
Rate My Professors (49)

PHYS3 . 4 Years Ago

Lectures are somewhat confusing. Homework is tedious, but that's the department's fault. Otherwise, Dogic really cares about his students and he is hilarious. Though difficult at times, he tries to make tests as fair as possible. iClicker participation is extra credit. Also his accent is pleasant to listen to.

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PHYS3 . 4 Years Ago

I loved this guy. He does most of the lecture on the chalkboard. REALLY encourages you to ask questions and cares if you get it in lecture. Sit in the front & pay attention, and it's like he's working with you. He's funny too. Tests are straightforward--be able to do problems from lecture on your own and you'll be fine. Two midterms and HW was 20%.

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PHYS3 . 4 Years Ago

His lectures were boring and hard to focus on, his homework was long, and he wasn't the best at explaining concepts. The tests were hard and often brought in stuff you never learned in class. He did make physics seem do-able, it's his explanations that were unclear.

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PHYS33 . 4 Years Ago

Prof Dogic is a really nice guy! His lectures can sometimes be a little confusing but if you supplement his lectures with the textbook youll be fine. He rips example questions from the textbook for his exams and because I practiced extensively from them I found his exams to be not that bad. Hes a super funny guy during office hours too

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PHYS3 . 4 Years Ago

This was his first time teaching this class and it showed. He is clearly meant to be a research professor and not a lecturer. Doesn't know how to convey information to normal students. Homework much harder than tests. Tests would vary from really easy to really hard because he couldn't gage his classes intelligence.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

I'm not sure if it was because it was my first time taking physics, but I struggled a lot with the class. Dogic was often awkward/stand-off ish and didn't really know how to balance the lecture between the board and on the screen. He often revealed the answers to his mini quizzes on accident (not graded) and got frustrated when asked questions.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

Sweet but doesn't know what he's doing in terms of teaching. Took him his first quarter teaching here. He gave us a practice final only after people asked him to make one and pretty sure the questions all came from random WS he saw online. Final was lowkey jokes and somehow got an A without ever going to lecture. Just study sapling and book!!

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

He is such a kindhearted professor but its his accent and inability to communicate and talk clearly that makes it hard to follow. You are best to read the textbook because he clearly doesn't speak English like other professors do

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

This class made my switch majors. It was his first time teaching and this class was so hard to understand because of his thick accent. He knows what he is teaching but he went too fast and was hard to understand.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

It's very obvious that Dogic is actively trying to improve his teaching abilities. It's clear he cares about his students, and he tries his best to teach well. There was a fair amount of HW that was much more difficult than the exams (which were very fair). Dogic is also very approachable outside of class. Solid choice for Physics 6 series.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

I heard many bad comments before taking this class. I think he has improved a lot, like using PPT. He cares students a lot, and he would like to explain concepts and problems. He is also approachable during OH.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

He cares so much about improvement he reads all of these comments. Very sweet guy who just wants students to do well; makes sure curve is fair. Sometimes makes mistakes and does have a thick accent but what can you do. Homework questions are difficult, tests are easy. If you wanna do well, don't chegg.

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PHYSICS6A . 5 Years Ago

Great Teacher. Exam not hard

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

Dogic is just so nice and so adorable! Homework might be a bit tough sometimes, but dont worry! His tests are all super easy. I also love his lectures, he always do some really funny experiments in class. Had a good time enjoying physics in his class, even though its not even for my major. Definitely get him if possible!!

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

I had him for his second year teaching and he fully knows he messed up last year. He's definitely been actively trying to improve. He's a sweetheart and he will ALWAYS answer your questions and make sure you understand. Office hours are great but you also have to put in a lot of work learning the material yourself. It's all about practice.

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PHYS6A . 5 Years Ago

Very sweet guy who really does want you to learn. If you've taken physics in HS, you will BREEZE through 6A. If not, it can be a little tough because he moves fast and a most people have done it before, but it's doable. He is one of the rare ones who cares about his students even though he is invested in his research. Don't bother getting the book.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Dogic is one of the worst professors ever (he is new). He has zero teaching skills and his lectures are messy and disorganized. Chicken scratch handwriting and not a great lecturer. Go to CLAS, self study, and watch videos because you will not understand anything. The test is pretty easy though compared to others. He himself is super nice though.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Not sure if DOGIC will teach 6 series or any other physics class; nonetheless, here are my thoughts. Physics 6 can be a difficult course and to do well a lot has to be done independently regardless of the professor. Doigc did a good job of teaching and making the material clear and was very accessible outside of class considering his research.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

The homework is very challenging, but you learn a lot from it for his exams. Dogic can be confusing during lecture at times, so it's important to pay close attention. It's not an easy class, but doable. This was his first year teaching at UCSB so I think he's still learning how to teach at such a big public school.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Has zero teaching skill and is highly unpredictable with curving. Midterm averages were the lowest I've ever seen, and thats WITH open textbooks and a note sheet. Do yourself a favor and find another teacher, even if it means holding off on taking this course for a quarter

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Really great guy. Homework is a lot harder than test material and all questions for homework are on Chegg. Doesn't use lecture slides but posts the notes for each chapter. Tries really hard to help his students in office hours. I loved the class. Funny professor and if you pay attention you'll do well in the class.

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PHYSICS6A . 6 Years Ago

Dogic is an amazing person, but not a great professor. Homework is impossible without chegg. Average for our first midterm exam was a 57. No powerpoint slides. Teaches strictly off the chalkboard.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Loved being in Dogic's class, he's really funny with a friendly presence and always getting laughs. Wish I could take him for the next course. I used chegg with the homework assignments, and went to lecture. I found the study material for exams to be very helpful, and did well on the tests. Also, fun to look at.

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PHYS6A . 6 Years Ago

Pretty sure he does not check what he assigns for homework. Nearly impossible w/o some resource like chegg. Goes over basic concepts during class, which are still not explained that well with his chicken scratch handwriting. I'd recommend doing CLAS and studying outside of class. Horrible professor, nice guy.

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