
Rate My Professors (85)

MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

At times, Prof. Long seemed more interested in cracking a joke than continuing with the lecture. Absolutely terrible lecturer. The only good part was that he posted his lecture slides online.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

The lectures are extremely clear and organized. He takes it really slow, almost too slow sometimes, fields all questions, and makes very clear explanations when things may be hard to understand. The homework can be difficult but that's why we have section. The midterms are difficult but doing the practice problems on webworks makes them manageable.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

Sensational. Makes the math so clear.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

This professor assumes that we know everything and his hw has nothing to do with his lectures and his hw is ridiculously hard with stupid numbers

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MATH5A . 12 Years Ago

Hilarious professor! Keeps you interested. Definitely unusual to have a math teacher like this, in the best of ways. He's awesome.

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MATH5A . 12 Years Ago

Going to class was useless. I got a %100 on the first midterm and went to every single class and still ended up with a C since he lowered everyones grade at the end since too many people did well(My only C all year). I didnt like this guy, the class seemed too easy to be true and in the end it was.

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MATH108B . 13 Years Ago

Absolutely superlative teacher. He has an incredible command over the material and is extremely funny! He is tough but fair. By far the best Math prof I have ever had.

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MATH5A . 13 Years Ago

class was completely useless. did not understand a single thing in lecture. CLAS taught me more than he did and ever planned to. The tests are not like webwork. got -20% on my test for writing answer in same format as webwork. tests are only 5 questions and each one is out of 5. a single mistake (forgetting to write "span") will lower your grade 4%

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MATH5A . 13 Years Ago

Easiest math class! He wants the class to succeed and doesn't give trick problems. Identical to the webwork. Class average on the first midterm was 88

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MATH5A . 13 Years Ago

Great teacher. Fun. He takes a break every class from the Calc to tell a joke. Makes lecture more interesting and fun. He is very clear and easy to follow. Tests are not too hard,but still challenging. Great class.

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MATH108A . 13 Years Ago

Always willing to help. Doesn't get frustrated. Makes lectures interactive. Quizzes every class but it keeps you on top of your notes and making sure you understand the curriculum.

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MATH108A . 13 Years Ago

Great Professor! Extremely helpful during office hours. If you go every week you will get a good grade because he wants his students to succeed. Only about four homework problems per week, which is very fair. He also tells hilarious jokes that are great to tell your roommates at dinner.

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MATH3B . 13 Years Ago

Incredibly difficult course for those not comfortable with trigonometric identities (almost as much emphasis is placed on them as is on integration). Yes he tells jokes but they are not worth getting a non-passing grade in this course. He is also rude when approached individually. This is the first math class I have not recieved above a B in...

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MATH3B . 14 Years Ago

3/5 of the material on Professor Long's midterms were never taught or explained in class. CLAS is a must in order to pass the class. The 2 midterms were extremely difficult but the final was fair.

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MATH3B . 14 Years Ago

Very hard tests, two tries per homework question (weekly assignments), and will sneak trigonometric substitutions into every problem he can. He is also very rude when individually approached. I received a c minus in his class even after taking calculus in high school

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MATH3B . 14 Years Ago

Great Professor. tested us ONLY on material that he presented in lecture. Great guy that is really helpful during office hours. Even though it was an 8am class he told a funny joke almost every lecture. explained concepts superbly.

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MATH3C . 16 Years Ago

Pretty awesome dude. British accent, definitely easy to understand. Told a pretty hilarious joke almost every class. Good teacher, pretty hard tests. Overall very fair and straight forward class. Definitely recommend him if you have the opportunity

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137AB . 18 Years Ago

He's an incredible professor. Initially scary, but actually a sweet guy when you go talk to him. Course suckz!

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MATH137A . 18 Years Ago

He's pretty easy (comparing this to other upper division math courses here!), very understanding (he let me turn in homework late once), funny, and enourages participation quite a bit - which is important because math professors tend to whip through proofs without caring if you get it much.

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137A . 18 Years Ago

Really great teacher, he's very enthusiastic. One of the best professors i've had. He does a good job clarifying difficult material (class is hard!) & is a pretty rad guy overall.

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137A . 18 Years Ago

Great Teacher and interesting. He always takes the time to answer questions and go over stuff to make sure that the class is able to comprehend

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MATH232A . 18 Years Ago

He's a funny guy. When he stands there looking at the chalkboad he looks like he's vaguely disgusted with the very fabric of the universe. He's very clear and gives a good understanding of the subject. The homework was uber-hard, but I didn't do it because I took the class P/NP.

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MATH3C . 18 Years Ago

The class is easy, he tells jokes and lets us out early. Midterms are easy but the final was hard.

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MATH3C . 19 Years Ago

Hands down best prof I've ever had. Jokes range from pretty funny to hoky but at 8am it all helps.

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