
Rate My Professors (57)

SOC155T185G . 6 Years Ago

took her for 155t. you have to read one book per week the first 5 weeks but 4 of the books were good! she gives you a week to prepare for midterm and exam. honestly, my favorite class at ucsb. salinas was a great ta as well. fun class to go too.

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155T . 7 Years Ago

VERY disorganized, changed the syllabus various times. Didn't communicate assignment guidelines & made us redo them various times. 3 tests, only counts 2 but you need to have good notes from class/readings to make a cheat sheet of quotes that are mandatory in the test. A book was assigned every single week. TA quit & new grader saved my final grade

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155T . 7 Years Ago

Looney tunes is the perfect way to describe this professor. Extremely disorganized. TA quit because lack of communication. Interesting material but structure made the class difficult. Hard to reach her outside of class (when she shows up) Says she'll take attendance every class but didn't.

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T155 . 7 Years Ago

Excited 4 this class at first.. 2 books to read - 2 papers due in first week. VERY unclear on what are responsible for - Syllabus changed 2x - hardly lectured - mostly watched videos - NEED to take detailed notes - Quotes needed on the SG for Test - 1st day questionnaire insulting to hard working students - so disappointed

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SOC155T185G . 7 Years Ago

Horribly disorganized, contradicts herself when talking about assignments, says she'll put rubrics online but doesn't. A 4 page paper due every week on a book, every two weeks there's a midterm which are never too bad. Final paper due the same day as the last midterm, which is extremely stressful as its a 3000-4000 word paper. Avoid this class.

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SOC185D . 10 Years Ago

Great and important class! Twine assigns a book a week, heavy reading but I got by reading the intro and 1st 30 pgs of the book. If you link up with a group to tackle the study guide questions that will ease the load tremendously! Twine covers all races. She means business but overall is fun and a very educated teacher.

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SOC185D . 10 Years Ago

Great class with interesting topics applicable to society of today. Taking this class shifted my lens of interpretations of race and ethnicity on so many levels. Prof. Twine is helpful assignments and readings. She is genuinely interested in assisting her students with being successful in class. Definitely visit office hrs & read!

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

Great Teacher, even if you dont like the material, she will be accommodating and make sure you learn from her course

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

I was pretty interested in this class going in, unfortunately many aspects of the body were overlooked. Still, the subject matter was interesting. The study guides for the exams were given late and they were graded on a rubric that was unclear at first. I feel the class could have been structured to include more subject matter in men as well.

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

The course was very interesting and informative. I got an A in the course but I still have problems with how the grading scale and the manner in which the professor changed requirements and handled conflicts with students badly. Study guides were given late when promised earlier, guidelines were not clear. Granted this quarter was a test run.

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE this professor! She was so nice and loved this course! I learned so much and wish I had the time to switch my major over to SOC just to be able to take more of her classes! Only downfall was mandatory attendance, but if you let her know, she will excuse the absences. Great person, great teacher! Take her!

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

The content of this course was extremely interesting and thought-provoking. This is a subject everyone should educate themselves on! The downsides include a lot of work, unreasonable essay grading scales, and the professor is unclear/gives you the wrong information about requirements and communicates badly with the TA.

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

I was afraid to take a class w/her, but I'm so glad I did! She is the most down to earth, genuinely sweet, passionate Prof! I LOVED this class, it was interesting, and the work expected was fair. You read a book a week & write abt it, easily done! I learned so much about the body and myself. Take a course with her, you be happy you did! Glad I did!

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SOC185D . 10 Years Ago

Theories of Race and Ethnicity is a class that has changed my life! Twine challenged my beliefs about race and although I wish I would have taken this class sooner in my college career I am definitely glad I took it before graduating. There are a lot of readings but they are interesting, so it outweighs the work, and she is an amazing educator!

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SOC185D . 10 Years Ago

Professor Twine is a wonderful professor, and the class is one that I think every student should take before graduating. It challenges common beliefs of race and ethnicity, and through this challenge I have learned to see the world differently. Twine has brilliant ideas and I respect her so much as an educator and a scholar.

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SOC118B . 10 Years Ago

This class was fairly easy. Professor Twine is very thorough and extremely helpful. Tests weren't hard at all because she gives you the study guide a week before. The only thing that I didn't like about the course was all of the reading. You have to read a book a week which can be overwhelming at times. Overall great course!

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SOC185D . 10 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've ever had. She makes you really think about the world around you and confront societal problems. She keeps discussions very interesting and the course books are incredibly interesting. I love the passion she has for the subject and she is very unassuming which is necessary since it's a sensitive subject for many.

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SOC185GSOC155T . 11 Years Ago

I took Girls Culture and Gender Inequality at the same time and can't wait to take her new course "The body." Easily my favorite professor and classes, taught me to think about myself and the world in a completely different way. Memoirs and smaller books are used that are interesting and easy to read.

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SOC185G . 12 Years Ago

Expects way too much from her students. If a class is four units then the work load should be appropriately distributed as such. Had 3 midterms with two-three essays each and four paper assignments which required paying money to print out articles and rent moves/full seasons of television shows. Assumes you're only taking her class. Don't take her.

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T155 . 12 Years Ago

I stayed in this class at first because I really enjoined Professor Twine's lectures. She has a great sense of humor and is entertaining, however she assigns TONS of reading. She had us read a 200-300 novel a week. If you take this class be prepared to read A LOT. 3 exams, 3 group projects, final is a group project. Only take if you love reading.

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SOC185 . 13 Years Ago

Goes over questions but doesn't seem to understand questions students ask. I am really disappointed with this class. She talks a lot of talk about female empowerment, but then turns around and has a token male student as her favorite. Very unhelpful, sometimes just wouldn't show up to her own office hours

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SOC185G . 13 Years Ago

Incredibly unprofessional. Treats the class like juveniles and very condescending. Absurd attendance policy (and I attended every class on time). Makes shallow feminist jokes, rather than looking at the deeper issues. THE WORST experience in my undergraduate career (I'm about to graduate with honors, and in the top 2.5% of my class). DO NOT TAKE.

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SOC185 . 14 Years Ago

She has a lot of book readings (about a book per week) but don't let that scare you. She goes over them in class before each test so just get an understanding for the book. Final project is a group project and is a 10pg research paper and presentation. Cake walk if you take the class with friends and each do your part.

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SOC185G . 14 Years Ago

Lots of reading, but you can just skim through and pick out key points. Just a couple media journals which she gives you days off from class to do. Tests are essay questions, but she gives you questions before the test and lets you bring notes to use on the test. VERY EASY IF YOU TAKE NOTES AND BRING TO TEST DAY. She also is helpful as well.

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