 Years Ago

His homework is the most difficult thing I have ever seen and it weights a large portion of the course grade. The lecture is slightly fast and confusing because he was trying to cover a whole lot of materials in a short amount of time. He seems to be a very nice person though.

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CMPSC165A . 4 Years Ago

The homework takes 60% and they are hard, overloaded and inconsistent with the lecture. This is the second time this professor teaches and it is even harder than last time. Everyone is complaining about him. Just try to avoid him for your health.

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CMPSC165A . 4 Years Ago

Does not make a significant effort to be a good professor yet is convinced he is a great teacher. Has changed policies on his syllabus on the fly. Rarely offers support for anything and often contradicts himself. One of the worst professors I've had. Says reading is required but never refers to it. Difficult homework has little to do with lecture.

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