
Rate My Professors (66)

DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

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DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

Incredibly frustrating. Forgets what he assigns, when things are due, changes assignments. Lectures are a joke. He's incredibly full of himself. Was really interested in class until actually took it.

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DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

This is the most unorganized professor I've ever had. He's extremely nice, and clearly knowledgable about dance, but he CANNOT LECTURE! He goes off on tangents and spends a lot of his time preaching personal opinions. EASY CLASS, but be prepared for pointless lectures. 1 perk: He has a beautiful body!

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DANCE36 . 18 Years Ago

Chapman is sooo unorganized. The content is okay, sort of interesting. But the way he teaches it is just horrible. Oh and be prepared to spend at least 50 bucks on performances in addition to the reader (which u dont really need).

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DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

Professor Chapman is a self-described intelligent, lucky, gifted, former dancer, teacher, therapist, and father. His tests are fair (if you attend lectures and do at least some of the readings, which are not uninteresting). He goes off on tangents and is sometimes absentminded, but he knows the material. Plus, his views are worth hearing out.

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DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

SUCH a bad professor...this guy is an idiot. He set something up on Eres, lost the password, called to get it in the middle of class, then never actually posted what he said he would. Test questions are irrelevant to anything about dance in general. Ugh he's so bad....

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DANCE35 . 18 Years Ago

HORRIBLE prof. If I didn't already love dance, this class would have made me hate it. He talks about dance for about 10% of the class and the rest is his views on feminism, war, sex, and a whole bunch of other bs. He thinks he knows everything, and made us write an essay comparing tango with hula. WTF?! Test questions are totally random.

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DANCE45 . 18 Years Ago

SUCH an easy class. However the professor is arrogant, annoying, and weirdly obsessed w/ the dance majors. (He always used to have them dance for us, and most of the time it proved to be irrelevant to what we were learning.) The final was an absolute joke. Easy GE, but just know going into it that the professor is often irritating.

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DANCE45 . 18 Years Ago

I hated this class, it is not that hard, but you have to write essays about dances that you dont even like, and all you do is watch five minute clips about dances in his class for 2 hours!! it is hell, but easy to bs if you want to take it, except the final DIFFICULT

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DANCE45 . 18 Years Ago

Nice guy and easy GE. Definately goes off on tangents in class and is a disorganized lecturer. The movement demonstrations are usually a waste of time, but go to class because on the final he quizes you on the movies. He's pretty approachable and enthusiastic. I went in to talk to him about my paper and he raised my grade from a B+ to an A.

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DANCE4536 . 18 Years Ago

These two classes are basically the same and are both really easy and interesting if you have an interest in dance. Dont bother buying the reader, i didn't and got an a+

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

SOOOOOOOOOOO Boring. The lectures are terrible because he is such a weirdo. He loves to perform ballet moves even though he is terrible. The reader is pointless... dont buy it. I never opened it and got an A!

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

really easy and he repeats a lot which helps with studying. i didn't like how he was so disorganized which made taking notes hard, i basically wrote everything down just in case i needed it. only compliant is that i wish he had power point or something instead of trying to get everything he says down.

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

Very easy class, just go to lecture, they get boring but he repeats main concepts so much that if you miss some class you'll be fine. He also goes over everything you need to know for the tests, and what to write on the papers. Completely disorganized but the tests are really easy and so are the papers.

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

Its super esay, but kindof boring if 1st part of the quarter, but its intresting if you've ever done any form of dance

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

Chapman's lectures were worthless, he would talk about the same thing everyday and his tests had lots of random things on them. Still got an A though, class was pretty boring but really easy.

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

easy class but chapman is crazy. he is disorganized, goes off on random subjects, and never knows whats going on. i never went to a full lecutre and still got an A so if you can stand him for a quarter take the class.

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

He is a very disorganized lecturer, but you pretty much have to go to lecture because all of the material for tests is directly from lecture. He totally conceded, and likes to show off his ballet moves (this gets really annoying). He doesn't have any structure to his lectures, and likes to just rant

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DANCE35 . 19 Years Ago

stinking of my life. reader is the biggest bunch of cheese ever dont even think about buying that. class is very disorganized and at the veryleast frusturatimg trying to take notes on the weak videos. Chapman loves tangents. just buy as notes and u are golden

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DA45 . 19 Years Ago

Don't waste your money on the class reader. Very disorganized, never seems to have a plan for anything. Easy grader, midterm/final questions were RANDOM and STUPID. I really would recommend the class, but not with this professor. I hear that Professor Ries is MUCH MUCH better.

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DANCE36 . 19 Years Ago

The reader for this class is pointless!!! Don't buy it!! Also he is very unorganized, all he does is show videos for the whole class and talks about them. Super boring

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

His lectures are totally unorganized. i dont think he prepares before class he just shows videos and talks about them. he repeats himself and is not clear. also his reviews for the tests are REALLY vague. he told us to know dates and then didnt test on them. i cant give any positive comments.

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DANCE36 . 19 Years Ago

Prof. Chapman is absolutely nothing compared to Prof. Reis who also teaches the same dance history classes. Chapman is the worst professor I've had so far at the university. his notes are disorganized, he talks all througout the videos and is insecure. go to class to see dance demos though

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DANCE45 . 19 Years Ago

super easy.

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