Charles Akemann

221 reviews
Lots of homework Tough grader Test heavy Tests are tough Clear grading criteria Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Hilarious Caring Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Get ready to read Tests? Not many Inspirational Participation matters Would take again Gives good feedback Respected
Past quarters


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MATH 116 Akemann C A Winter 2024 Total: 29
MATH 117 Akemann C A Fall 2023 Total: 39
MATH 119A Akemann C A Summer 2023 Total: 45
MATH 118C Akemann C A Spring 2021 Total: 8
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MATH117 . Akemann C A 5 Months Ago

Avoid taking this course at all costs. The professor's teaching style is extremely unorganized, with no syllabus or clear expectations. Rely on study tools like unstuck ai, ChatGPT, and open courses to make up for the lack of in-class support.

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MATH119A . Akemann C A 7 Months Ago

No syllabus No ppt No answer to homework VERY unorganized lecture just reading textbook Avoid him

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MATH117 . Akemann C A 10 Months Ago

No syallbus provided

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MATH117 . Akemann C A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

No syllabus provided for the course; not even sure if that's legal. Throughout the entire quarter, there hasn't been a single instance of the professor presenting a rigorous proof. No solutions to weekly homework sets. No midterm, so no idea on what to expect on the final that's worth 50%. Overall the most unorganized course I've taken all my life.

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MATH117 . Akemann C A 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

THE WORST professor... If you are desperate enough to take his course due to course schedule like me, be prepared to spend a huge ton of extra time in Math Lab, TA office hour, and open courses by other universities, because his instructional approach falls SIGNIFICANTLY short.

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MATH117 . Akemann C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

This class is near impossible. There is no syllabus provided, little to no examples in class, and the homework answers are never gone over. The final is also worth 50%

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MATH117 . Akemann C A 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Prof. Akemann seems like a good person, but as a professor his class is impossible. He gives hours of homework without ever going over examples in class, he doesn't lecture he just reads the textbook, and he expects you to understand complex proofs you've never seen before. It's better to avoid him at all costs and take the class with anyone else

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 4 Years Ago

Akemann doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he makes major assumptions about what his students have learned beforehand. He teaches the course like it's review rather than new content. Coming from an area with some of the worst education in the country, it's safe to say I came in knowing nothing and came out also knowing nothing.

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 4 Years Ago

Extremely uninteresting, unclear, and slow lectures.

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MATH122A . Akemann C A 4 Years Ago

Believe me, this professor is a nightmare and if you choose him, the best way is to purchase the textbook and read it yourself. This person is not ready to answer questions, class is very disorganized, sometimes he just read the textbook while writing some thing in the book on the board! Besides all of these, he is just a bad person in general.

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MATH34A . Akemann C A 4 Years Ago

Not a bad professor when we has teaching, but would often go off topic on random tangents about halfway through class. I honestly only passed because of my TA who went over homework in great detail. Definitely need to have prior knowledge of calc

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34A . Akemann C A 4 Years Ago

HW can be hard and excessive, but he's happy to help in office hours. Tests are similar to hw questions so between office hours, section, and CLAS finishing them isn't too hard. You get a note card to help you on tests which are also curved. He is always willing to help if you ask. Many who didn't do great didn't put in much effort or skipped class

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