Rate My Professors (22)

GLOBL110 . Clitandre N T 2 Years Ago

100+ pages of reading each week, insane. Pop quizzes on those readings in short answer format, so if you didn't read good luck! Her lectures were very dense and she spoke in a monotone voice, always very serious which made lectures boring. 2 papers (midterm and final) 600 words. Somewhat easy if you did the readings. Take advantage of extra credit!

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 2 Years Ago

100+ pages of reading each week. Pop quizzes on readings, short answer questions so if you did not read good luck! Attendance was taken using the iclicker app. Her lectures were very dense and somewhat repetitive. She spoke in a sort of monotone voice and was very serious and formal. 2 papers that were 600 words, manageable if you did the readings.

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GLOBL110 . Clitandre N T 2 Years Ago

This is by far one of the worst courses I have taken. She drowns you in at least 100 pages of reading a week with pop quizzes on the material without taking into consideration that you just may have other classes. Her lectures are extremely boring and for exams, she asks like 6 questions in one prompt, giving you 600 words to answer it. Stay away!

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 2 Years Ago

I have to say that this course is a piece of sxxx. Professor Clitandre herself is a very passionate and knowledgeable person, BUT the course tastes worse than my cat's poop. At least 100 pages reading per week, and the three exams are really hard to write. DO NOT take this mandatory course with her unless you are a literature professor yourself...

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 2 Years Ago

She did an amazing job at putting me to sleep. Wish she could talk at 2x speed. Wish she could talk like a normal human being and not like a robot. Wish there weren't pop quizzes once a week on readings I didn't do. I wish a lot of things. But more than anything, I wish I didn't take her class. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

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GLOBAL104 . Clitandre N T 4 Years Ago

She gives out impossible assignments, grades harshly, and blames students when they give feedback. Unfortunately I have taken 2 of her classes and they were both the same.

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GLOBAL148 . Clitandre N T 5 Years Ago

was hesitant taking this professor based on the reviews, but one of the best classes Ive ever taken. She assigns books with interesting topics, and all the writing assignments were personal reflections, she truly wanted to get to know her students. All group discussions on books, so instead of her just telling you what its about you find it yoursel

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 5 Years Ago

Clitandre is a great lecturer and is very passionate about Global Studies. There are weekly quizes on reading but the readings are super interesting. 2 midterms and final are 600 word write-ups that are very clear. People wrote negative comments on here and going into the class I had low expectations, but she definitely surpassed them!!! recommend

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GLOBAL110 . Clitandre N T 5 Years Ago

No recommend.

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GLOBAL104 . Clitandre N T 6 Years Ago

She is a very smart and passionate professor. The other people that rated her for this quarter could have been a little more understanding seeing as our only TA quit 3 weeks into the quarter and had half of the quizzes. This class was messy but only because of the TA and the shorter quarter. Take this class only if you can handle abstract material.

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GLOB104 . Clitandre N T 7 Years Ago

She gave weekly quizzes on the published academic articles (which she does not go over until after the quiz), and did not return the graded quizzes or midterm until week 9. Upon the whole entire class failing the quizzes (we discussed in class), she blamed the students solely. Her questions are vague yet she expects specific answers.

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GLOBAL104 . Clitandre N T 7 Years Ago

Do yourself a favor and do not take this professor ! Very unorganized teacher! Gives insane amounts of homework, pop quizzes weekly, very hard exams and does not return the assignments back in time. you will not know how you are doing in the class, until right before the final. Unacceptable ! The entire class was complaining about her!

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GLOBAL104 . Clitandre N T 7 Years Ago

Do not take this professor. She does not consider that students take other classes. So many readings, quizzes every week, hard take home exams where you will have to work your a** off to get a passing grade. Very hard to talk to her in person which seem that she does not want her students to do well in this class. She enjoys seeing us struggle.

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GLOBAL104 . Clitandre N T 7 Years Ago

Pop Quizzes once a week. Midterm and Final are take home papers. Very dense reading material. Not enjoyable to read.

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
GLOBAL110 . Clitandre N T 8 Years Ago

Mandatory attendance and weekly pop quizzes based on the reading. Quiz questions are very broad and are more to prove that you did the reading. Lectures and readings are engaging and thought provoking. She tries her best to make sure she's not moving too fast and encourages participation. Take advantage of extra credit opportunities.

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 8 Years Ago

Really fun class! Really nice professor. She rocks. Make sure you have a good TA and TAKE advantage of EXTRA CREDIT!!

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GLOBL110 . Clitandre N T 11 Years Ago

Her lectures can be pretty wordy but the slides are straight forward. She's really knowledgeable and seems pretty cool, but do the readings for the weekly quizzes and to follow along in the class. She gives a bunch of extra credit opportunities which is pretty sweet. Midterm and final are take-home write-ups.

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GLOBL110 . Clitandre N T 11 Years Ago

The subject matter of this course is pretty interesting and thought-provoking. The book is a fat reader that I didn't even buy. Most readings are online if you search a little, also book's on reserve in the library. Definitely do the readings though for the weekly quizzes. Lectures can be densely worded. Midterm and final are take-home essays.

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GLOBAL110 . Clitandre N T 11 Years Ago

All of her lectures are really wordy and convoluted. Sometimes, she makes up words to use to explain concepts that can more easily be explained in a short amount of words. Her final is a take home and was suppose to be three short essays and instead was a 5-7 page essay on an essay prompt that has far too many points to address. Not very clear.

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GLOBAL148 . Clitandre N T 11 Years Ago

Excellent teacher that forces you to deal with topics that make people generally uncomfortable. Her readings work perfectly well with the lectures & themes in the course. Lots of reading & some writing. I highly recommend this course & professor to anybody. She is a must visit in office hours.

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GLOBA110 . Clitandre N T 12 Years Ago

This professor is one of the worst that I have had at UCSB. She tells her class that she will not give a quiz then she does; she tells them to not do certain reading then will quiz her class on them. All around it was a terrible experience. I got an A on the midterm and an A on the final and still got a B in the class-I only missed 2 classes

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GLBL146 . Clitandre N T 13 Years Ago

African Diaspora, this is my least favorite class. This teacher assigns copious reading and passes obvious judgement upon her students, picking favorites. We do a two page 'journal entry' for each reading and we aren't even getting writing credit for it. She also lacks tact if your opinions don't match hers.

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