
Rate My Professors (35)

149 . 10 Years Ago

She is the sweetest woman EVER! One of my favorite psych professors! Also, the material was everything I ever wanted. I loved the textbook & am actually even keeping it! 48% midterm, 48% final, 4% participation activities (they were fun!) and a 3% E.C. opportunity. I loved everything about this class. Probably my favorite class at UCSB. I love her!

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PSY149 . 10 Years Ago

Such a sweet lady. Super interesting material and she presents it in such a clear way. The book was super informative and easy to read. Lectures not mandatory, but not at all a hassle to go to; slide summaries always posted on GS. One of my favorite classes I've taken at UCSB.

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PSY149 . 10 Years Ago

Nancy is a great teacher. She makes the material interesting and fun. She's bubbly and cute, which makes going to class not such a chore. Nice class!

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149 . 10 Years Ago

48%- Midterm 48%- Final (not cumulative) 4%- 4 Participation Activities on Gauchospace (only takes 5 minutes) 3%- Extra Credit opportunity Interesting content- really easy to memorize because it feels like common sense. Easy A if you review all the notes and skim readings.

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PSYCH149 . 10 Years Ago

Nancy is just an all around amazing professor. She is so straight forward and her tests are EASY! They are organized by chapter so they are so straightforward. She's so full of life and always happy! I read the book, but it is just supplemental if anything. If you want an A in an UD take this class!

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PSYCH149 . 10 Years Ago

Best Professor at UCSB by far! Class was extremely interesting and applicable to real life. Gave extra credit opportunity and class participation activities were posted online so you could do them even if you miss the lecture.

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PSY148 . 11 Years Ago

Like Prof. Collins. Took relational Psych. I recommend it if you can get in.

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PSY148 . 13 Years Ago

This class is very interesting and helps you understand relationships in your own life. The tests are easy as long as you go to class, do the readings, and complete the study guides given. Collins is so happy that it makes you wanna go to lecture also she will give you participation points for going sometimes.

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PSY149 . 13 Years Ago

Loved this class! She is a very happy, bubbly person which makes going to lecture even more enjoyable. Her tests are straightforward- not tricky at all. As long as you skim the readings and go to class you should be able to get an A.

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PSYCH5 . 14 Years Ago

Her tests were conceptually based for the majority. That was the hard part. Not only did you have to understand the math problems, you had to understand why, how, significants, pros, cons. It was a hell of a lot of work for a C. Midterms and final NOT easy. Shes super helpful though, and very sweet.

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PSY5 . 14 Years Ago

Hands down the best professor I've had at UCSB. She made stats very bearable, and was a very clear and helpful teacher. TA's were also awesome. Definitely take any classes with her!

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PSYCH5 . 14 Years Ago

Collins is the nicest and most helpful professor I have had at UCSB. She loves her job and makes class enjoyable. She cares about her students and wants them to do well. I highly recommend her and wish I could take many more classes with her. Know the conceptual info. for the test because those were the hard questions, I rec. reading the book too

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PSYCH5 . 15 Years Ago

Shes an amazing, bubbly teacher. she is very helpful and approachable. the class is tough if you havent taken stats before but its doable if you put in the time. mid term and final each worth 45% of your grade. homework is 10%. the final isnt cumulative either.

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PSY149 . 15 Years Ago

Second class with Collins and still loved it. She makes going to class kind of pleasant. Very animated and excited about her work which makes it more interesting. Opportunity for extra credit. Multiple-choice and short-answer tests, but pretty clear and not tricky. Readings make up a portion of the tests at the end so DO READ. Take the class!

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PSY149 . 15 Years Ago

Collins is fantastic! She is the sweetest person ever and can cheer you up even when you're in a bad mood. She is cheerful, engaging, and charismatic, and makes you want to come to lecture. Her lectures are very clear and include recent, cutting-edge research. She goes a bit fast sometimes, but she posts lecture summaries online. Take her!!!

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PSYCH5 . 15 Years Ago

Very enthusiastic and willing to help..if you go to lecture and discussion, you will have no problem getting a good grade.

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PSY5 . 16 Years Ago

LOVE HER! she is so cute and so nice! makes stats slightly interesting. lectures are posted on line and everything you need is in the reader. tests are pretty easy and sections are extremely helpful. dr. collins really cares about her students and is definitely one of the nicest and easiest professors i have had

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PSY5 . 16 Years Ago

Dr. Collins is so adorable! She has a mommy quality about her and you can tell she wants students to get the best grades possible. She gives clear explaations that can get a little repetitive but are still very precise. She updates and reports available office hours for any of her TAs and herself, which makes help easily accessible. I loved her!

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PSYCH5 . 16 Years Ago

very excited teacher. cares about class. interesting, kind, and accessible

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PSY5 . 17 Years Ago

There was a problem with calculators, she said all quarter not to use graphing calculators on the midterm but when it came time for the test, people started to complain and she let people use graphing calculators. Not too cool.

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PSYCH5 . 17 Years Ago

I love prof. Collins!! her teaching is really clear, helpful and you don't need to read the heavy textbook if you go to her lectures. This class is easy too!! I actually understand statistics after taking this class! She's one of the best teachers in UCSB and definitely one of the nicest!

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PSY5 . 18 Years Ago

Nancy talks to you as if you a child. If you have a relatively good grasp on math then you will get a high grade. Only problem is that she is too easy so there tends to be a ceiling effect with grades. For example: Our midterm average was an 88%, so only ppl with 95%+ actually got an "A" cuz of the curve. Final was harder, still got a 98% though

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PSYCH5 . 18 Years Ago

Dr. Collins is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. She is ALWAYS available to help students and she does everything in her power to make the lectures clear and helpful. (good powerpoint slides, too--and she puts them online!) She is always smiling and actually makes statistics bearable!

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PSYCH5 . 18 Years Ago

This class could have been a lot harder than it was, but the professor interesting, clear, fair, helpful and sweet. I didn't do so great on midterm but great on final.I studied my notes, went over the study guide,online quizzes and went over a few questions on the homework. I ended with a B. So if you don't do so well on the midterm that's ok.

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