
Rate My Professors (60)

MCDB1A . 9 Months Ago

He is a friendly and easygoing professor with an aptitude for teaching. He made learning basic biochemistry as simple as possible. I appreciate the slides complementing his lectures. His quizzes were fair too. The rest of doing well is knowing how to study and take exams, which is the most challenging part of this class.

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MCDBIA . 9 Months Ago

Really good lecturer and made class interesting. His section of class (biochem) was by far the easiest and he explains all the concepts really well. The midterm was straightforward and super similar to the practice tests. Watching the CLAS videos really helps! Textbook isn't necessary but can help if you want an additional resource.

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MCDB153 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Feinstein taught this class great, he clearly has passion and an incredible understanding of the material. The TAs werent the most helpful and couldn't answer questions clearly. Exams are 80% of the grade, quizzes are 20%. Exams are graded strictly but lowest gets dropped, understand the experiments inside and out. Curve was steep, OH is helpful.

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MCDB1A . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Feinstein was a good lecturer. Formatted the slides so that the important information was always easy to find. Practice midterm reflected the difficulty of the actual midterm and his portion of the final definitely helped boost my grade.

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MCDB1A . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Solid lecturer. I definitely think reading before the lectures is a big help. I think overall his portion of the class is quite simple and straightforward. It is heavy conceptually, but there aren't many practice problems to do which is why you should engage with the material as much as you can in the book or in office hours.

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MCDBIA . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Test/quizzes were very fair. Super knowledgeable and approachable after class. All in all, just a really nice guy.

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MCDB1A . 2 Years Ago

He is a great professor and his lectures are very easy to follow and engaging. He would go through lecture material really quickly, but the lectures were recorded and posted online later so it was no big deal. Studying the experiments is super important.

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MCDB1A . 2 Years Ago

Lectures were based off the reading heavily. I honestly found the reading more helpful for the exam than the lecture because he would tend to go off on tangents about his own research or other researchers he knows. If you do the readings and study, the midterm and his portion of the final are definitely doable.

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MCDB153 . 4 Years Ago

This class is super interesting and he was SUPER accommodating during rona time. Study the experiments and think of other ways the study could have been done to do well on the tests. Easily the best prof I had during rona. Gave 24 to take tests and quizzes. Could be done with the class after the midterm if you were happy with your grade.

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MCDB153 . 4 Years Ago

He is a great teacher, and will test off of the lecture material. If you take the time to meet with him, he will help you and can give helpful insights for grading, what to expect for his tests, and ensure you understand the concepts. He is patient and will explain things ad nauseum if you truly do not understand.

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MCDB1A . 4 Years Ago

Stu is an awesome teacher and really helps answer questions. He is excellent at explaining and will be patient with you until you understand the concepts. His lectures have lots of information in them so be ready to listen and take notes. Just know that he isn't very good with learning names, but once he knows who you are he will not forget you.

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MCDB1A . 4 Years Ago

He does not give enough practice problems for students to review, so reading textbook is important. The lecture is good and the exam is normal (especially when comparing with other professors teaching this course).

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MCDB153 . 5 Years Ago

take detailed notes, rewatch the lectures, and create study guides outlining the approaches to every experimental question and you'll do well.

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MCDB153 . 5 Years Ago

didn't even get to know our final exam scores, unresponsive to any emails.

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MCDB153 . 5 Years Ago

He is one of the best professors I have taken and you can tell he is enthusiastic about the material he is presenting. Take his honors seminar if you can too. His tests are super straightforward just know all the experiments inside and out and how it relates to the question being studied. Only reading is a few articles rest of material is on slides

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MCDB1A . 5 Years Ago

Probably the best of the three professors teaching the intro series. He usually summarizes the lecture before in the first 10 minutes so its a good review to explain any confusing things. He writes on the lecture slides which is surprisingly helpful. Definitely take CLAS. I recommend Amy Liest. Her packets and review sessions help a lot.

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MCDB1A . 5 Years Ago

Great professor for the intro series. Material is not too hard compared to the rest of intro bio, but he takes time and explains things in detail. Coll guy.

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MCDB1A . 5 Years Ago

Feinstein is alright. He is not amazing by any means but he gets the job done and teaches the material in a straightforward way. The tests are also pretty easy and predictable as long as you study. He teaches the first third of MCDB 1A (the biochem section). Goes over material slowly so you can understand everything. Honors section was kinda boring

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MCDB1A . 5 Years Ago

Teaches the biochemistry portion of MCDB1A. Really good at teaching the material. He goes over material twice so that helps with any loose ends you had trouble with when he first explained it. Midterm was actually very easy (this is coming from someone who sucks at chem). Never went to lecture (watch them online). CLAS is very helpful.

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MCDB153 . 6 Years Ago

Amazing class and very interesting. He grades tough, but fair and the test are very concept based. If you try to simply memorize everything without understanding it you wont pass. Really interesting class and he wants you to learn.

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MCDB1A . 6 Years Ago

Great professor and interesting lectures. He's also a sweet and funny guy. Make sure to read the book, take notes, and review his lectures before the exam (and do the practice exam)!

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MCDB1A . 6 Years Ago

Stu is the greatest professor I have ever had. Truly inspirational. Very captivating lectures and super interesting information. He's the best at lecturing, not to mention how adorable he is! Would love to take more classes with him in the future! . Material is very straight forward and interesting.

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MCDB1A . 6 Years Ago

Don't try to write every little detail down, but instead, try to pay attention and really understand the material and the processes. The midterm was super easy, although I've heard that some people found it pretty hard. Go to CLAS. It helped me a lot, ended up getting a 97 on the midterm without reading the book lol. About as easy as AP Bio for me.

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MCDB1A . 7 Years Ago

The first third of MCDB 1A is a breeze thanks to Stu. He is really clear in lecture and shows a lot of diagrams that help explain things. Doesn't use the iClicker because he doesn't know how, and all lectures are recorded and posted online if you miss. DO THE OLD MIDTERMS POSTED ONLINE he literally takes those exact questions for his midterm.

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