Rate My Professors (45)

PSY10B . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

Dr. Albada is a really sweet professor and I loved her for 10A, but 10B was more difficult for me. The TA's weren't allowed to tell you if answers were correct outside of "you're on the right track" which is fine for the free-response but a little ridiculous on the math portion when we all need the same answer anyways.

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PSY10A . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

She is a great professor and clearly cares for students. If you want a good grade go to office hours. She is super helpful in working through the proposal. The best professor I have had at ucsb. The class takes a lot of time dedication, especially the assignments and proposal. No final or midterm but 3 noncumulative quizzes

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PSY10A . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

Despite teaching PSY10A for the first time, everything was so organized and clear. She posts assignment examples as well as quiz review sheets so you know what to study for. My TAs and the prof. really helped me with my research proposal. They didn't make me feel dumb for asking questions. Excited to have her for PSY10B!

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PSY10B . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

The grading criteria is super clear. Class is hw assignments (drop lowest) and 4 quizzes (1 retake) and 1 lab per week. She posts vids for hw examples,so if you keep up with those & the short lecture vids you'll be golden. USE TA and Prof Office Hours. 10/10 recommend cause they'll literally help you with the hw since TA's grade kinda rough.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

She put a lot of effort into making the class work as well as it could for everyone given it was online. She's super fair about grading, she's big into making sure you understand the conceptual element of stats. Very solid choice. Her lectures are pretty good, but nothing spectacular; she uses a lot of examples which is great.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

Dr. Albada was so great this quarter. You can tell that she really put in the work to transition the course online and kept us on track with the material. She made me feel really capable of doing well in the class even though I was worried about understanding Stats. Very caring and sweet professor who challenges and encourages you in the best way.

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10A . Albada N A 3 Years Ago

Such a great professor! She is super sweet and fun which keeps lectures engaging. Always answers questions in depth and tries her best to make sure everyone understands. All exams are lecture content heavy, pretty much all from lecture slides. If you pay attention in lecture and take good notes you will be fine!

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PSY10B . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

Her tests were challenging because there were only 30 questions and not enough time to do calculations (like at all). Grade is made of 3 exams (lowest dropped) HW and attendance. Ecoach is EC. Overall her lectures are clear. Her tests are concept heavy so make sure you know what each part of the equation and pay attention to the R lab results.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

Shes a great lecturer but not a good professor. Her grading criteria is unrealistic & she takes off points for every little thing so your final grade is not a reflection of what you actually understand. Shes also not approachable at all & does not care about her students. Ive had many experiences with her being rude or impatient at office hours

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PSY10B . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

She's very understanding and cares that you understand the concepts. She also puts up lecture slides and videos on how to do the calculation probs online. If you do your homework with the resources given to you, do the review sheets, and read the txtbk for unclear concepts, you'll do well. Honestly I think she's great

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PSY10B . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

she IS the best

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PSY10A . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

If you can take 10A with her DO IT! You absolutely do not need to buy the book, because she tells you exactly what to look up for the midterm which is extremely easy if you put in effort to study and pay attention. Research proposal is biggest part of grade. She's super sweet and such a mom. Makes things very clear and can't wait to take 10B

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PSY160NA . Albada N A 4 Years Ago

Love this prof! I took PSY 10B with her last year and took this course because I was a fan of hers originally. She is very flexible with students, emphasizes importance in participation and has a clear grading criteria with vastly different categories to give students more than one way to succeed. Would definitely take her class again.

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PSY10A . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

An amazing professor. The research proposal is hard but she was very accessible outside the class. Her advice was extremely helpful. Definitely wanna take again.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

I took both 10A and 10B with Dr. Albada, and she is great! I like her teaching style but I never go to lectures (because I'm lazy, don't be me), yet I still got decent grades (A-). Take this class with her!

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PSY10A . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

Dr. Albada is an all-around solid professor. She communicates clearly and effectively at a reasonable pace. Knows her stuff. I wasn't like OMG SHE'S THE BEST but you know, she's cool. Grading is reasonable, too.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

Cares a lot about making material digestible for students. All around super sweet lady. Only thing I have to say is that she doesn't do the best job at showing students how to do the calculations. Gives the equation, but doesnt show you how to calculate anything then marks you down on Hw for doing calculations wrong.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

She is a new teacher to UCSB so there were some hiccups with her grading style due to this but otherwise it was a pretty solid class. It was definitely not easy but if you put in a lot of work, ask TA's for help with homework and go to office hours you can do well. My biggest complaint would be the grading but hopefully this gets perfected soon

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

She's honestly meh. Her lectures do not really line up with the textbook so it is a little weird. she is really helpful though!

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

Dr. Albada is new to UCSB and shes a great professor. Her examples and the way she explains make statistics easy. The class is not an easy A, but its defintely achievable if you put the work in. I highly recommend her.

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PSY10B . Albada N A 5 Years Ago

Dr. Albada is new to UCSB but she's a pretty solid choice. Her tests were kind of tricky and she had some really hard questions that were poorly worded. But overall, she's very accessible and helpful during office hours and if you do all the hw diligently and read the textbook, you'll get a solid grade.

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