
Rate My Professors (20)

ANTH3730 . 6 Years Ago

Curran is wonderful. She is super nerdy and brings it into her lectures, relating human evolution to Star Trek every chance she gets. She tries to relate concepts to pop culture and tailor her references to her students' interests. Overall, she is engaging and energetic, and is always willing to help.

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ANTH2010 . 7 Years Ago

Awful professor for this course. She spoke to us as if we all had the same level of education in the field as anthropology as she, even though this was my first course I've ever taken in the antrho field. She explains nothing, midterms are lengthy and she only gives a list of about 150 terms which practically none of which were discussed in class.

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ANTH3730 . 9 Years Ago

She's a fantastic professor, very knowledgeable of Anthropology and paleontology. Just be aware that she expects you to be able to do work. If you can't write a decent paper or form a cogent argument, you won't do well. She regards her students work with the same critical eye that she uses for peer review. Also, she's at Ohio University now.

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ANTH2010 . 9 Years Ago

I loved her class! I took this class at Ohio University, and I would definitely recommend her as a prof. She's very helpful, very clear, and gives good feedback on journals and exams. She gave me an interest in Biological Anthropology. Really an awesome prof!

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ANTH105 . 11 Years Ago

Nerdy but nice. I did not read any of the required books or articles, but I did show up to lecture everyday. Passed with a B. Pleasant experience overall. I found her quite entertaining.

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ANTH105 . 11 Years Ago

Interesting class. Awesome professor if you sit during lecture, take good notes you're set! If you're willing to put in the effort you'll get a good grade. She's a great teacher:)

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ANTHANTH . 11 Years Ago

Just be human to her and she'l help you any way she can. Lovely person, patient woman- you have no excuse not to pass her class besides yourself =P Haters gotta stop hating

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ANTH121 . 12 Years Ago

Tests were very difficult. She doesn't post slides with pictures on the internet, which is necessary for understanding anthropology, so you're left to depend on the notes you take in class and the book. I gave up on going to the labs because, even though only a handful of people went, she is always talking to TAs. I never got feedback on my essays.

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ANTH105 . 12 Years Ago

Great professor. Her 121 class is a lot harder and I would not recommend taking it. This one is easier and there is a lot of reading, but most of it is for the papers. She is passionate about the material and makes the class interesting.

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ANTH105 . 12 Years Ago

This class was definitely easier than her 121 class. If you attend lectures you don't have to keep up with all the readings, which are a lot. Readings do help for the papers though and she asked for two plus an extra credit paper. Overall, her class is easy to follow and very interesting.

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ANTH121 . 12 Years Ago

one of the hardest classes i have taken, but it was also my first A. In her office hours she offers optional labs, if you do them they will help greatly in the exams, it is nice to see the stuff you are talking about.

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ANTH121 . 13 Years Ago

One of the hardest classes I have taken at UCSB. She is an amazing professor and passionate about the subject but there is a ridiculous amount of reading and the tests are very hard and detailed. The short assignments and essays are not that bad and I did enjoy the class but don't take it if you are looking for an easy A.

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ANTHANTH . 13 Years Ago

She is boring and hard to follow. Papers were pretty easy, but midterms and final were difficult. Assigns a ridiculous amount of reading. Try to get a different professor for any Anth requirement.

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ANTH121 . 13 Years Ago

She is an amazing amazing professor. She is the reason I switched to an Anthropology major. She does assign a lot of reading but its because she is passionate and wants you to understand why its such an awesome field. I love her and I wish she had more classes!

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ANTH121 . 13 Years Ago

Curran is a passionate professor, but I would not recommend taking this class for an "easy A". She assigns two essays, both 4-5 pgs long, which are pretty difficult. Two midterms and one final are multiple choice, but NOT easy. Reading the book is necessary, as is showing up to lecture (she gives in class assignments). Non-majors beware!

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ANTH105 . 13 Years Ago

Her lectures were kinda boring, there was two essays in the class, 5-7 pgs each which were difficult but doable. The midterm and final were not too difficult either just don't slack off on the studying for them

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ANTH105 . 13 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Professor Curran's class. She is so sweet and really makes sure that everyone understands her lectures. She assigns quite a bit of reading, but as long as you go to lecture and pay attention the reading is more supplemental. I would recommend that you take one of her classes!

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ANTH121 . 13 Years Ago

She is a good lecturer, and I love going into her office hours, she is really helpful and easy to understand. Anth 121 tests were super hard, but I have her for Anth 105 right now and I am pretty sure she listened to our comments because her tests in 105 were a lot easier to understand and do well on. Have her again next quarter and I cannot wait!!

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ANTH121 . 13 Years Ago

She is young and helpful. I had her for 121 evolution and I have her for 105 human variation right now. She is one of my favorite teachers at UCSB, she is funny and extremely smart! I would recommend her!

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ANTH105 . 14 Years Ago

very young and fresh thinker, also very challenging...

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