
Rate My Professors (18)

GLOBL2 . 2 Years Ago

Wasn't too difficult but the lectures were all over the place and didn't have a lot of good information.

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GLOBL2 . 2 Years Ago

Took during TA strike quarter. Prof was super accommodating! Originally supposed to be graded on short writing assignments (3), section, midterm, final, + final paper. Had everything but the final paper. Lecture + rubrics were clear. Prof asks that you know a lot before exams and expects you to do outside research/self-tutelage (not readings).

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

professor is very intelligent and knowledgeable in the subject however she is not a good teacher at all. The lectures are all over the place and its not easy taking notes when you don't even know whats going on. the homework and readings are very heavy but you need it to pass the exams. don't take this class if you want an easy GE class.

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

Definitely ucsb's unprofessional professor, bc her class without any order. Thinking get an A s possible? telling you it's harder than a battlejust like driving manual. When there is a worst professor election, she is the one without a question.

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. I took this class as a GE and it was extremely hard. The lectures jump around too much and you are expected to also know global news on your own time as well as naming each country on a map. Assignments were not too bad but the exams were very difficult. Would not recommend taking at all.

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

Literally the WOAT. Readings feel actually endless. Lectures are so all over the place. It feels like she is just passionately spewing out random bits of irrelevant information that she has gathered 5 minutes before class. Not a fan. Do your self a favor and do not take a class with her.

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

this professor's lectures are boring and it's hard to see the relevance of a lot of what she teachers. she jumps all over the world and focuses too specifically on certain topics/areas. I would say most of her lectures are guest lectures or documentaries. gauchospace is disorganized. readings are dense and multiple choice are wayy too specific.

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GLOBAL2 . 6 Years Ago

This lower-division course requires more work than upper-divisions, let me live please.

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GLOBL2 . 6 Years Ago

Shes rough. Please dont take this class.... I took this class for an easy GE and it destoryyyyed me. Ive never written a review before ever but I legitimately felt the need to warn you guys. SAVE YOURSELF.

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GLBL161 . 7 Years Ago

I LOVED this class! Relevant material that made me both appreciatively hopeful and annoyedly skeptical of international environmental policies. We did a big mock-UN style debate at the end of the class that a lot of our final grade was based on. 3 small papers, in-class essay midterm, group activity, and big final paper. iClicker daily attendance.

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GLOBL2 . 7 Years Ago

Shes not neccesarily a bad , teacher its just that she doesnt teach half of the class she has guest lectures half of the time. She is very intellegent and knows a lot, but the test isn't really on what you learn from her. The test is mostly on the book so if you dont read the book you wont pass the tests.

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GLOBL2 . 7 Years Ago

most unprofessional professor ever. she missed half the lectures, the syllabus is extremely unclear and her gauchos space is a mess. there was no way to know which readings were assigned when but somehow you were still expected to have read. no study guides, no schedule, no course outline. she is the worst professor I've ever had.

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GLOBAL161 . 7 Years Ago

first scared by the too many assignments and papers on the syllabus, I found the class is quite easy. The lecture and textbook generally have nothing to do with the assignment. Just pay most attention to the grammar or so and you can easily get good grade.

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GLOBAL161 . 8 Years Ago

Teaches about how global governmental systems impact and make choices regarding the environment. You learn with lectures, videos, and the textbook. Only 1 book so good on the pocket. Informative especially for those who are under a rock about environmental issues. UN style debate at the end and 3 short group papers. Helpful for real world knowledge

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GLOBL2 . 8 Years Ago

Barandiaran constantly stated her liberal opinions as if they were facts, instead of presenting all sides of an argument like a global studies professor should. She also used absolute statements about political and economic topics, which made what is actually true very unclear. I learned nothing valuable in this class- do not take it with her!

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GLOBL2 . 8 Years Ago

Terrible teacher. Never take this woman. Has been all over the world but her lectures are dull, repetitive, un-engaging. If you're going to take this fantastic course, take it with Jurgensmeyer. He came as a guest lecture one day; learned more that day than I did the whole quarter.

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GS2 . 9 Years Ago

Lots of reading but they are interesting if you are into global issues. Her tests are those kind where you have to "pick the BEST answer" but more than one of them seem to be correct. You must read to pass tests and be able to compare and contrast readings.

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GLOBL2 . 9 Years Ago

She's very passionate about the material and you can tell she cares about the students. Her lectures can be confusing to follow, as she jumps from topic to topic but she's very helpful and is always willing to take questions during lecture. TONNES of reading, beware. Definitely need the textbook.

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