
Rate My Professors (35)

SOC152A . 2 Months Ago

Honestly, she is one of the worst professors I have ever taken. It honestly feels like she just yaps the whole time and both her and John's commentary is so traditional and out of pocket it gets to the point where it's controversial. Reading is 100% necessary since the lecture is just them yapping and they don't post slides/abbreviate everything.

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SOC152A . 5 Months Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. They require you to buy their (expensive) textbook and ramble in lecture and expect you to cover the bulk of material yourself by reading their book. They use offensive and outdated terms and are not inclusive. Had to study for this class more than any other. Lots of material, but very few test questions.

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SOC152A . 6 Months Ago

I really liked this class and I learned a lot. The tests are hard, so study well, go to review sessions, and form study groups with friends. Read the textbook and attend lectures! The content was really interesting, it's just a lot of information. There is a pretty decent curve though, so don't fret.

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SOC152A . 6 Months Ago

for SOC 152A: Incredibly hard class for upper div. credits. only graded on 3 midterms and cumulative final that are written response. Tons of reading, and get ready to study for each midterm. Very interesting material, but I found it hard to hear her in a big lecture hall. Would recommend avoiding this class at all costs.

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SOC152A . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

really interesting & the Baldwins are great but there is A LOT OF READING AND THE TEST SUCK. do not take this class as an elective because it's a lot of work just for an elective, you can find an easier course for 4 units. The study guides are 14+ pages and you only get tested on about 7 concepts.a lot of memorization for nothing. please don't take

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SOC152A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Janice and John are good professor but it seemed like the graders for this course were very tough. There is a lot of information you need to absorb from the lecture notes and textbook. I didn't read the textbook which my grade reflects but I attended the study session which helped tremendously. Get together and do your own study group.

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SOC152A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Janice and John are very interesting professors. The material in the class was very engaging, though they do not really include the textbook readings. The midterms and finals are fairly hard, but as long as you read the assigned pages you will be fine. But you def have to read ALL the chapters + boxes in textbook.

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SOC152A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Taught by a couple which is pretty hot. Mega informative. So much information. Not easy though. I think the grade gods were on my side for this one.

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SOC152A . 2 Years Ago

Only graded on 3 midterms and 1 final. They're fairly hard but if you study, READ and attend lecture you should be ok. They are rude about giving slides/notes when you miss class and don't care about the reason you missed class. Their teachings also seem to be outdated especially when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community.

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SOC152A . 2 Years Ago

Janice is not as good as her husband, lecture would be better without her as she rambles. The class is based on 3 midterms and one big final. Its hard because the exams are short answer. Just watch textbook review, I didn't read, just go to lecture.

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SOC152A . 2 Years Ago

Interesting lecture pair, no dull moments in the class. Not the most sensitive when it comes to sensitive sexual topics and not up to date when it came to the sexual orientation section. Lectures hardly cover what is needed for the mid-terms so the book is necessary as well as review session with TAs. Learned a lot and wasn't too hard at all.

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SOC152C . 2 Years Ago

Helpful and guiding throughout the course. Gives great feedback and cares about students.

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SOC152A . 2 Years Ago

Great class. It was so interesting and was not hard to follow along. 10/10 would take again.

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SOC152A . 2 Years Ago

I absolutely love Janice. Not only is she an incredibly knowledgable and intelligent professor, she is hilarious, and so sweet! She teaches in a way that makes students really understand the information, and also makes all of the lectures so funny! SOC 152A is by far the best class I have ever taken in college (and I am a senior).

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SOC152A . 3 Years Ago

Do not take this class! Teachers non existent only profit off class and textbook sales. Class only consists of tests, little time given, random questions. TA's grade, hard graders af for what? Class doesn't go in depth about Human sexuality topics that are interesting, felt like a biology class, not SOC! very surface level. You teach yourself. DONT

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SOC152A . 3 Years Ago

There's so much info you have to memorize within lectures/chapters/charts for each midterm, and the midterms only have about 12 questions under a timer of 50 min. If you're not good at memorizing even the smallest details, you're basically being set up for failure. The Baldwins themselves are enthusiastic but seem pretty outdated on the topics.

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SOC152A . 3 Years Ago

I loved this class. Took it as an upper div elective with a pretty heavy load as an ECACC major. I really learned A LOT. Tests are not hard if you pay attention in class and study a bit. I will say, the Baldwins lectures are pretty heteronormative but the graders were awesome and really make a point to be inclusive and available if you need support

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SOC152A . 3 Years Ago

Great class and great professor combo. The Baldwins really care about their students actually learning the information. The class was graded based off 3 midterms and a final (the final was worth 2 midterms). All tests were pretty straight forward but having/reading the textbook definitely helped. I also believe they curved the course up at the end.

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SOC152A . 3 Years Ago

There are not enough words to describe how much I love the Baldwins. This class was absolutely amazing! If you have the chance to, please take it. There is a lot of reading and memorization involved but it's all worth it.

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SOC152A . 4 Years Ago

Hands down one of the best classes I've ever taken at UCSB so far! She and John are some of the most approachable and respectable profs I've had the pleasure of taking a class with. Honestly always looked forward to going to their lectures. Your grade depends solely on your midterms and final, which consisted of multiple choice and short answer Qs.

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SOC152A . 5 Years Ago

3 midterms and 1 final. Easy A but you still have to work for it. Pure memorization but the subject is really easy to memorize. Some stuff is common sense. Does not mark off wrong answers so list as much as you know on tests. Never went to lecture and only read book + went to review sessions.

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SOC152A . 5 Years Ago

Extremely interesting and fun class. HIGHLY recommend. Great lecturers and material is engaging. However, there are 3 midterms and 1 final that are mostly free response (some multiple choice), so it is time consuming. Have to make sure you do a lot of reading get full points. Take it if you have a less busy quarter and don't mind the work.

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SOC152A . 5 Years Ago

Janice is a great lecturer. Really makes class interesting. I loved soc152A! Show up to class and read your weekly assignments and you'll easily pass. Easy upper-div credits.

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SOC152A . 5 Years Ago

This class wasn't hard, but my issues were with the professors themselves. They took their own research and generalized it to the entire population, so I basically wasn't even learning factual content. They're also very heteronormative, so if you aren't straight you'll feel left out. A good upper div filler class nonetheless.

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