Has lots of experience in the political side of this subject and isn't afraid to bring up the latest news stories in class. Readings and lectures are interesting and eye-opening. Coming in with some knowledge on environmental politics was really helpful and made the course more interesting.
He really cares about what he's teaching. He and the TAs really do want your success and he will give extensions or move tests around if he sees your effort. It is mainly based off some reading essays which arent too hard. His study guides will CLEARLY tell you what will be on the quizzes and exams, if you know the study guide you know the exam.
lots of work does both a final essay and a final test. But test is pretty easy as long as you do the work. can get very boring in lecture. very passionate about the subject. readings are long but interesting, not boring research papers, more newspapers long articles etc.
Overall was a very passionate professor, I enjoyed lecture but I did well on all assignments and papers but unfortunately the quizzes were very difficult and the final was a five page written final in a blue book. Would't say it is an easy class but it is manageable.
He's a boring lecturer. So many assignments consisting of 2 in person quizzes (one on midterm week), 3 reading papers, 1 paper, and an in person final. Also kind of funny that it's an environmental class yet he makes us waste so much paper. He also says that he applies a curve but I'm not too sure of that.
Honestly I was excited for this class before taking it. After I cannot say the same. Professor Clemencon is seemly a nice person, but his lectures are so hard to get through, and the slides are somewhat confusing. We had 3 small papers, one was option, a large research paper, 2 in class quizzes/tests, and a written in class final.
I loved Professor Clemencon. The lectures are heavy in material but he delivers the information very well. There are three reading essays (one is optional), a research paper, two quizzes, and a final exam. It is work intensive class but very worth it in my opinion. I felt like I learned a lot of valuable information from this class.
One of the best lecturers I've had
The professor is nice and all that. However, I am finding this extremely difficult to understand what he is saying. Some pure nonsense about his rant for politics, which by law, all professors should avoid talking about politics. TA is nice and all that. No clear guide of quiz study guides, etc. Some nonsense about our stupid environment. Say no!!
This professor is just amazing! Love this guy! You will love him too. He is generous and gives great feedback on reading assignments. You can get an easy A with this guy. Just keep up with notes and readings and show up to class, like the scholars and you'll do just fine.
Yes, it is a lot of reading but all the essays add up to 110% which will allow you to either skip one essay or gives you leeway.
Would recommend his courses if you are passionate about the subjects he is teaching. Even if you are not, he makes it easy for you to develop passion for them.
Everything that counts toward your grade: 3 reading/analytical essays, 2 quizzes, a policy brief, attendance, and a final exam. You’ll have to grind for the A because the TA will be a hard grader on essays and the essay portion of the quizzes and the final. Overall knowledgeable prof and if you are a global major you should fs take this class.
This class was fine. It wasn’t the best I’ve taken but also not the worst. Very mid. We had quite a lot of essays and quizzes but they weren’t very hard. Start the research paper early!! I needed a few days to do it, if I had started any later I would have been screwed
Genuinely don't know what you have to do to get an A in this class. The TA grades so hard without any feedback, they expect so much from sociology students like we're experts on the environment or something. Also, attendance is mandatory, despite ya know, being sociology of the ENVIRONMENT course, I would've thought they'd be more understanding.
They grade so hard and there are so many assignments, wouldn't recommend.
This dude is a good professor. But online?! he's way too demanding and sometimes you can't understand him (he's French). Quizzes are hard, demands way too much for homework and the final -which has been online due covid- include 10 essay questions that have sub questions. ridiculous. Never taking this again. do not recommend
He is very knowledgeable and very nice, but I get the impression that his classes would be significantly better if not online. Lectures are really dense and he has a tendency to drone on, but you can get most pertinent info from the slides that he posts. TA is a strict grader, so make sure to not generalize in any of your papers. Lots of readings.
theres 2 reading essays (10% each) that were a lil rough but do-able. The grading is easy but its a lot of reading. Quizzes are easy online but make sure to keep up with the readings or at least skim them over.
Lectures were very optional as much of the information you will need for midterms are all accessible through slides, some questions asked very general questions from the readings. readings are also not necessary except for the readings for the comparative analysis papers of which there are 2 assigned. Overall very straight forward class no fluff
Prof Clemencon is so laidback. Took on zoom. there were asynchronous lectures and synchronous meetings that were optional. Very knowledgeable and is willing to answer any question you may have. You'll do really well if you're good at analytical essays. A lot of reading but the material was pretty interesting. He really wants his students to succeed
I loved this professor. He was very nice and accommodating and he made the content of the class very interesting. His lectures were boring but he posted videos/slides of them online (watch at 1.5x speed). His credentials are impressive and he's very passionate. Easy class overall, but the research paper is a lot of work.
Lecture was not mandatory to attend with everything online right now and is generous with grading/curves. We had 3 papers to do based on readings. It was also allowed to miss a quiz or an essay and replace it with the lowest score you had. Class is lecture heavy but he always posted it to go back and watch.
I would not take this professor again, even if you paid me. Quiz questions are really detailed when relating to the long and multiple readings he assigns each week. Gives long study guides late considering when the exam/quiz is and expects students to know so much in a short time. Truly my hardest class as a straight A student.