Rate My Professors (83)

GLOB1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

Super kind and accomodating. Very accessible and understanding. Refreshing to have such a respectful prof who cares about you as a student and as a human!

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

3 quizzes, the last one is your final. There is one paper that is the midterm. Attendance wasn't mandatory as he also records his lectures. The book is hard to read but he goes over key points from the reading in his lectures. 10/10 professor because he cares about his students and tries to make the class easy. Don't be afraid to take Prof. Moak!

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

Hes a very nice professor and his lectures are very flowing and informative. The slides are simple and his tests are mainly lecture based. He tries to keep the peace as best he can and does his best to create a fun dynamic learning environment.

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

His slides are super dense, lots of bullet points; however, he does a nice job summarizing the textbook through the powerpoint slides. Weekly news discussion posts, 2 pop quizzes, midterm consists of 2 papers, and the final is an MCQ. Pay attention during lectures and read the textbook or you will regret it!

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

Great dude. Without a doubt, will make himself available to you if you have questions or a general interest in the material. Really enjoyed the class and would take again.

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

Really dope professor and was super understaning. If you try you will easily pass the class. Even if you dont really try you'll still at least get a B. Tries to lighten the mood and crack jokes and will stay after to talk about anything with you.

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GLOBLST1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

Very clearly cares about his students, and made my life a little easier/more interesting during a pretty crappy time to be alive.

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GLOBLST1 . Moak D 3 Years Ago

The textbook that this class uses is unnecessarily dense. I did fine on the midterm (2 essays) and 2 pop quizzes without doing the readings. Professor Moak cares about his students and it shows when attending office hours. The lectures are when you learn the most!

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Given the COVID/protest circumstances, Prof. Moak was very fair, in that his tests (including his pop quizzes) were doable if you followed his lectures. The class isn't too much work and he's clear and very informative in the way he presents the material. He clearly cares about his students.

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

The class was presented very nicely as a chronological survey of globalizing processes. The grading was fairly generous (remember though that this is the COVID online quarter) and the professor was very attentive to the students.

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CLIT30B . Moak D 4 Years Ago

As English is my second language, this class requires tremendous time for me to read and understand, and it requires some self-studying. However, the professor is very nice and caring. two papers, no midterm/final.

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FR154E . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Prof. Moak is passionate about French history. The class was extremely interesting and engaging. Grade is based solely on attendance & two 5-8 page essays. The first essay's prompt was given a week in advance and the final paper, which was an open prompt, was given two weeks in advance. Clear structure, interesting lecture. Overall, good prof.

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

his lectures are very boring and difficult to pay attention to. i don't know WHAT he's thinking with his powerpoints because every slide has a minimum of 3 PARAGRAPHS copied and pasted onto it from the book so you have no idea what to write down. overall class is pretty easy, don't really need to go to lecture

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Of the 17 lectures for this class, I attended maybe 7 at the most, only did a handful of the assigned readings yet I still got an A. His slides are ridiculous and completely impossible to read. His speech is always overly complex and jumbled. Going to class is a complete waste of time, just attend sections and go through slides at home.

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Not great, but he's very approachable and you can tell he cares

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Professor Moak is a nice guy who knows a lot about Global. Lectures are based on powerpoints that have A LOT of info on each slide so its kind of hard to pay attention. Slides are posted on GS so you don't really need to go to class. Pop quizzes were super easy and also on GS. This class was pretty easy overall

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

I don't know why people are so harsh here. He's honestly not that bad and he's well-intentioned. He just should focus on his powerpoints

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Yo this guy is too much Fr. He literally just made a bunch of good reviews on this page to cover how terrible of a teacher he is. I honestly dont know how this guy got a job here bc he is bottom of the barrel quality! I came to UCSB for the high level of quality education and this dude doesnt exemplify anything relatively close to that.

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

A bit boring but very kind

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Enjoyable for the most part

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Excellent professor. You can tell he's starting out, but very encouraging

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Professor Moak is highly knowledgeable and extremely kind. This was his first time teaching this course, so he had a learning curve, but he definitely engaged me in the material

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GLOBAL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

i just wanna know who taught this man how to create powerpoints

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GLOBL1 . Moak D 4 Years Ago

Prof Moak lacks a focus for all of his slides and his case studies fail to actually reinforce the point he's trying to make. There is no need to include huge chunks of text from the book (we all own the book too!) to "cite your sources", a powerpoint isn't an essay. His lecture slides are super dense but not helpful at all.

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