
Rate My Professors (46)

PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

The best way to get good grades is trying to guess as much as you can! The best way to learn something related to phys2 is trying to escape from his lectures as far as you can! He doesn't teach you anything except requiring you to be quiet.

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PHYSICS2 . 10 Years Ago

Why does he arrange pre-test reviews and post-test reviews but cannot even give clear lectures in class? Why does he always change at the last minute homework due date or some other date? Why does he write lengthy and complicated instruction when testing? Why does he "intentionally" as he told makes tests and work difficult but he doesn't teach?

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

Sigh... I don't know what he even talks about sometimes. I swear I would learn more if I didn't even go to lecture.

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PHYSIC2 . 10 Years Ago

He doesn't teach anything in lectures because he expects everyone takes physic2 before. He doesn't try to explain any problems. Good luck guys. SHAME ON UCSB!

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PHYSICS2 . 10 Years Ago

He is not clear, not consistent, not focused, and he gives work or quizzes at a very short notice. He makes efforts by constantly assigning and changing,but his "efforts" adds to difficulty of the class and adds to our work load.

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PHYSICS2 . 10 Years Ago

THIS TEACHER DOES NOT TEACH! I wish I could give him less than a rating of 1. He wastes time with nonsense that he cant even solve, and gives tests that are hard to impossible. His class is useless yet he is very impatient and forces you to stay through ridiculously timed quizzes. This visiting 'professor' needs to be reported to the physics dean.

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PHYSICS2 . 10 Years Ago

Don't know what the teacher is doing. He makes me feel stupid and having no intelligence.

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

Hardcore mode. Do not attempt.

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

He does not truly teach. He does a lot of going through complex problems, finding himself stuck, and telling the class how to be efficient or quiet. In no manner should this man be deemed an educator, though I expect he is a very good researcher.

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

He is the kind of professor that makes you actually question why you even came to this school. He is a very bad representation of our "world renowned" physics program. Shame on UCSB. Avoid him at all costs. Lectures are useless, he makes mistakes on problems, and writes very small. If you sit in the back it is impossible to read the board.

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

No matter how close to the front I sit, how little i get distracted, how meticulous I m about my notes, i cant seem to get anything out of his lectures. Homework is extremely time consuming and irrelevant. Overall, he is an absolutely atrocious professor. Avoid him at all costs.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

quiz each lectures, tons of HW, unclear lectures, Meaningless Iclicker questions, hard exams, strict format for emails and HW. Don't take his class if you want to actually learn something.

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PHYSIC2 . 10 Years Ago

OMG THIS PROFESSOR IS SO TERRIBLE! I don't understand anything in his class. He talks about problems all the time, and he can't solve half of them! That's ridiculous. Also, u need to waste ur time trying to guessing answers in quizzes every week. Yup, he offers quiz every week. U don't have enough time to solve any of questions . TERRIBLE CLASS!

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PHYS2 . 10 Years Ago

Lectures are practically useless since you can barely hear him and all he does is go over problems (on occasion, incorrectly so). He gives a ridiculous amount of homework with such short notice (such as homework assigned friday due sunday so you can't even go to OH). If possible, avoid his class; if not, good luck!

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PHYSICS2 . 10 Years Ago

His homework drives people crazy.

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PHYS4 . 10 Years Ago

A really nice person but a bad lecturer. He tried to improve his teaching during our course but kind of failed doing so. The second midterm he gave was an impossible one, with 17 hard questions in 1 hour. The first midterm and the final were hard but straightforward. You have to read the book to understand anything he teaches.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

He can't really teach but he's not a bad person and he tries. Clas is especially helpful for understanding most of it, and drop in will help you with the homework. Just don't expect the lectures to be very helpful.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Professor Corsini was terrible. He constantly wasted lecture time delving into tangential material and refused to use numbers in his problems. The homework was incredibly difficult and necessitated the use of CLAS drop in. His exams were impossible.

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PHYS6A . 11 Years Ago

Corsini is obviously a very intelligent man, he's just not a good professor. I learned everything from the textbook, google, and peers. The homework takes a while to do and he sometimes puts HW questions on exams. After exams he doesn't let anyone see their test/scantron so you don't know what you did wrong. Definitely take CLAS.

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PHYS6 . 11 Years Ago

Terrible prof for physics. Sent an arrogant email after our 2nd midterm saying he purposely made it extremely hard because in the real world you have to think fast and know your stuff back and forth (I'm guessing this was in reference to medical school?). HW takes a long time if you want to do it properly; too much hw. His review sessions were somewhat useless. Gives many office hours but his teaching and expectations are completely unreasonable. If you can take Geller, do it. Corsini is not wor

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PHYS6A . 11 Years Ago

His lectures are terrible, and his exams are extremely unreasonable. When looking at curves between physics professors (including 6A), his curve isn't actually that helpful. His review sessions move at the speed of light and are incomprehensible.HW gave me headaches; wasted SO MUCH TIME ON HIS CLASS. Probably getting a C- because of his 'curve'.

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PHYS6A . 11 Years Ago

Great person but not the best teacher. Tests are extremely hard, his lectures are not clear and he will confuse you. His office hours are helpful and he is willing to help. Overall class curve does help though.

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