
Rate My Professors (25)

CHST1C . 9 Years Ago

Class was not as exciting as I thought it would be. Very repetitive and to a certain point found lecture pointless. Overall, easy class only 3 short papers, 3 quizzes,and a final. Not too bad for one of my first classes at UCSB. Teaching skills could have been more entertaining; pretty dull towards the end.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Prof. Yosso was passionate about the course she was teaching but only stated her opinion on things instead of teaching the material. Lectures were boring/pointless & her study guide for the final did not help. If you keep up with the reading and know every term, you should be able to pass. Three quizzes, a midterm, final and paper were assigned.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Showed up to the first few days, got a feel for the professors style of lecture, and didn't show up to anything but sections until the final. The professor over exaggerates her voice and puts on an show like she's an actress on a stage. I could complain for days. Just don't take this class as long as Yosso is lecturing it.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

She was a very annoying professor and her lecturers did not always make sense. The class had many readings that overlapped and she did not teach the course well.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Absolutely most annoying professor ever.Uses overly complicated words just to sound smart. I only enjoyed the readings and my section. (Take Magdas section)U will pull through if u read the reader and try to understand the material. Lies to u about her availability outside office hours, classifying you as not important enough for her time.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

I could not stand this class. The professor's Minnesotan accent combined with her attempt to sound Mexican was nails on a chalkboard. I learned absolutely nothing from her lectures. Readings were unbearably boring. TA was unprofessional and cussed a lot in class and was a harsh grader. Course material was bogus. Do not take this class. Trust me.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Its honestly hard to describe how bad this professor is. She substitutes actual teaching for movies and when she tries to give a lecture she starts ranting about anything that crosses her mind. She blames everything on white people. I did not learn a single thing from her lectures. You should only take this class if you are desperate for GE's.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

This is the worst class I've taken at UCSB. It is all structured around the extremely biased book that Yosso wrote and focuses on how white people are to blame for the bad situations that Mexicans are in. Her lectures are boring and repetitive as well, if you don't need to take this class, DON'T!

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

I really had high hopes for this class and was hoping for somewhat familiar topics since the focus was to be on culture - most of the class was almost all focused on education and history. I usually don't want to believe negative reviews on here, but I should have. I would only recommend this class to anyone interested in "ChicanA/O" supremacy

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Horrible professor. Does not know how to use computers, often pauses in lecture, unsure of what to talk about. Stretches concepts to death. My TA was somehow even worse. The readings were actually quite interesting, but she never discussed them beyond just talking about her own book. Often showed movies instead of lecturing. Very easy class, though

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Truly an awful class. She has no idea what she's saying and repeats lectures frequently. The worst class I've taken so far

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

I hate this class with a passion do not take it. It is not worth the many GE requirements it satisfies you will be stressed out and annoyed for 10 weeks of your life.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Her lectures are so unclear I never felt like i was learning something. The reading is ridiculous just like the quizzes. If you're lucky you'll get a really cool TA that isn't as unreasonable as my TA (Magda). Do the readings because this class will test you based on readings. Three papers in total and they each ask to reference readings.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Going to lecture was pointless unless she happened to put on a movie that you would later be tested on so make sure not to miss those. The paper is the worst thing I have ever had to write and the topic is so boring and biased. Reading each week takes hours and you are expected to know it backward and forward. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

Very irritating professor. She has strong unfounded opinions. Her lectures are useless. She rushes through everything and doesn't put anything on gauchospace. However, I thought the class was extremely easy. You're mostly tested on terms. Section was very helpful.

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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

She blames her problems on white people. She's not even chicana yet claims to be.. Her whole reality is warped and she will try to brainwash you with her lies. If you do take her class, take everything she says with a grain of salt. She makes a lot of claims, tells a lot of stories, but has NO evidence.

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CHST1C . 11 Years Ago

Yosso thinks she knows what she is talking about, but she really has no clue. She was very disorganized and technologically challenged. She read off of her slides and didn't do any actual lecturing until the topic was in her specific field of study. If you are not required to take this class DONT! and if you do, most of the TA's are chill.

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CHST1C . 11 Years Ago

LIstening to her lecture is like listening to a song that keeps skipping. She will start a statement and then stop midway through her sentence to think of a complex word to use (which usually ends up going misunderstood). Her lecturing style is really confusing and she struggles to draw interest to the subject.

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CHST1C . 12 Years Ago

Lectures were a bit confusing and the content of the slides didn't always match what she was dictating to the class making it difficult to take notes. The midterm had a bunch of terms that were not on the study guide and you have to memorize the author and title of the articles as if this helps you remember the concepts. Would not recommend.

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CHSTC . 12 Years Ago

Horrible teacher. does no actual work herself and is unclear when she actually lectures. the class is all about the "poor chicano" and how they are apparently the only ones to have a hard life. strongly hints that this has come at the hands of the whites. easy enough surprisingly if you can put up with her one-sided malarchy.

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CHICS1C . 13 Years Ago

Uses a lot of videos and guest lecturers to limit how much work she actually has to do. Alright teacher but doesn't connect any events and is all around not too clear about anything.

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CHSTAAA . 13 Years Ago

I love this professor. She is very willing to help and passionate about the subject. She has written a couple of articles in the field and a book to go with it. She is one of the top "critical race theorists" in my opinion and very approachable. I plan on having her be my undergraduate mentor. She is badass!

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CHST191 . 14 Years Ago

It was a Chicanas/os in education class. Fun class. REad article and discuss during class time. Not much note taking, no midterm or final, just a project that is worked on throughout the quarter and other small assignments. Very nice knowledgeable and approachable. Very passionate about her work.

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CHIC135 . 17 Years Ago

Class only met twice a week and she was gone 4 times out of the quarter. She expects soo much from everyone and she has a very sarcastic/dry sense of humor. I must say she is very passionate about what she teaches but she makes you feel like she's a better Chicana b/c of her white privilege. Her skin is light... but she's still a Chicana. (133/135)

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