
Rate My Professors (24)

PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

Thayer is a very intelligent professor however, she expects students to know so much information. During the final exam I overheard her telling another student that they should leave their answer as is but would not tell me what an abbreviation in the question stood for. Memorize every little detail on her slides & you'll be fine.

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PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

Pop quizzes are free points, she gives you the answer. Online quizzes are also easy (google). The first exam is super easy but it gets a lot harder after that, midterm was harder than the final in my opinion. Get a good grade on MT1 so you can let your grade go down a bit after!

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PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

I absolutely LOVED Thayer, people make her out to be challenging here but she is very clear with her students - put in the time to study and you will receive a fair grade. She is super passionate about the subject and hands down my favorite teacher at UCSB because she got me to fall in love with biopsych. Tip - annotate the slides for notes :)

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PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

Class was really hard but she does give you all the info you need in lecture. Print out the lecture slides bc she moves fast. Entertaining lectures, very detail heavy tests. My average on online quizzes was lower than my exam grades so study hard for them or they'll drag ur grade. go to office hours, she is very approachable and willing to explain!

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PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

Great professor! Really makes the class interesting. However, MEMORIZE all of her slides then you will be fine!

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PSY106 . 5 Years Ago

Really great professor, she prepares you well for the exam. Study the lectures for the tests and pay attention to things she says that are not on the slides. You could still be tested on them. Pop quizzes are extremely easy

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PST106 . 5 Years Ago

Great and passionate professor! Must attend lecture, textbook is important, and tests are specific and difficult but if you keep up, review, and study you will be fine! One of my favorite classes and professors! So kind and helpful!

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Amazing professor, really made the class enjoyable and interesting. Hard material but the tests are fair. As long as you study youll do good

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Thayer knows a lot about what she teaches but isn't good at conveying it. Her lectures are SO DENSE and so fast that even the students who were typing couldn't keep up. Luckily she posts them online beforehand. I wish I had taken notes on the lectures before class and just listened during lectures instead of scrambling to take notes.

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Had a pop quiz basically every week, sometimes twice a week, so attendance is basically mandatory. Expect to learn a million new terms spoken at 2x speed and be quizzed on it at the end of class. Threw in a whole extra set of lecture material for us to study on our own like a week before finals.

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PSYCH106 . 6 Years Ago

Most amazing professor and lecturer of my college experience. She was so nice and her lectures were interesting, funny, and entertaining. It was a pleasure going to her class twice a week. Her exams are not meant to trick you so if you go to lecture and do the reading and study a decent amount, you will do well.

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Prof Thayer was not my favorite. She went really in depth into a lot of the material, packing in way to much information into an already tough class. She seemed like a really nice lady, but I personally did not enjoy her class. The tests were tricky and very in depth, you have to be very very into the material if you want to do well in the class.

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PSYCH106 . 6 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this class! She made me fall in love with Bio Psych. This class definitely isn't impossible. The work you put into the class determines your grade. In other words, don't take this class if you aren't willing to put in the work. You MUST study hard for her midterms and final, but the tests are fair. Take her, she's amazing!!!

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PSYCH106 . 6 Years Ago

Really enthusiastic and great teacher! Course goes really in depth and there's lots of details to be memorized. She goes really fast during lecture so take notes before you arrive. There are pop quizzes so make sure you attend class. Tests cover a lot but they are straightforward and she doesn't try to trick you.

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Thayer's office hours are prime; she's such an inviting lady and will really explain concepts to you at her office hours in a much more thorough way than class. She's super kind and pretty quirky. The class requires a lot of memorization and preparedness. The final is not harder than the midterms and is rly cumulative.

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Great professor, very enthusiastic. She is passionate about her subject but also cover a LOT of material. If you study a lot you will be fine but if you don't you probably won't pass. She will have very detailed questions on her exams.

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Ske knows her stuff, but covers too much material at once. We fell behind in lecture almost right away, yet she still expects you to keep up with readings/lecture for her timed online quizzes each week. In-class pop quizzes every week, so go to lecture. Two midterms and final, VERY detail oriented, but curved a few % based on class performance

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PSY106 . 6 Years Ago

Thayer is a great professor, she makes her students work hard to get good grades but she genuinely wants you to do well. I've had some great conversations with her in office hours and she's a brilliant person. She really does care if you reach out for it but also do beware that tests are hard and she LOVES detail.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

Thayer is one of those professors that wants to make an easy class difficult. She would pick out the most specific information from the book and test you for it. Gives 2 midterms and a final. You have to study a lot of information for each test and the final is cumulative. She also states that she purposely makes her tests hard.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

Please do yourself a favor and avoid her class. Her long, dense exam kept everyone till the last minute and all that she did was to make the next one even longer and laugh at how you didn't do the readings.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

The first midterm was easy and required very little reading, but the second one covered much more material and you HAD to have read the book. The final had many questions from the previous midterms so go to office hours. Thayer cares about her students- she curved final grades, and you will do well in this class if you put in the work.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

Barbara presents very dense, repetitive lectures and does not present the material well. Takes super interesting material and makes it boring, difficult, and stressful. She expects students to remember very in depth, precise things for the tests and blames the students for not reading the text when the class average was very low for exams, not her.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

Crams too much information in her lectures. Tests are difficult and cover vague material from textbook and lecture. Made it hard to appreciate the topic.

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PSY158 . 6 Years Ago

Super dense lecture and textbook. 2 Midterms, 1 cumulative final. Super in depth tests, would not recommend taking.

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