Rate My Professors (133)

COMM116 . Flanagin A J 13 Years Ago

This class is fairly easy. If you are good at memorization, this class will be a breeze. Just know everything, and know the basic arguments of every reading. He is very sweet, even though a little awkward. 50% midterm, 50% final. Just learn everything!

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 13 Years Ago

Professor Flanagin is one of the most interesting and knowledgeable professors I have had at UCSB. The material is genuinely interesting and he has an interesting take on some controversial topics, peer-to-peer file sharing. There is a lot of reading, but it's interesting as well. I love this class and leave every lecture excited about something.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 13 Years Ago

Extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic, makes lectures interesting. Took during summer- 3 week intense course, grade is made up of 50% mid-term & 50% final. Tests are not easy, but that is because they are multiple choice that actually make you think! Much better than essay questions. Keep up with and do all reading, you are tested on everything!

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 15 Years Ago

I wasn't all that interested in this class before I took it, but I actually loved going and learned a ton. I still think about things from lecture all the time, and although he teaches a lot of theory, it was really relevant too. He is the best teacher I've had at UCSB and lecture was actually fun and enjoyable even though class was hard.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 15 Years Ago

Not an easy class. Taking this class in 3 wks summer was so intensive.The final exam is very difficult.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 16 Years Ago

Just finished Comm 116 & 118 back to back in Summer session "D" 3 week classes. It's a great way to do it, but you must attend every class, take great extensive notes, study in groups, volunteer, and by all means do the reading before the class day. All the people here spouting arrogance about the professor is off sides. He is a foremost expert

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 16 Years Ago

Hard but interesting class. If you are not a good test taker, don't take this class. 1 midterm, small paper and final. thats it!

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COMM109 . Flanagin A J 16 Years Ago

Flanagin is a cool guy. He encourages discussion and asks if you understand the topics. Also uses relevant examples. Only a midterm and a final. Mostly multiple choice and some fill in the blank. GO to class! Make sure you understand the main point of each reading and memorize its author for the tests.

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COMM101 . Flanagin A J 16 Years Ago

Great teacher

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 16 Years Ago

Take the 3-week class! Its not easy, but its soooo interesting. Tests are hard but fair. It's a challenge but its worth it to sit there for 3 hours and actually be entertained.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

Awesome class, interesting, he knows his stuff. Tests are hard but he doesn't try to trick you. Just take good notes and do the readings, which are really interesting. Seriously, I wish I could take this again just to go to his lectures.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

Lectures are always interesting, sometimes fascinating (not kidding!); he brings together a lot of material in ways that are challenging and fun. Great lecturer, gets students involved also. Tests are challenging but fair. Take a class from him before you graduate. Best prof I've had at UCSB.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

Such a smart professor. Best class I've had at UCSB. A LOT of notes and tests are really hard, but his classes are so interesting. Take him before you graduate. Do all the reading and go to class...it's worth it.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

great lecturer. hard tests. do the reading. the class was very applicable to real life, and he really made the subject matter come to life.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

Exams are pretty challenging and rigorous and lectures are extremely detailed and contain tons of info, so its important to study consistently and prepare for the tests. Interesting class and prof is personable in class, but has is intimidating to talk to. His classes are definitely a lot of work and not for slackers.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

I love him! Best teacher I have had at UCSB. He loves what he does and he makes every class interesting. His test can be hard, but at least you actually learn something from them. Don't be afraid. Take one of his classes. I am in Comm 116 right now and I love this class too.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

I studied everyday for this class, did all of the reading and made tons of study guides and still got a C (my first c in college). Flanagin is willing to help you during his office hours, but his tests are extremely hard and participation is not easily attained unless you speak during every class. He's a great guy but a really tough prof.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

freakin hard teacher - probably the hardest in the department. took him also for comm 116 - only because i needed units, otherwise would never have taken him again. may seem deceiving because he is personable, but lectures are EXTREMELY detailed, and the exams are IMPOSSIBLE to get an A (sometimes even a B) despite his curves. dont take.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 17 Years Ago

Both 116 and 118 were great classes. Yes, he is a tough professor, but that's just because he's an expert in his field which is always a good thing. Lectures were easy to take notes on because he uses powerpoint and gives excellent examples. If you study well for the tests, they are not that hard. Apply yourself and it's possible to get an A.

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COMM118 . Flanagin A J 18 Years Ago

He is a great lecturer and uses powerpoint, which makes it easy to take notes. Howerver, his tests are extremely hard!!! You must do all the reading and go to EVERY lecture to do even decent.

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COMM116 . Flanagin A J 18 Years Ago

Flanagin ROCKS! Great lectures...funny, entertaining, interesting, relevant. Knows his stuff, works you hard, but worth it. Recommend highly, but slackers beware!

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118AND122C . Flanagin A J 18 Years Ago

4 years since graduating, I'm fully appreciating his classes. Very relevant, very applicable, and right on the money. Great professor, and the only one whose lectures I still think about. Very helpful and caring too. Worth the work.

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116 . Flanagin A J 18 Years Ago

Lectures tended to be very interesting. your grade is a midterm and final, so if you're looking for grade boosters try lieberman or potter for busywork. A.F.'s tests were hard--you have to read to get an A. i crammed for the midterm the night before (reading and all), and got an A-. studied 2 weeks beforehand for the final, and got a C. gLuck!

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116 . Flanagin A J 18 Years Ago

lectures are straightforward, well-organized. do the readings, go to class and you will do well.

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