
Rate My Professors (45)

RELIG . 19 Years Ago

Terrible. So full of her self it's actually amusing. Her lectures are boring and unclear, and to make it worse, the book for the course is her book, so you have no chance of encountering anything that is interesting or well thought out. The class could

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RELST151A . 19 Years Ago

Not a Religious Studies major, but I still though she was way too hard. Her lectures are very boring and she isn't a "good" teacher. No outline, powerpoint or anything. Goes on wild tangets and forgets what she was originally talking about. notes end up completely mixed up. Tests are not too hard, but not easy. Dense reading.

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RGST150151 . 19 Years Ago

So scatterbrained. She's pretty boring.

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RGST151AAMPB . 19 Years Ago

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She is horrible. Unfortunately, she is also becoming the head of the RS department. I fear for the future of this great program. She CANNOT teach, makes EVERYTHING boring, and is really quite unfair. If she does not like you, you will know it. She has no sense of creative teaching, and really, just becomes an annoying presence in the room.

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RELST7 . 19 Years Ago

god awful

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RGST7 . 19 Years Ago

Very good class to take, the readings are a little extreme. She wrote the book so of course the tests were hard. I loved the course but I wish the mid term and final wasn't so IMPOSSIBLE to do. 100 questions and a full essay for the final...Who does that?

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RGST7 . 19 Years Ago

boring class, but if you engage yourself in the material it makes sense, is easy to remember, and can become less dull. A LOT of reading, but easy A if you do it

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RGST7 . 19 Years Ago

Boring voice & lots of reading. Exams are pretty easy, and the TAs are awesome! Review sessions are VITAL!

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RG7 . 19 Years Ago

+ side: professor is knowledgable. TAs are unbelievablly awesome. Tests are easy. Paper is straight forward... - side: lots of reading, paper needs to be based on library research(more reading).

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RELSTUD7 . 19 Years Ago

she's pretty boring and has a monotonous voice that makes you wanna fall asleep, but the tests aren't too bad because the TAs write them.

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RGST12 . 19 Years Ago

The material she covers is very interesting but her book is a little hard to understand. She does have a good grasp on the material however there is a ton of reading and her lectures are horrible bc she doesnt speak clearly. Her TAs are amazing tho!!! esp leslie!

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RELIGSTUD7 . 19 Years Ago

Completely arrogant and an unfair grader, boring and off topic. If you take the honors section you will get a much lower grade than you deserve. Tests are pretty easy

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RGST7 . 19 Years Ago

this class was really interesting, and she was very funny, I would recomend it to anyone.

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RELSTUD7 . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are a little boring and the class isn't too easy. Lots of reading and a 7-page paper. Midterm was 75 mult choice and a long essay (in 50 minutes). To be fair, lectures were easy to follow and she was interesting at times. She was very nice and seemed like she knew her stuff.

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RS7 . 20 Years Ago

great instructor...very passionate about the subject as well as extremely knowledgeable. I highly reccomend her classes!

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RS6 . 21 Years Ago

Macro Biotic Vegan. Very cool. No power point lectures.

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RGST7 . 21 Years Ago

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RGST7 . 21 Years Ago

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RGST7 . 21 Years Ago

Too easy.

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RELSTUDIES . 21 Years Ago

Intro relig studies. GREAT teacher, so lively, so smart! Excellent material, rapid paced classes. Very even handed and respectful but not sappy about students relig. beliefs. Unafraid to challenge history or traditional ideas yet very scholarly. Luved it.

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