
Rate My Professors (29)

WR121 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Lemenager is really kind and willing to schedule meeting if students needed.

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ENGL132 . 12 Years Ago

Best professor I've ever had. Thoughtful, kind, engaging, and mentally stimulating. One research paper which was actually fun to write and two tests, midterm and a final. Both were manageable. She really cares and makes class fun. If you do the reading and pay attention it's impossible to do badly. She made my whole quarter enjoyable with one class

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ENGL104A . 12 Years Ago

Really interesting lectures, and she's just... cool. DO THE READING, you can't skate by without it. She really wants students to do well, and rewards genuine effort.

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A103 . 13 Years Ago

Prof. LeMenager is my favorite professor on campus. Her lectures are always interesting, and more importantly, engaging. I actually enjoyed lecture. She's concerned with making sure everyone understands the importance of material. As long as you're not a complete slack, the class is easy and fun!

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ENGL103A . 13 Years Ago

Be prepared to read! Bad idea to skip class; she gives 4 (easy, open-ended) pop quizzes to gauge attendance throughout the quarter. The content isn't incredibly stimulating, but she brings enthusiasm and passion to the subject. She is very kind and I would definitely recommend!

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ENG103A . 13 Years Ago

She chose very good books/topics. Class never got boring and she encouraged discussion. If you do the reading and pay attention to the slides you will do fine. Would recommend even if you just need an upper division elective.

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ENGL103A . 13 Years Ago

Professor LeMenager isn't the most riveting professor I have ever had, but she is very clearand her lectures are extremely helpful. If you read and take good notes, this class is a breeze. Attendance is mandatory... pop quizzes to make sure you come!

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ENG103 . 14 Years Ago

This class was so unbelievably dull. It was ostensibly American Lit, but had a slant of people who influenced literature. So all kinds of bull gets thrown into the mix. Irritating political overtones. Class was not hard, but I would find a professor more interested in good literature than some kind of agenda to take it with. Ugh.

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ENGL122N . 14 Years Ago

A very kind person. Stephanie is a wonderful teacher, leader, and person. Her knowledge is limitless and her ability to convey knowledge is bar none. Must take one of her courses if you can.

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ENGL103A . 17 Years Ago

she is great!!! she is SO smart, and makes everything really clear as to what she expects! this class was not very hard and totally interesting. She made the class period go by quickly and she also had a lot of visual that were so helpful! she was GREAT!!

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ENGL103A . 17 Years Ago

Love, love, love her! She is so intelligent and really enjoys working with students. I highly recommend taking an honors section with her if it is at all possible.

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ENGL103A . 17 Years Ago

Awesome professor, super nice and very clear. I wasn't a fan of very much of the reading, but she is very helpful and straightforward teacher. Exams were very reasonable. Good class, not too difficult.

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ENGL103A . 17 Years Ago

Excellent teacher. Solid class.

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ES122 . 17 Years Ago

nice person, but boring class. very disappointed as an environmental studies major. definitely more of an english class. dont really have to read the books though, most of them have nothing to do with the environment either. also, a 1 page journal is due every class on the assigned reading, but its easy to ****. WORTHLESS CLASS.

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ENVS122 . 17 Years Ago

the deal is that if you are interested in english you should take this class, if you're not interested in english, find a different english to fulfill your GE. i can tell that prof lemenager is a very good teacher and is probably interesting to those interested, but did not reach the half of the class that found the subject mundane

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ENGL103 . 18 Years Ago

Wonderful Professor and class. I looked forward to every lecture and often stayed later to get every last word. Fair exams and awesome content. A truly enjoyable class, I loved it.

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ENGL103A . 18 Years Ago

Awesome professor!!! Very interesting and clear lectures. Fair exams.. Sections were pointless, but your TA is in charge of your grade, so go to them. Loved her teaching, made everything intersting and understandable. She gets the class involved which is rare in a big class. I definately recomend her!

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ENG103A . 18 Years Ago

She was a wonderful professor! Very smart, clear and understanding. The tests are fair and she tells you what you need to know. Good class

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ENGL103A . 19 Years Ago

Very straightforward, but manages to make the subject matter interesting and involves students during the lecture. Sections were worthless (that could have just been my TA), but she tells you everything you need to know in lecture and puts the important notes online. Why doesn't every professor teach like this?

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ENG103A . 19 Years Ago

Best class ever. Look forward to going each time. It goes by fast because it is too the point and it is stuff you are interested in. This professor is so straightforward, no ****, and she is young so her wit is sharp. Really intelligent woman and cute, too.

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ENGL103A . 19 Years Ago

Great professor! Her lectures are really well put together, the class is interesting, and the midterms (so far) have been really straightforward. I would definitely recommend this professor!

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ENG122NE . 19 Years Ago

best teacher ever here at ucsb. i typically hate english classes but she makes everything so interesting. i normally dont like to participate in classes but she makes the environment so relaxed you cant help but speak your mind. She really makes you learn the material on a deeper level. Not too much reading, take home midterm/ final.i love her!

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132MT197 . 19 Years Ago

I took her twice because she was that good. Always approachable, always helpful, always kept things interesting.

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ENG197 . 19 Years Ago

A great professor! She really got discussion going, but was always careful to direct and redirect it so that, at the end of class, there was a clear and concise theme we had reached. Approachable too.

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