
Rate My Professors (13)

SOC134 . 2 Years Ago

Took this class over the summer during the pandemic and let me just say it was not enjoyable. There is no leniency for the fact that times are difficult right now and people have a lot going on. Late work is not accepted. Period. There are at least 3 weekly reading reflection assignments for articles that can be up to 35 pages. Super harsh grader.

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SOC1 . 3 Years Ago

No COVID lenience, seemed to have more say than even the professor on issues. Extremely one-sided and personal opinions. Her way or no way. Grades overly harsh, especially for a sociology class. Doesn't respond to emails for weeks if ever. The worst TA I've had at UCSB. Try and avoid her at all costs! Good Luck!

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SOC185G . 5 Years Ago

Fatima is such a sweetheart. Is so passionate about gender theory and feminism. Changed my viewpoint about gender studies completely. Class is comprised of biweekly reflections, attendance points, and one final paper that she gives you the whole quarter to work on. Structures final paper with mini assignments which kept me on track. 10/10 prof.

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

I enjoyed her lectures, some classes even included films, which highlighted the material we covered in the Chicana/o/x Community course. Overall I really enjoyed the course and found Fatima to be very approachable. The grade break down consisted of attendance, midterm, final, reading reflections & film assignments.

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

One of the best lecturers I've had a UCSB. Her teaching style and passion for the subject made it a very engaging class. A good amount of reading but the grading made it an easy class. Midterm and final only 20%. Was sad to leave the last lecture of the quarter. Would 10/10 recommend

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

I would stay away from this professor. Lectures are super boring and most is opinionated. Take another class! Good personality, but a bad teacher.

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

I wanted to take chicana/o community because I come from this back ground. Worse mistake ever to take it with Professor Suarez. Makes the material sound really dull. Its either her way or no way! Doesnt listen to outside criticism very well! I would be wary of this professor. If you can take someone else I would!

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SOC185G . 5 Years Ago

Fatima was an amazing lecturer and you will not regret having her. Heavy reading load but all interesting and informative. Participation is a must, and discussions were always interesting so this wasn't hard. Had a paper that we worked on throughout the course and was super helpful--go to her office hours! she's enlightening and is very encouraging

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

definitely take a class with Fatima if you get the chance! as long as you do the readings and actively listen/(lightly) participate you are guaranteed a good grade. very straight forward tests and isn't into tricking students. covers lots of different topics and did good job on using articles that aren't as circulated in other Chic/lat classes

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SOC144 . 5 Years Ago

The class is very interesting and the professor does a great job at keeping lecture interesting and engaging. Attendance mandatory, because PowerPoints arent uploaded online and are important for exams. There is a lot of reading as there is with any sociology course, and writing for each reading. Overall has been an amazing class.

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Suarez was okay. Focused our exams on the videos which is an easier way to retain information, you just have to realize that you are being graded on the content of the videos. She is easy on the eyes so that's a plus.

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

I was hoping this class would inspire me to excel in a future career as a Sociologist but I was mistaken. Completely mistaken! The professor was nice but I could tell that she is way far left, so far that I think her mind has affected her biased lectures. Take the class if you like being in an echo chamber. Worst decision I've made so far.

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SOC1 . 7 Years Ago

Her lectures were so boring! The only imporant things are on the slides and she tends to go on tangents that are somewhat relevent but not important. Films are imporant so go to every film class. For the midterm and final just study your reading and notes from the movies. Passionate about her studies but her lectures were just so extremely boring.

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