
Rate My Professors (62)

EARTH20 . 3 Years Ago

I took Earth 20 with Jackson for the spring '21 quarter. I really appreciate the way he structured the class to accommodate to remote learning difficulties. 2 midterms, no final, a short project, and minimal homework. Nonetheless I learned a ton in this class; Jackson's lectures are fascinating and you can tell he is passionate about what he does.

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EARTH20 . 3 Years Ago

prof matt is the only prof that took into account that we are also people going through a pandemic. lectures had lots of info but were interesting. 2 midterms (week 6 and 10, non cumulative), no final, 1 presentation over zoom (you record and turn it in). you can tell he actually likes his job and wants students to learn. def recommend this class.

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EARTH124IG . 4 Years Ago

His slides can be a bit misleading as far as midterm content goes, but he is such a funny man. He'll include random animal pictures that will make you fall out of your seat laughing. His exams include funny questions too. Unfortunately, the problem sets are key for doing well on the midterm, and they can be pretty tricky. But overall he's great.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

kind of boring. didn't go to class after the first midterm and still got a b. im also not really interesting in science so thats prob why Im not a huge fam. people like him tho-- probably science oriented people. really nice dude tho and easy class overall. hard if your not into science tho

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Hardest class in college that Ive ever had to get through thus far. As someone who isnt science oriented, the lectures were super boring and some of the test questions seemed super irrelevant to the class content. Not a lively/ creative lecturer and your midterm and final are worth 400/ 500 points of your entire final grade.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Easy class. Only went to lecture like 4 times this quarter and got a high B. Hilarious professor, great TA (try and get Madeline Gorchels!!). One group project, two midterms, no final. Must attend section, lecture not required though. Don't need the textbook either since his tests are based off what he says in lecture (and they're fairly easy!)

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

I took this class because I suck at math and science and everyone on here said I could ace this class and Brofessor was the best. Hes not a bro. Both times I reached out with questions he was passive agressive and acted like he didnt care. I missed 2 lectures, went to all sections, studied, and only did meh on the tests. Horribly boring lectures

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

He is a passionate man, he's very funny at times. He is boring tho! his voice is so monotonous. Lab is not mandatory. Group project is very easy! DO NOT skip class! Try to stay awake in class, he say's things that appear on the midterms that are not in his lecture slides. 2 midterms no final!

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Great professor and I loved his class. His presentations are online so lectures aren't really necessary but I'd recommend going nonetheless. The labs are also super straight forward and overall I truly recommend taking this class as an easy GE

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Took the class for GE and it was super easy and interesting. His lectures were clear, and the midterm/final only tested on material from the PPTs. Homework assignments and group projects were manageable and easy. He curved the midterm and the final by 10% so it was impossible to fail.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Matt is one chill and awesome prof. Didn't know what to expect going in as I'm not an Earth major, but this class was fun and super clear. He is honestly hilarious and really cares about his students. Must take! Love ya Mattttt

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Matt is by far one of the best professors Ive had at UCSB. His lectures are super interesting if youre willing to pay attention and he is incredibly funny. It is super clear that he cares about his students. Matt always tried to make lecture more entertaining at every opportunity. I would 100% recommend this class, especially with Matt teaching.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

He's such a nice and funny guy who you can tell cares about his students. Makes the material very simple to understand. Study a day before the test, go to the review session and you can get over 100% on midterm. Won't test on anything he doesn't say outloud (you don't need to read)and theres no final exam during finals week. One easy group project.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Matt Jackson is the best! Had him fall q freshman year and even though I didn't get the A the class was pretty easy! Lectures are pretty interesting because he has a great sense of humor and loves what he teaches.

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EARTH124IG . 7 Years Ago

We love Matty J! He's my favorite professor at UCSB! His lecture slides are definitely not boring since there are random animal pictures scattered throughout them.

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124IG . 7 Years Ago

Matty J!!!!! My favorite lecturer I have had at UCSB. Super chill, really into the material, and objectively deserves a chili pepper.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Matt (he had us call him that) taught a really laid back class. The lecture slides were all online, but I'd recommend still attending lectures because he explains the course material more thoroughly in person. Instead of a final, we had a second midterm based on the second half of the class, so that was nice. I admire his passion for the subject.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

4 easy homeworks, 2 midterms, 1 group project, no final. He was a funny guy, I never dreaded going to class or taking a test. Enthusiastic about the material. I went to class but since the slides are posted online you don't have to. The material isn't hard! Take this class! Oh and the book isn't really necessary; if anything just rent it, don't buy

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

This class was filled with very dull material (unless you are into earth sciences). His lectures slides were very long, but they were posted online. In all honesty I attended class about twice during the entire quarter and got an A- in the class. If you just do the section homeworks and presentation you will be solid. Just study slides on your own.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Generally good professor. He tried his best to make lecture interesting but it did tend to get very boring. He posts lectures online but they are very long. Tempting to skip class.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

I hated this class. It was boring and he spends the entire hour on 5 slides. He is a very lazy teacher and his tests show it. The test is based on random facts NOT on the lecture notes. Don't take this class, you will dread every second of it.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

He puts all the lectures online and they're really boring so it's easy to skip. Super nice and cool guy but don't like his teaching style. Powerpoint's every lecture get boring.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Great teacher - made the class enjoyable, though the slides can be a bit dull (sorry; change the color of the background maybe? transitions? Spruce it up? please). Project is super easy. Book isn't super important, but it's needed for a couple of the homework questions (for a couple pics and stuff). Congrats on that red hot chili pepper, professor!

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Matt is a delight. Funny guy teaching an interesting subject he's really into. Favorite class this quarter by far. This one's for you, buddy

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