
Rate My Professors (56)

SPAN120B . 12 Years Ago

She is constantly against the students. I dont know if she just doesnt care or just truly dislikes teaching but she doesnt help her students at all. Her expectations are very strict. No absences tolerated. Can't turn in work at end of class. And her teaching skills are very poor and come across as careless.

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SPAN120A . 14 Years Ago

She gives no grading rationale and is entirely arbitrary. Never once did she facilitate a conversation about an opinion other than her own. Patronizing and overly dismissive of students' ideas. Interesting material but tests were focused on minute details and useless terms. She always tries to give life lesson advice after calling students lazy.

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SPAN139 . 14 Years Ago

I thought she was very good and nice, the material was very interesting and she explains things very straight forward, class participation was excellent.I can't believe all the ratings is kind of sad, maybe those students didn't keep up with the readings?

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SPAN139 . 14 Years Ago

It was the second time I took her, the class material is very good and I think she really knows the material. You need to go to every class because the test multiple choice comes from her lectures. If you go to office hours and get to know her she is actually really nice but seems a little cold heart at first.Give her a chance!

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SPAN139 . 14 Years Ago

The worst teacher I have ever taken a class from! A class from the Crack is not only a waste of time and money but it will leave you with a sour taste in your mouth due to her awful presence. She is a horrible person and no one should have to be subjected to listening to her pretentious lectures.

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SPAN120A . 15 Years Ago

This woman is horrible. She is rigid, mean, and completely unfriendly toward students. She makes her classes, which on their own are fairly interesting, almost unbearable because of her terrible demeanor. Don't take her classes.

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SPAN120A . 15 Years Ago

Read every other comment. they're all true. great material, horrible prof. patronizing, rude, out of touch with students/the world. she was actually in the english department then got fired and sued UCSB. they made up a position for her in the spanish department. drives me nuts how she always scrunches her nose.. McCrazy.

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SPANAM . 16 Years Ago

I took this teacher in summer 07 and found her a bit difficult to gauge, but as the session progressed I found that she offered great reading material and I did well in her class. I am considering taking her again. Is she really that bad? I'm not so sure.

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SPAN179 . 18 Years Ago

I always try to keep an open mind and reading these comments I still thought I could manage with her class....i've never been more wrong in my life. Absolutely positively worst teacher i've ever experienced. ever. DO NOT take her classes EVER. im usually able to deal but i wanted to die every single class with her. not tough, but in no way worth it

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USLATINOLIT . 18 Years Ago

everything they say is true. I have never harbored such disrespect bordeing on hatred for anyone like i have for this professor. She a narrow minded, bitter, man hater, who is violently opposed to male expression, and any opposition to her opinion. She does not deserve to teach, and goes against the foundations of education. BEWARE!

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SPANISHLIT . 18 Years Ago

no one, not even a death row inmate, deserves a teacher this bad!! Take the advise avoid her. She is the worst teacher i have ever come across, and she is bitter, unhelpful, and unfair. You would think a chicano lit class has to be a little fun sometimes until you meet her. good luck yall

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SPANISH120B . 18 Years Ago

This woman is the worst professor i have ever had. This includes my 3 year stint at junior college. She is a militant feminist who shoots down opinions when she asks for them in class. i recently emailed her for clarification on some key terms and she basically told me to go F myself. not only do i think she is a terrible professor, i HATE her.

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SPAN120B . 18 Years Ago

She is extremely unclear and extremely unreasonable.She rarely makes herself available for outside help.Her opinion is ALWAYS correct and she will form a personal grudge against you if offer another interpretation.An extremely unpleasant and difficult person.Will not ever admit that she is wrong.AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS!!

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SPAN120A . 18 Years Ago

She thinks that: Everyone is entitled to HER own opinion. If you don't interpret a book the way that she does then you are wrong.

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SPAN179 . 18 Years Ago

She is very close minded and makes her students feel like idiots. She is VERY patronizing and, although she seems to know a lot about what she discusses, she doesn't practice what she teaches. Once, this girl had to leave 15 minutes early so McCrackken stopped the class to go 'discipline' the girl. She then let us go afterward. She SUCKS!

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SPAN120A . 18 Years Ago

[Truncated—Not enough room] Nervous, rigid, rude, paranoid of cheating, neurotically over-estimates what’s distracting. Artificially elevates level of erudition of course through efforts in inefficiency—reverse of other teachers’. Says we should write so much in class we're “sore.” Like a bad public school teacher—Treats us like children/criminals.

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SPAN120A . 18 Years Ago

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SPANCOMPLIT . 18 Years Ago

She is a BEAST .... patronizing, unfair, hypocrytical, mean spirited, AWFUL !!!!!!

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SPAN179 . 18 Years Ago

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COMPLIT . 19 Years Ago

I had this prof. at least 2 yrs. ago and she was a **** then, avoid her at all costs she's evil.

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COMLIT34 . 19 Years Ago

What a #%*&$#^...she is the most unprofessional, rude and condescending prof. I ever had...a disgrace to the UC system...avoid her like the plague!

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McCracken had the nerve to tell me I plagerized on a paper that I spent countless days and sleepless nights on, even with the many drafts, per her request. Told me "...her Grad students don't write that well..."

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SPANISHLIT120 . 19 Years Ago

Worst teacher I ever had..

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CLIT34 . 20 Years Ago

Okay, so she can write a book or two. But really, anyone can if they focus on an overrated ethnic group. She cannot teach! Avoid this women at all costs! Arrogant, condescending, and intimidating! She likes to bite your head off every time..

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