
Rate My Professors (21)

MILTON . 9 Years Ago

Mr E is not for those seeking 'right answers' or easy A's. Understanding the texts, he's aware that we don'know for sure what Milton, Shakes., Chaucer meant When he asks a Q it isn't , "Try and read MY mind for the answer" it's a genuine, "I respect you as learners; what do you think?" In class we are learn together.--humanities at its best!

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ENGL152A . 16 Years Ago

Dr. Erickson is the kindest, most pleasant man in the world. He has no patience for students who won't work, granted, and his tests are pretty hard - but he's very accessible and sympathetic, and really cares about his students. He'll give you a hug and buy you coffee if he runs into you on campus. It's like taking a class from your grandfather.

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ENG102 . 16 Years Ago

Epitomizes the smug, old boy network that seems to be the core of the UCSB eng dept. He won't tell you upfront, but you need a total 94% for an A. He mumbles his way through the semester & is only ever 50% audible. He wanders like a meandering river but in exams you are expected to elucidate on finer points not focused on in lecture. Disappointing.

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ENGL116A . 18 Years Ago

Lecture was usually improved, but always filled with great insight into the Old Testament. Many people complained about the tests, probably because they didn't attend lecture, which is the key to doing well in this class (that plus reading). Finding a good TA is also imperative to enjoying this class. Overall a great class if you are interested.

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THEPOETS . 19 Years Ago

Caring, dedicated, passionate...and has good Easter parties too! What other teacher would invite you to Easter party at his house then stuff your pockets full of HIS food!

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ENG151SP . 19 Years Ago

He seems to be really easy in the beginning but he expects you to preform duties he does not specify in the directions of his exams. I spent most of the class period zoning because I wasn't learning anything that I didn't know and it was mostly plot summary. I would advise you against taking his class. He wont give above a 93% and that is very rare

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ENGL102 . 19 Years Ago

erickson is old and smart, perhaps past his prime. as many others state, his lectures are often not focused or you feel that you are not perhaps getting the information you should from them. he is helpful one on one, although he may be belittling (he was to me). Easy "B" if you do the work.

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ENGL116A . 19 Years Ago

I had no idea what he was talking about for the whole quarter, and I have read the old testament a couple of times. He had a lot of scattered facts and concepts, but lecture organization was poor and nearly impossible to find an single point. Maybe it is time to retire.

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ENGL116A . 19 Years Ago

So boring, no organization in his lectures, couldn't seperate his personal beliefs from the Bible as simply a book, didn't live up to the course description at all, and tons of reading.

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ENG116A . 19 Years Ago

Oh my god this man is so incredibly boring. The material for this class was great, but all he did in lecture was summarize and toss out concepts and random Hebrew words without explaining them. No in depth analysis whatsoever. Torture to attend.

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ENGLISH116A . 19 Years Ago


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ENG115A . 19 Years Ago

Erickson is obviously a christian trying to get people interested in Jesus by reading old testament prophetic literature. this class was not what the description promised. it was not "old testament literature". It should have been called "bible study"....ugh

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ENG116A . 19 Years Ago

Awesomely passionate, loves the subject. Researches and prepares well for lectures. Gotta respect him for being so involved.

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ENGLISH . 19 Years Ago

I think he teaches mainly Shakespeare. He is incredibly knowledgable and excited about the material- which helps make the class interesting and fun.

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MILTON . 20 Years Ago

great teacher, clearly knows his stuff. If you aren't interested in Milton, you probably wouldn't like it from anyone, but this guy can make you understand it.

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MILTON . 20 Years Ago

Erickson is a total snooze, but he knows his stuff and will give you as much time as you need outside of class. If you're looking for a show pony, look elsewhere.

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ENGL102 . 20 Years Ago

Very boring lectures, but great help one-on-one.

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ENG102 . 20 Years Ago

It's time to retire. Erickson, bored the socks off my feet. I watched the paint dry on the class room walls befroe i listened to him. Outrageously liberal. He should keep his views to himself.

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ENG102 . 20 Years Ago

Misogynistic literature taught throughout the quarter.

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ENGL102 . 20 Years Ago

lectures were a bit scattered

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ENG102 . 21 Years Ago

Enjoys presenting his political opinions EVERY SINGLE DAY, but he is a decent teacher.

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