Rate My Professors (82)

ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Es3 has hands down been one of the worst classes I have taken at UCSB. Professor Martin seems like a very nice lady however she does not teach this course well. Her lectures are hard to stay focused for more than 30 mins. She says the information way to quick and her slides are not informational at all. Good course objectives, wrong professor.

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ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

While she gives a good overview of the material at hand, showing multiple opinions/views of the topics, it takes away the scientific aspect of the ES course. I enjoyed her take on colonialism and globalization but in regards to renewable energy, I've been taught contradicting facts in previous upper div courses here.

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ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

ES 3 has been one of the worst classes I've taken at UCSB, if not the worst. The material is seldom interesting, the books glorify colonization, and her lectures are confusing and too fast. She focuses too much on tiny historical details and not the environment, which is the point of the class... Overall, I regret taking intro ES with her.

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ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

While she is very approachable, and always willing to engage in conversation, es3 was very poorly structured, lectures grew difficult to follow and difficult to take concise notes on. Expectations on tests not as clear as they could have been. Did an decent job teaching ES1, but there could be better teachers for ES courses.

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ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

She talks too fast and reads off of a paper. Only one third of what she says is on her slide, everything else you have to take notes for. Hard to keep up because she goes too fast and gives too much information at once.

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ES3 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

There is no reason for Jen Martin to be in the ES department. ES1 with her was based off of one research paper. ES3 is based on two books, one of which GLORIFIES colonization. DO NOT take her courses especially for ES.

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Professor Martin has a passion for what she's teaching and she makes lectures exciting and thought-provoking. History 20 is a very unique class that I would recommend to anyone with any interest in science while trying to get a GE out of the way. Definitely one of the best classes I've taken at UCSB.

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

I took this class because i thought it was going to be an easy GE based on her reviews, but it was unnecessarily difficult. The readings were confusing, and the lectures were boring. I do not recommend this for anyone who is looking into taking this class as their easy and chill class for the quarter.

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ES130C . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

JEN MARTIN IS AMAZING. Her class was so eye opening and empowering. She cares so much about her students and that we are actually taking things away from the class. Participation is super madatory but she makes you want to participate. Not the easiest class ever ever but definitely 10000% WORTH IT. Take any class possible w martin.

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ES1 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

The class is based off of two exams, a term paper, and two pop quizzes. However, as long as you study and do the readings, you'll definitely do well. She moves a little quickly through the lecture slides but she posts all the slides online. You should definitely go to lecture to learn all the concepts though. Overall really great class and easy A.

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Professor goes through lecture slides way too quickly, even though a lot of your grade depends on getting the lecture information. The midterm gives you 6 random terms, so you could basically study everything but still get a bad grade if you happen to not know that one term. The material is also very vague, class seemed unnecessarily hard.

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Many readings due for every class & makes you write about the readings every lecture for attendance & you're graded on details, not just completion. She will call on people in class and wait for you to participate. Information was fairly interesting, but readings can be confusing/overcomplicated. Graded on midterm, a book essay, and 3 final essays

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Lectures are unorganized, boring, and overall unnecessary for the midterm and take home essays. She also keeps attendance with a writing assignment for every lecture based on the reading/lecture which is a pain. I wouldn't take it if you can't help it unless you prefer tedious readings and sitting through agonizingly boring lectures.

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HIST20 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

read the description for this class & thought it was cool, BUT I WAS WRONG! all the material is so broad and I dont see the point to this class. she's always calling on people which makes lectures unbearable. goes through slides way too quick and so many readings omg. just take another class and dont be deceived by the description. thats my advice

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ES1 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Jen is super passionate and is a great lecturer. She was super helpful in office hours. However, she does talk fast so get ready to type. She makes her lectures relevant and interesting. The term paper isn't bad at all if you keep up with it and the tests are super straight forward. Readings are a portion of the tests!

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ES1 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Jen Martin is amazing! She is so kind and genuinely passionate about the subjects she teaches. The term paper in this class takes a lot of work, mostly because you have to turn some part of it in every week in section. But it's helpful because it boosts your grade and prevents you from waiting until the last minute to start. I recommend her class!

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ES1 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Lectures are pretty dense but Martin is great at making everything interesting. The term paper assignment is kind of lame because the rough draft and all the steps before it are worth more than the actual final paper.

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ES1 . Martin J A 5 Years Ago

Great class, lectures are very educational. Do what your told and you'll be fine.

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ENVS183 . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

I took this class over summer. Grade breakdown: participation & in class writing 25%, key terms exam 10%, exam on readings & films 20%, 6 page film review essay 20%, 8 page take home essay 25%. She learns your name & calls on you even if you don't raise your hand. Participate & do the reading or you'll have a hard time passing! Hard but fun class!

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ES1 . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

Jen is an amazing teacher. She is incredibly passionate and encouraging, she learns every student's name, and she appreciates and finds value in every student and their ideas, no matter what. I took this in the summer, when the class was only about 60 people large, so the larger 300+ person lectures during the academic year may differ. Love her!!!

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ES130A . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

Jen is fantastic, super caring and passionate and she wants you to be too. It's not hard to get an A but you have to show up, participate (most classes are discussion-based), and complete the abundant but easy assignments. Midterm/final are easy papers, and the second half of class is a mock summit.

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ES1 . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

Martin is a really passionate professor that really makes ES1 an enjoyable class. She does give heavy reading assignments that she will give 5 random quizzes on but even if you only skimmed the readings you'll be fine. Her lectures are loaded with info but she posts the slides online so focus on what she's saying more than the slides themselves.

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ES1 . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

Goes through lecture slides very quickly and talks about things that aren't on the slides but will be on the tests. Recommend taking notes on what she says during lecture then later taking notes on the slides themselves after she posts them on Gaucho space. Very nice lady, overall decent professor. Would take again.

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ES1 . Martin J A 7 Years Ago

I abhorred ENVS 1 up until the first midterm, which I found relatively easy considering I did not study very hard. Lectures are suffuse with information and Martin expects you to pay attention to small details; however, her test questions are general enough. Section is mandatory and has a few assignments that require you to put in work.

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