Rate My Professors (138)

CLASSICS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

He really enjoys telling stories, kind of reminds me of a grandpa telling his grandkids tall tales from his time. Easy midterms and final. Read what he assigns to you! It will be beneficial to your knowledge for the final, believe me. The readings can be a bit boring, but you need to know basic themes and memorize characterizations.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

I loved Professor Dunn. He starts class with a story which connects to a major theme (you are mostly tested on the themes). His lectures were interesting. The books we read were interesting. You do a creative project which can be literally anything and was super fun. If you pay attention in class and do the readings it is an easy A.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this professor! He is so funny and animated. He is a very passionate lecturer, and incorporates personal experiences into lecture. Class is easy as long as you show up to lecture and section Best class I've taken at UCSB

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

Professor Dunn is an adorable older man who seems passionate about Greek Myth. However, at the beginning of every lecture he speaks about an analogy that he tries to use to connect to lecture but ends up just wasting about 10-20mins of lecture. Lecture is not mandatory, section is. TA's were fine. Required lots of reading.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

Alright, so you have to keep up with the readings. I know they're a lot but if you go to lecture and listen to Dunn's take on the readings you'll be ok. I survived this class by going to my TA's office hours and asking about the readings I couldn't quite understand. Midterm, a creative project and a take-home essay for the final & a final exam.

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

I had Dunn for Greek Mythology and it was honestly one of the easiest classes I have ever taken. I barely read through any of the texts (except for when the TA required it), but I went to lecture and found both the midterm and final to be a breeze. As long as you go over basic summaries of all the texts you read, the tests will be incredibly easy.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

He's super passionate about the subject and the class is mainly readings. Do them and you'll pass. Lecture is a little useless so you don't really have to go he just recaps the readings. Final is 50 MCQ, pretty clear criteria for everything else. Easy GE

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

Must be caught up as far as knowing the myth before each lecture bc he doesn't explain them. Only an analysis is provided. Memorizing various names, places, and story details may become difficult. Midterm, few quizzes, creative project, 4-6 page essay, and a multiple choice final. First 10 min of lecture is a story usually unrelated to greek myth:)

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

Dunn is a really goofy professor who is really excited to teach his material. This can be a double edged sword as he can go off on tangents during lecture, but he really knows his material and loves to teach it. Lots of reading but it is fairly easy. Midterm and Final were fairly easy. There is a creative project that provides some easy points.

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CLASSICS40 . Dunn F M 6 Years Ago

Pretty boring, I did the mistake of starting to skip lectures and that I am definitely paying for, SO MUCH READING, however he is very interested in this topic so maybe it's just me who thinks he's boring. oh and if you do take his class there will be a lot of ID's ( identifications)

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Professor was nice but lectures were extremely boring and I quickly lost interest. Did not seem willing to help students when they asked questions during lecture. TAs and section was cool.

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CLASSICS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Pretty easy class but not really that interesting. Dunn focuses on random myths rather than the ones you study in high school. I would recommending reading both the sparknotes and the actual myth after attending lecture in order to really understand it. However people have other methods. Definitely go to the movies or you will fail the final.

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Pretty easy professor. He doesn't take attendance but you should go to lecture for the first half of the class because the midterm is ids and essays. Take notes on things like themes. I just read Sparknotes and Shmoop. You don't really have to go to lecture after the midterm because the final is multiple choice but pay attention to the movies.

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

I don't understand the hate for Professor Dunn. Dunn is an interesting old man who gives off a grandpa vibe. His lectures do falter at times, but this is due to the fact that he expects his students to be reading the texts. Make sure to stay on top of your readings, sparknotes and going to lecture will not be enough to be successful in this class.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

His lectures are super boring and difficult to follow because he goes on so many tangents, but luckily in Greek Myth there's so much information online to help you keep up. He does assign books to purchase but you can easily access them online. Midterm is hard, but final is easy 50 mult. choice questions. One final paper that has extra credit.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Way harder than Morales who everyone said made Greek Myth an easy class. With Dunn, you just have to find the time to read. If not, take it P/NP

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Yeah really did not like this class even at all. Going to lecture is basically useless because when there actually are slides they have two words written on them. A lot of reading in a lot of different books/plays that were boring. He is very passionate about the subject though, so that was nice. Unfortunately, this class made me hate greek myth.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Dunn is awesome! I'm really surprised by some of these negative reviews, it's a super easy class and it's fun, especially if you like reading plays. There's not too much reading and what is assigned is enjoyable for the most part.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Basically mumbling during class, and the lecture is not helpful at all. Almost at every discussion section we will be given a quiz. The textbook is hard to read because it is definitely not the sort of English that we speak everyday, and unfortunately the reading is heavy and necessary.

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 7 Years Ago

Really interesting professor! Love the way he expresses and talks about the myths. Didn't really pay much attention though. Manageable readings and they're interesting. Had a midterm that included ID's and an essay and the final was multiple choice and a take home essay. Had to do a creative project also. Took it fall 2015.

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 8 Years Ago

I really like his lectures and the way he tells the myths of the past. I don't know I thought it was a really fun class!!

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CLASS40 . Dunn F M 8 Years Ago

He's kind of an adorable old man with a mystical Scottish accent, great for telling stories. You can get by with the readings by attending lecture and/or reading Sparknotes, because he always goes over the readings in class. Always encourages class participation. I really enjoyed the class. Take the Honors section as well if you can!

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 8 Years Ago

lecture was kind of like story time. The midterm was easy, just IDs and a short essay. But you'll need to pay attention for the final--it gets pretty detailed. I sparknoted my way through most of the quarter, but had to start reading the books for the final essay and for the final. Good thing the final isn't cumulative.

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CLAS40 . Dunn F M 8 Years Ago

You need to read and go to lecture if you want a chance of doing well in this class. Just because you read myths as a kid (aka Percy Jackson) does not mean you will pass this class. He chooses tough readings but goes over them in class. There are few grading opportunities so make them count.

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