Rate My Professors (331)

CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel is a firm believer in chalkboards, and doesn't post slides from lecture. So, if you miss class for whatever reason, you're screwed. That being said, she's a fantastic lecturer and walks through every step of the problems she does on the board. Also, DO PRACTICE QUIZZES AND EXAMS. Exams are tough only if you don't study.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Beware, she doesn't post slides!! You have to go to lecture for iClicker, and she never explains any equations either. She's nice, but not the best teacher. It's clear that she likes Chem, but for people who suck at Chem like me, you won't understand. I learned more from Aleks than I did her... Also she makes her test insanely hard.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel doesnt use power point, meaning all her notes are on the board. This way of teaching helps you see her thought process and shows you how to solve problems. All I did was do the practice exams which are the same difficulty as the actual exams. I only took general chemistry in High School yet she made this course easy (great teacher).

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel seems to be a fair professor. She provides multiple practice quizzes and tests in order to allow students to practice. Her lectures are clear, and she always makes sure everyone's questions are answered before moving on to the next topic. Chem is a hard class, but Kunkel seems to be a good choice for the class.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Best professor for CHEM!!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel has a reputation of being very intimidating for students, and maybe that's the case for the rest of the chem series, but if you study hard and put in the effort that she expects of the class, you shouldn't have a problem with achieving the grade that you want. And if you end up messing up a few things, don't worry because the curve is FAT.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Her quizzes and test questions arent on practice tests beware.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel tries to make Chem passable. The course is hard and her tests are hard, but she provides a lot of resources that will prepare you for the test. Lectures are somewhat confusing for students who didn't take AP Chem in highschool. Overall she is a very nice person and is available for extra help.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Kunkel! She was funny during lecture and gave all the information you needed to pass the class. She heavily emphasized before every quiz and exam to do the practice tests she posts online, and they help so much. For the people on here who said the exams are hard, they probably didn't take the practice tests lol. I loved her!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

her exams are significantly harder than other chem teachers.

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CHEM1ABC . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Took her all 3 quarters for Chem 1A, 1B, 1C out of bad luck and got a C+, C, B respectively. Her tests can get very difficult (and are probably the most difficult of all the professors) so studying the practice quizzes and exams help. Definitely opt for the grading options with Aleks for 1B & 1C as it'll motivate you to finish it & help your grade

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Her tests are insanely harder than the other chem professors. Her lectures are deceiving because her tests are not covered by lecture. She does easy problems in class and at a very slow pace. Do book problems and practice tests. Tests are impossible to finish cause every single problem is calculation. My advice is to take someone else.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Things started out ok, in lecture she makes everything seem very easy. BUT her tests are not an accurate representation of the lectures. The tests are way harder than anything you'll ever see in class. Don't take her. I had to retake Chem1B with Price and the difference was night and day. choose Price if you can

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

The lectures were fine. She read off her notes and copied everything on the blackboard. However, tests were so much harder than lectures made it seem. The examples she chose to do in class are of no use studying cause she chose the easiest examples to show. Almost all test questions were calculations. So do book problems like she recommends.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Her lectures are simplified, which is great when introducing a hard topic at first, but to deeply understand whats going on lectures are not useful. Make sure to do hard book problems, and other materials, and do study on your own. Her tests can be hard, but it can be prepared for with lots of problems. CLAS is not bad either.

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CHEM1ABC . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

you gotta go to lecture, do the textbook problems, and all the practice exams she posts online in order to do well on her tests! she has a quirky sense of humor and you can tell she tries to keep the class entertained!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Thanks Kunkel for including a whole unit we never learned in the 1B final. Don't take her class unless you want to pretty much learn the whole thing on your own if you want to do well on her tests. Her lectures cover bare minimum of this class and the test questions are hard and unexpected. No need to screw your students so much, but she does.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Kunkel is a good professor in general chem. Ber lecture is clear and pretty easy to follow. Besides, her exams are not hard. As long as you go through the lecture notes and do enough past exams, you don't even need to do the book problems and ALEKS, you will do well in her class. A Good choice for general chem.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

She don't seem to understand class material very well. she would just list equations on blackboard by copying from the notes she is holding with little explanation of the background of the equation. then she would give a super simple example question which can be directly solved by plug in, however don't expect these type of questions on test.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

I know what you're thinking, "this professor's reviews are all over the place" and the only reason for that is that is that she has wildly different reputations depending upon the level of gen chem you're taking. She's a real standout for Chem 1A and definitely more than a solid choice. She's really passionate and teaches very well. Worth your time

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Kunkel is lighthearted and funny in class. She makes you feel as if you are really understanding the material... until you get to her tests. They are nothing like the examples she gives in class. Make sure to take practice exams and do book problems early on in the chapter and go to office hours for the things you don't understand

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Kunkel's lectures are to the point and her tests aren't bad if you do her old exams and book problems.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Kunkel is funny and quirky but her lectures can be difficult to follow and her exams are consistently so much harder than the practice tests. Overall, you just have to work harder to teach yourself.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Prof Kunkel is literally the toughest of all the professors of the general chem series. There is a pretty significant difficulty gap between her lectures and the midterms and finals. You would think that since the average for her midterms and final is so low, the curve would make up for it but honestly don't rely on it, it's around 3-5%.

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