
Rate My Professors (103)

RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

There really is no point me writing this because he is no longer teaching this class, but I want to put respect on davids name! His lectures are interesting, I thought the class was set up well and was very rewarding. As long as you took decent notes the tests were not too hard. Plus he gave a chance for redemption if you failed the midterm.

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

Dr. White was one of the most interesting people I have ever met, really wish I could have talked to him more. Lectures can be a little dry at times, but content is super interesting. Ordered the book, but didn't read too much of it. Midterm and Final were definitely challenging, but info was great. Discord chats get nuts.

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

It's his last year but I actually didn't think he was as people said. As long as you memorized the terms on his study sheet you should do decent on the midterm and final. His lecture before the final was basically 50% of the final anyways.

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

Took class because I thought the subject would be good, especially during pandemic time. Boy was I wrong, the lectures were very long and boring. The midterm and final were both worth more than half of your grade. Sections didn't really work and were mandatory w/ camera on. Average for midterm was below 72%. Anyways White's last quarter teaching.

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

I absolutely loved professor White's class! The subject was extremely interesting and his lectures were funny and entertaining. He has a TON of experience in this field and it shows. The class was heavily based on his textbook and lectures. Only one paper and the midterm was pretty straight forward. Luckily, the final got canceled because of Covid!

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INT94FW . 4 Years Ago

Awful professor for history, his lectures are long and when we take a test, there are many questions that lecture and powerpoints do not cover. I highly recommend no one taking his class if you want a good grade.

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RGST12 . 4 Years Ago

He seems passionate about what he does & will go out of his way to help u! I had an issue when the final was scheduled, he was gonna let me come in his office 3 hours early & be there early so I could take it, this was amidst the corona outbreak so we didnt stay for the final but the thought was nice. Hes a great teacher & a funny guy.

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RELIGST12 . 4 Years Ago

Love this man but he is so boring! it was very hard to stay awake! Midterm was 25 mc and mc free response and it was lowkey hard. One paper due in section and final exam. If you are not interested in learning about different religions dont take it. It was very hard to understand him in class since he was so quiet. I hated going to class.

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RS12 . 4 Years Ago

David White is so awesome. You do have to show up for class (he doesn't take attendance but it's helpful for the midterm and final.) He is passionate and funny and I loved every minute of this class

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RGST12 . 4 Years Ago

Okay so I had him my freshman year. I found his lectures to be extremely boring, but that's just me. It was hard trying to stay awake. Read the book, his exams are based on it since, ya know, he wrote it. He makes some jokes, that's the only highlight. Sometimes I just laughed cause others were laughing (I was half-asleep, as mentioned earlier).

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RS12 . 5 Years Ago

I really liked Prof White's teaching style, and I found the material interesting! Some topics were drier than others. The textbook can help w/ contextualizing lectures, but it's not necessary. Go to lecture and write down EVERYTHING; even the minutia is fair game. There's only one paper and 2 tests. Lots of memorization! Pay attn to connections!!!

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RGST12 . 5 Years Ago

To be honest, many students complain about this class and it is not that bad. This class is pretty interesting and if you study and attend lecture, the class is manageable. However, it requires a lot of just memorization so if thats not your thing then maybe take something else. Prof White is hilarious though.

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RGST12 . 5 Years Ago

He never posts the lecture slides online, so be ready to go to class. Lectures are really boring and dry, but the material can be very interesting, depending on your preferences. You must focus on the vocabulary he gives out. Also if you take notes, be sure to write things he doesn't put on the lecture slides, things said in passing; you're tested.

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RGST12 . 5 Years Ago

highly recommend you do not take this class unless youre seriously interested in the subject. professor white is very smart and knowledgeable on the subject, however he talks very quietly and says a lot of info that isnt on the slides. the class is super memorization heavy as well.

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RS12 . 5 Years Ago

My favorite professor so far! He's a super interesting guy and has a lot of cool stories. His lectures are never boring, but he does NOT post them online so you need to go to class. RS12 itself is super interesting; reading Prof. White's book is not 100% mandatory but it will help you. Love this class!!

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RGST12 . 5 Years Ago

The class has interesting material, but is super specific, so you need to memorize loads of information for the midterm and final.

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RGST12 . 6 Years Ago

i am in love with this man. very eccentric and really thought provoking and cool lectures. absolute chiller. the only class i went to consistently in fall. multiple choice questions are really hard, so go to every lecture. if you arent into philosophy/religion you might find it boring, but i loved. grade is bc i missed final by accident.. 10/10 tho

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RGST12 . 6 Years Ago

Material seems straightforward and the tests should be based on topics that are heavily covered but it seems that he includes only very small and very specific items on the tests. Even if you attend all the lectures, read and participate in section, you can still get a bad grade. Very scattered and confusing lectures, do not take if looking for GE

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RGST12 . 6 Years Ago

He has a monotone voice so it was easy to fall asleep in his class. KEEP UP WITH THE READING. If you know what is going on you'll have a fine time. Lots to memorize . Your section TA could make or break this class. Makes really funny jokes . Not an easy A class but maybe easy B.

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RELIGST12 . 7 Years Ago

Professor White is literally so chill. His lectures were very dense but interesting. He also lightened up the mood by telling jokes and interacting with the class. Absolutely loved this course!

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RGST12 . 7 Years Ago

The coolest and funniest professor I have had so far. He really knows what he is teaching and lectures are almost always entertaining.

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RGST12 . 7 Years Ago

David White is a super chill professor! I would take his class again, his lectures are very dense and there is a lot of memorization. The most important thing you can do for this class is to study the connections between the religions. Midterm multiple choice can be pretty tough, but the fill in portion is easy if you go over the study guides.

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RELIGST12 . 8 Years Ago

Bad professor - messy, scattered lecturer and there's no structure to his class. The class name sounds interesting but the material is dense, fact/historical based, lengthy, and difficult. Unless you're SUPER into religion, this is a bad choice. Lecture attendance is essential. If you're looking for a fun/interesting GE, do NOT take this class.

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RGST12 . 8 Years Ago

If you are looking for an easy A, I would avoid this class. It was a lot of material, memorization, and connections. The lectures were also pretty boring because his voice is really monotone. The TAs do everything they can to make the class better.

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