
Rate My Professors (13)

PS15 . 10 Months Ago

Stokes is really smart and makes PS15 more interesting. Sit in the back if you don't want to be called on in lecture. Read the textbook! I found section to be more helpful for the tests and homework than lecture. The tests (midterm and final) are extremely easy if you've been paying attention in section. Homework is exactly like section activities.

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PS15 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Professor Stokes had a no-email policy, for both her and her TAs. She also often cold calls during lectures, which I hated. Office hours are a must to receive a good grade in her class, as they are extremely helpful when it comes to homework. The grade is largely dependent on homework and in-class midterm and final.

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POLSCI15 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Professor is really great and has an amazing personality, however the work load was heavy and pretty difficult in my opinion. The tests seemed intense, but just study and it'll be fine.

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PS15 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Charismatic lecturer. Very very smart, and good at explaining content and engaging the class. Stokes/TAs disallow email, and are only accessible through office hours. Stoke's Zoom office hours have to be booked a week in advance. Even if you have a strong grasp on coding this class is very difficult. I still think that she does a great job.

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PS106EP . 5 Years Ago

Stokes is a quirky professor who is super passionate about energy politics and its impacts on the environment. The class has a heavy workload in the beginning but it gets easier as the quarter progresses. My only criticism is that lectures are essentially pointless in the second half of the course but attendance is still mandatory. Take this class!

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PS15 . 6 Years Ago

Every political science major already knows that PS15 is the least favorite pre-req for the major, but Professor Stokes creates a class that turns unappealing statistics into a dope subject. The level of engagement in this class is on a new level so don't daydream! Stokes is by far an amazing educator who is quirky and extremely intelligent.

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PS106EP . 7 Years Ago

Stokes is a phenomenal professor and person. Every lecture is not only clear and informative but gut-bustingly hilarious at the same time. Front heavy course to allow for a more relaxed final few weeks, but even at the beginning, assignments are manageable and grading is beyond fair. This class will entertain and make you profoundly more informed.

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106EP . 7 Years Ago

Stokes is one of the best teachers I've had in political science department. She is funny and makes lecture interesting. Knows her stuff and is good at explaining things. Have yet to have to any teacher compare to her in terms of enjoyable lecturing . Definitely would recommend!

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POL135 . 7 Years Ago

She's great. Loves her subject. Does give a TON of readings. Check your guchospace before class starts because she had readings due the first day. I learned so much in this class. I personally really like it. Just do exactly what your told to do, follow the syllabus and you should be solid. She calls on people randomly so it helps to be prepared.

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

This is a straightforward class. Keep up with the reading, lectures are posted online, and problem sets are doable when you work with others or go to office hours. Professor Stokes is great, lectures can be a bit dry because of content but she tries to keep students engaged which I appreciated. I would take another class with her.

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POLSCI15 . 7 Years Ago

She calls on people randomly. Which is good and gets people engaged. (Didn't like it at first appreciated later). She is funny and friendly and knows her stuff. However, the program U have to download ("R") is difficult and I never want to have to live through again. So stressful had to work with many classmates to try and get work done. Super hard

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Very dry material but Stokes makes a boring subject engaging and fun. Shes Canadian and super corny. The problem sets are very challenging so go to office hours to get a good grade and work with a partner.

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PS15 . 8 Years Ago

She's quirky and dorky yet confidant and funny. Tries to engage every student in lecture so you should pay attention. PS15 is supposedly hardest Polisci pre-rec, but she made it extremely doable. Take it with her if you can. Bases her curriculum on coding in R (50% hmwk) but don't panic, she takes it slow. One of the best professors I've had.

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