Rate My Professors (51)

RGST116B . Thomas C M 8 Months Ago

Reading intensive class but clear expectations and fair grading. You get 2 attempts at weekly quizzes + she makes you do an outline for midterm and final. Sweet and funny, and clearly knowledgable when answering questions. Everything is on canvas and she makes it clear where to find resources. Even offers extra credit. Take it if you like religion!

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RGST116B . Thomas C M 8 Months Ago

Christine was super sweet and funny, and clearly knowledgable when answering questions. Class was interesting and lectures were informative. Canvas page had everything you possibly needed, and she made sure to provide all the resouces for tests. 2 tries on weekly quizzes + extra credit + clear expectations = pretty easy. lots of reading though

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RS24 . Thomas C M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I took this class because nothing else was available, but Im glad I did. I learned more about religion and the content of lectures was really engaging. She doesn't want the class to be stressful, and it wasn't. If you follow the rubric its almost impossible to not get an A. 2 papers, 2 weekly reading and lecture quizzes and a weekly assignment.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Professor Thomas was always engaging and funny during lecture. Her motto is to get her students working, but not stressed, and she certainly does that. She got me really interested in a religious studies I wound up picking because it was all that was left pass 3. If you see one of her classes, take it.

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RGST116B . Thomas C M 2 Years Ago

Easy grader who gives lots of extra credit opportunities. The material may be confusing at times and there is a hefty amount of reading but overall would take again.

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RGST116 . Thomas C M 2 Years Ago

I really enjoyed taking this class with Professor Thomas. The class itself is not super interesting, especially if you do not already have an understanding of religion, but she made it engaging. She is an easy grader and gives 100% on quizzes even if you fail because she cares more about you being there. Show up and you'll get a good grade!

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 3 Years Ago

Readings + Lectures were interesting and she was very accomodating + understanding this quarter. She does lecture + reading quizzes but you get two attempts and they're easy if you're paying attention; the midterm and final are short papers which you work on in span of couple weeks with rough drafts + peer reviews. Would recommend!!

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 3 Years Ago

This class is amazing!! Take it with this professor, it is interesting & enlightening. I love her lectures & how she teaches. Dont know how it will be in person since we have been online so far but I am excited to go back! I havent ended this course yet but I got so excited, I wanted to share this! I usually never do these. Manageable class.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 4 Years Ago

Prof. Thomas is very sweet and knowledgeable! There are a lot of readings in this class, but theyre all interesting. Lectures are a little slow sometimes but very interesting! Tests are not multiple choice so make sure you know the material. All in all, a great prof and I enjoyed the class!

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RGST116B . Thomas C M 5 Years Ago

I took 2 of her Jesus & the New Testament classes, but they fixated on Bart Ehrman's views, which most NT scholars, including non-Christians, wouldn't support. Sure, they're attention-grabbing, but to be open-minded, do your due diligence & research the works of William Craig, Dan Wallace, Craig Evans, Mike Licona, Michael Bird, N.T. Wright, etc.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 5 Years Ago

Thomas is so sweet and really knows what she's talking about. This class had a LOT of readings, but they were pretty interesting and you could skate by without reading them every once in a while. Lecture slides are always posted on GauchoSpace but they're pretty vague and require attendance to lecture. Doesn't give MC tests so know the material. :)

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 6 Years Ago

Professor Thomas is a solid teacher. There's a lot of reading, particularity in the first half of the quarter, but it's all really valuable and/or interesting. I learned much from this class, however I did feel that it lacked a specific focus by the end. The grading is relatively easy, and exams are graded generously. Prof Thomas cares very deeply.

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RGST116B . Thomas C M 6 Years Ago

Lectures are truly the most boring material I think possibly offered at UCSB. her slides do not make sense in the slightest and you can't tell if what she's talking about is just a tangent or if its related to the class. she's condescending in her emails and if you speak with her after class. wouldnt take another class with her or recommend

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RGST137 . Thomas C M 6 Years Ago

Professor Thomas is intelligent, nice and approachable. She is very organized and her expectations are clear. Two online quizzes (10%), two very short research assignments (10%), attendance (25%), midterm (identify terms and short essay, 25%) and final (essay format, 30%). There are no surprises regarding assignments, she provides study guides.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 7 Years Ago

I absolutely love my lectures with professor Thomas. She is clear, organized, and very knowledgeable. She has a lot of expertise under her belt and she expects her students to put in work. She tells the class exactly what to study for the tests. There is a lot of reading but she goes over it in the following lecture.

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RGST116B . Thomas C M 7 Years Ago

She's an amazing professor! Very knowledgeable, and extremely kind and approachable. She's really there to help you and grades you on what you do best. Three online assignments, one essay midterm, and an essay final for which she gives you the prompts. Just an overall beautiful human being.

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RGST116A . Thomas C M 7 Years Ago

Lectures were boring but concept was easy. She lays out everything clearly. Having a background in christianity would be very helpful. If you go talk to her she will do her best to help and it will reflect on your grade. I am a psych major so writing was a little difficult so talk to her and you'll be fine. Don't think this is an easy A

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RGST116A . Thomas C M 7 Years Ago

Super boring lectures, very unhelpful when students are confused or have issues, acts like her course is extremely important and is very strict for no reason. Full of herself and really obnoxious. Never take a course with her. The textbook was great though.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 8 Years Ago

This class was super fun and relatively easy. The material is very interesting, and Professor Thomas makes it all pretty clear. Lectures can feel a little long, so prepare to doodle. Test material comes from lecture and the readings, which are necessary.

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RGST24 . Thomas C M 9 Years Ago

Professor Thomas is amazing! She is really passionate about the subject she is teaching and explains with clarity what each topic is. 2 papers were a little difficult but the TA, Marshall Evans (also amazing) will help you if you ask! The midterm and final are easy if you do the study guide. No books needed, everything is online. Go to lecture!

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128A . Thomas C M 10 Years Ago

Professor Thomas is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about what she teaches. Attendance is not mandatory but as long as you go to lecture, you will never have to read any of the books. She gives you study guides for both the midterm and final. All the answers are in your notes! She truly cares about being the best teacher possible.

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RGST116A . Thomas C M 10 Years Ago

She makes this class extremely interesting. Even though you don't have to go to lecture, you should, it is fascinating. Her standards are clear and she gives you a study guide with everything that will be on the test several weeks before. She loves the subject and really does want to help students. It is clear that she knows alot about the topic.

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RGST116A . Thomas C M 10 Years Ago

Professor Thomas received her PhD from Harvard and she really knows her stuff. She's extremely knowledgeable and she wants her students to do well which was apparent to me from the very first day of class. Really cares about her students and encourages visits to her office hours which helped me tremendously. Great class and phenomenal professor!!!!

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RS24 . Thomas C M 11 Years Ago

This professor loves highlighting her own accomplishments. She also lets her own personal beliefs about Christianity influence what she teaches and how she teaches it.

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