
Rate My Professors (38)

RGST7 . 7 Years Ago

Best class I've taken. It was pretty confusing at first, but everything came together beautifully by the end. You need to pay close attention in lectures, but that's easy to do because they're really interesting and Walker is super dynamic. Not an easy class, but worth the work.

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RGST7 . 8 Years Ago

Walker is by far my favorite prof I've had at UCSB! His lectures are so interesting and engaging that I never wanted to miss a class. The reader is a must have for discussions in section, the midterm, & the final. The midterm and final were both open note and he gave the option of taking the final at home. Overall very chill prof & would recommend!

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RGST7 . 8 Years Ago

Professor Walker is the most interesting and by far, the best professor I have had at UCSB so far. He talks fast but his lectures are extremely fascinating.

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RGST7 . 8 Years Ago

At first you'll want to attend class because Prof Walker is so hot, but you'll keep coming back because his lectures are fascinating AND entertaining. Seriously though, plan to put the work in (attending class and lecture, doing the reading) so that you don't waste his time or your classmates'.

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RGST7 . 8 Years Ago

Walker may talk a bit fast but you should go to sections to help clarify what you didn't get. He's super chill and lets you take an at home final if you want to. Essays were pretty easy to write. He gives 2 pop quizzes during 1st half of quarter so don't miss lecture. Just take good notes and you'll do fine. Midterm and final are open notes & text.

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RS151A . 8 Years Ago

best professor I have ever had, cares so much about his students and his class

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RGST151A . 9 Years Ago

Professor Walker is the best professor I've ever had. He is brilliant and yet he treats his students with so much humility and respect. The class isn't "easy", but the material is fascinating and he's such a great lecturer that you will never want to miss a class. Also, he's super funny! Can't wait to see what he does next!

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RS151A . 9 Years Ago

Professor Walker is so smart that it's intimidating. He is very passionate about the subject and knows it backwards and forwards. The reading was difficult and dense but he was great making it interesting. Didn't grade the essays too harshly but the test questions really require you to know the material and provide your own insight.

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RGST7 . 9 Years Ago

Awesome class and awesome professor. Attendance at lectures isn't mandatory, but it helps a lot with the exams -- and I always wanted to go anyway, because they were always entertaining and interesting. Great speaker. Meetings with TAs (which ARE required) help you connect the dots between lecture content and readings. Highly recommended!

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RGST7 . 9 Years Ago

One of the best classes yet. I definitely recommend it. TA and Prof. are extremely helpful and want you to succeed. The class is meant to challenge you and the way you think and can be confusing, but going to section really helps. textbook wasn't necessary, but the course reader was a must have. midterm and final is really easy if you go to lecture

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58404 . 9 Years Ago

Awesome AWESOME professor. Literally made my quarter. Super interesting and easy class. Highly recommend.

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RGST147 . 10 Years Ago

Great professor. Not an easy course, and Prof. Walker constantly pushed us to challenge simple stories about religion. But this was the best GE class I've taken at UCSB. Walker cares a lot about his students, and if you put in the work (and go to class & follow written comments), you'll do well and learn a lot.

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RGST147 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Walker is one of the smartest, most interesting, well spoken, and intriguing people I have ever met. He is incredibly knowledgeable about any number of subjects, and always has something insightful to add to comments in class discussion, no matter what they are about, or what outside sources are mentioned. His classes are must-takes.

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RS151B . 10 Years Ago

Prof Walker may seem extremely intimidating at first, but it is because he purposely structures the class somewhat confusingly in order to force you to think outside the box. It will require effort but you won't do poorly if you put it in. He is actually pretty chill when you get to know him, and you will come away with a changed perspective.

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