Rate My Professors (220)

MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

Possibly the worst class I've ever had, and the professor, OMG dude, like seriously, each time i was in class, i looked in awe at what i was looking at. FML! His handwriting is horrible, his tests are so ridiculously hard (with profuse use of "e") his teaching is useless, and i swear, i rue the day i added his class on GOLD. AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS!

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MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

dont take akemann. his tests are super hard and ridiculously long for the amount of time the class gives. and he says he doesn't curve either. his lectures are pointless cause you learn more going to CLAS or your section from your TA. don't take this class! try to find cooper!!!!!

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MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

Horrible teacher, the tests are to long for the time and are much harder than the homework. He is a horrible lecturer and class is dreadful. Find a way to get Cooper.

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MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

Very bad. For a calculus class designed for social science majors, he is horrible. Lecture is useless to go to, no original material, just problems out of the book. Tests are 10x harder than any other problems out of the book. You can know everything inside and out and still fail the test. Tests are harshly graded.

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MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

Terrible. His lectures make no sense, and his tests are too long and too hard. Basically, dont take his class, you will do very poorly.

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MATH34B . Akemann C A 15 Years Ago

This teacher is ridiculous! He slurs his words and its hard to understand. Not interesting teacher at all. There is no set homework and its not worth anything. Also there is no curve in the class according to him. I would take another math professor.

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MATH501 . Akemann C A 17 Years Ago


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MATH201AC . Akemann C A 18 Years Ago

Way too much goddamned homework. Final was brutal. I think the class average was something like 5 out of 27 on the open book section. Homework was basically impossible unless you went to his office hours for each and every problem. Still, Learned at lot.

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 18 Years Ago

Akemann's a pretty decent prof, but can be more than a little unclear at times, considering that most people taking this class aren't math majors. I took the class in conjuction with the CLAS class and it really helped. If you do the homework and get the extra review through CLAS, it's not so bad.

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MATH3B . Akemann C A 18 Years Ago

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3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

****ing hard...i failed...but yea....he's hard

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

final is hard

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

I didnt like his grade breakdown....he needs to have more stuff to it! And half of the final was the same question basically!

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

Funny guy. I found the class to be difficult at times. He is EXTREMELY helpful when you go to his office hours!

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MATH3B . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

funny as hell at times but the class definitely screwed me over. Him farting in class apparantly didn't make up for his hard tests. Maybe i should have done the homework.:/

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

Excellent Teacher, would highly recommend

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

he is a funny guy, he even farted in class one time and joked about it, but be careful taking his class because the tests are hella tough

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

he gets u on the ok take home midterms and then the final blows u out of the water (VERY HARD)do the homework it probably helps and the TAs are very bad..go 2 section for the pts..take CLAS with jessie=awesome!helped alot! overall avoid him if u want to pass.other teachers r easier butlearnalotfor3b

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

He made me consider liking Calculus. he made funny jokes in class and is a great guy. there are take home midterms which are good but the final is super hard! however the only thing to do to pass is just do the homework and you'll be fine.

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

One of the most interesting profs, as far as calculus is concerned. Take home midterms!! Midterms are challenging, but as long as you do the home and go to lecture they really aren't that bad. He actually made calculus somewhat interesting to learn.

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

Sometimes the problems on the test are a little challenging, but overall the class is easy and fun.

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

+ side: take-home exams(except the final), clear lectures with hilarious jokes. - side: some of the math TAs suck: they merely know their stuff! On the other hand, those good mathematicians usually have accents that i dounbt God can understand.

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MATH3A . Akemann C A 19 Years Ago

a good professor, but his mid terms and finals are really hard, possibly the most challenging math 3A professor

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