
Rate My Professors (154)

GEOG5 . 11 Years Ago

honestly the worst class I have ever taken. material is SO boring. Professor talks SO fast. Midterm=impossible. I can honestly say that i've never taken a class as uninteresting as this. The professor is really nice and funny, but this class SUCKS!! run now..

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GEOG5 . 12 Years Ago

Montello is a very interesting and enthusiastic teacher. The material is pretty common sensical but you do have to go to lecture since he doesn't post powerpoints. Don't be intimidated by the country exam...if anything it will be easy points on the final, which was actually really easy. I definitely recommend this class!

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GEOG153C . 13 Years Ago

Professor Montello is very interested in how humans perceive the world, and designs his lectures, assignments, and tests accordingly. If you consider the application of course material to everyday life, the seemingly complex material should be relatively easy to understand. You will likely find yourself thinking pleasantly trippy thoughts.

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GEOG5 . 13 Years Ago

Dan Montello is quite possibly the greatest man who has ever lived. Easily the funniest, smartest and wittiest man you will ever encounter.

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GEOG150 . 13 Years Ago

Bring a computer, I have large gaps in my written notes because he doesn't use powerpoint and says everything. His humor isn't for everyone, and my notes read like a fact list, which would be good if I were going on Jeopardy, but I'm not. No lecture notes posted.

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GEOG5 . 13 Years Ago

Pretty funny guy and a good lecturer. Doesn't put notes online, so either go to class and take good notes or get them from someone who does. Got a B on both midterms and final with pretty minimal studying, probably could have gotten A's. Homework isn't very relevant but is easy points. Textbook is pretty worthless, save your money, just take notes!

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GEOG5 . 13 Years Ago

The class is extremely boring and he doesn't help it become more interesting. As a first quarter freshman I did not enjoy being treated so rudely when I visited him during his office hours. The topics are pretty vague and he never wants to help clarify. Begin studying for the country test early and you'll have no problems with that!

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GEO5 . 13 Years Ago

This guy is appalling. His lectures are uninteresting and tangential, and one on one he's likely to treat a student like crap. You don't have to use the book at all if lectures are attended. A side note is he lectures while chewing gum, breaths loudly into the mic, and uses donuts as examples for anything with concentric rings... He's a tool.

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GEOG5 . 13 Years Ago

A quality professor that understands what he's teaching. Can be very overbearing on students at times, especially at office hours. Goes off on random tangents throughout the entire lecture, and often uses these tangents as examples for important terms that are on the test. Make sure to attend lectures, and take complete and full notes.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

the comments about his office hours behavior are true, what kind of professor chews you out in office hours saying that you're wasting tax payers money and asks how you got into UCSB among other things

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GEOG117 . 14 Years Ago

Understanding this dude's research will help you understand how he approaches teaching. Can be overbearing but also high quality educator.

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GEOGGEOG . 14 Years Ago

Don't ever go to his office hours he'll put you down and discourage you. Should be fired from UCSB for his out of line behavior that I and other students dealt with. WORST Professor I've ever encountered!

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

Really good professor. I enjoyed his sense of humor, and he really knows what he's talking about. The tests are based off of his lectures, and are not too bad if you pay attention to lectures. I hope to take a class of his again.

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GEOG150 . 14 Years Ago

Awful instructor, don't recommend it! Semi-interesting topic but excessive and unrelated materials in class and on tests. Not worth your time...

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

The class is pretty interesting. Tests are not easy, tested on pretty much everything and the textbook is crappy (i think they changed it though). Good professor, he kept things interesting and i liked his sense of humor

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GEOG150 . 14 Years Ago

GREAT professor! He keeps USA geography interesting with songs and recipes of the week, and has great humor. Tests are easy if you study the terms on the review sheet he gives you. Test questions can be quite humorous too. Overall, great teacher, very down to earth and more than fair grader! =]

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GEOG150 . 14 Years Ago

he is a cool dude but tests are pretty much on everything he ever said.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

Liked his dry sense of humor at first, but it got old pretty fast. Tests you on pretty much every word said in class, even things that don't seem important. Book was not really necessary, and I was really mad when he took Africa off of the country test for the final, i knew that one the best!

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GEOG7 . 14 Years Ago

AMAZING professor! So funny and entertaining! class was not too difficult, anyone can pass if they go to lecture and section. don't need the book at all

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

He is funny and keeps lecture interesting. The tests are a bit confusing though.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

this class seems easy, but its really not. not interesting at ALL unless your interested in the randomest facts about geography. i liked going to ALL my classes this quarter except this one. going to this class was torture for me. the questions were tricky on the tests and generally confusing.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

This class is fine if you go to lecture. Most of the questions on his tests are straight from your notes. Two midterms. Second one is way harder than the first but still not terrible. Country exam is easy if you put in the time. Overall pretty interesting class.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

You need to go to lecture to get a good grade on exams, he draws most questions from the lecture. Take good notes! Start studying for the country exam early and you'll be fine. He gives two midterms which are a couple of weeks apart, that's kind of stressful. An interesting professor who genuinely cares for his students and is very approachable.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

Pay attention during lectures, they are extremely beneficial.Save your money, don't buy the textbook. Dan is a genuine guy that actually cares for his students

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