
Rate My Professors (40)

ENG193 . 5 Years Ago

Newfield is clearly very intelligent but his class can be confusing and strays far from the actual readings. Go to lecture, pay attention, read the books on time, don't waste your money on the reader (you can find all the readings online). If anything, I did enjoy learning how much of a problem-solving genre noir is.

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ENG193 . 5 Years Ago

He was OK. The lecture doesn't really focus on the books, mainly politics and complex themes. Found myself wondering what i just heard and how it had anything to do with our reading. 3-4 Quizzes, Two papers, one HUGE final. Questions on quizzes and final are worded so strange and there are more than one correct answer. TAKE NOTES each lecture.

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ENGL193 . 5 Years Ago

I wanted to like Newfield but this class was unnecessarily difficult. There is tons of reading, a waste of a reader, and a difficult and confusing final. He's cool but the class definitely was more stress than it needed to be.

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ENG193 . 5 Years Ago

The professor was passionate about what he taught but lectures were completely confusing and often didn't make clear connections to the readings. Didn't use the e-reader. He only talks about classic detective fiction like Sherlock Holmes for the first week. Everything else is Noir Fiction (which wasn't really in the course description )

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ENG193 . 6 Years Ago

This professor always tries to connect the texts to real world situations. Sometimes, lectures did seem to stray really far away from the texts. He likes to talk statistics, administration, and politics. Not a bad professor, just go to class caffeinated. Three books, 2 papers, an unnecessary e reader, and a huge final.

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ENGL193 . 7 Years Ago

Prof. Newfield lets his political opinions get in the way of his teaching. He often makes assumptions about history based on what would fit into his worldview. Worse, he spent more time talking about politics than detective fiction. Final exam based on politics rather than literature. Was boring and often frustratingly irrelevant and/or incorrect.

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ENG193 . 8 Years Ago

Uninteresting readings. Meaningless quizzes. Rambling and tangential lectures, so much so that each lecture covers only about 15 minutes of new material. Lecture slides make zero sense, but I guess it doesn't really matter since he flips through them faster than you can take notes on them.

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ENGL193 . 8 Years Ago

Newfield was super unpredictable. Instead of talking about detective fiction, he used most of the class to talk about politics or current events. Also very unclear of what he wanted on the papers and final. Grading criteria was not clear at all and he didn't use gauchospace so we had no idea what grade we had before the final.

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ENGL197 . 8 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors. His class is very discussion based which produces an interactive and engaging learning experience. He cares a lot about his students and is a great person to talk to about both class and life in general. He sometimes can be unclear about what he wants, but he is quick to clarify if you talk to him individually.

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ENG193 . 8 Years Ago

If you are interested in actually talking about detective fiction, this class isn't right for you. It feels as though he uses this class as a platform to preach political ideals rather than discuss literature. He also has a tendency to make historically and scientifically inaccurate claims.

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ENGL197 . 8 Years Ago

I dont understand all of these amazing reviews. In my class, Newfield played favorites, only called on the same 1-2 students and wasn't afraid to humiliate students. There was one girl in my class who Newfield would always pick on in front of everyone. He never communicated with us and we'd show up to class almost everyday without knowing whats due

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ENG193 . 8 Years Ago

Newfield is the rare professor that actually likes undergraduates and wants them to succeed. Go to his office hours- he really likes listening to students. I took his CA Noir class and Detective fiction- seriously take anything he teaches, he's great.

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133GC . 9 Years Ago

What a cool prof, and what a great class! Whether you are from California or not, this class will get you inside the minds of some great CA authors and filmmakers in a way that will really reveal some of the cultural processes happening over the last 80 years that have shaped this "great" state. Read all the books, the class is lame if you don't.

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ENGL193 . 10 Years Ago

Newfield is a great guy, but the class was pretty misleading. If you're expecting him to just give you amazing detective books to talk about, do not take this class. He focuses on global ideas of "noir" and crime rather than focusing on texts. Reader is useless. No midterm, but 3 quizzes. Books assigned are great, but barely mentioned in final.

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ENGL133GC . 11 Years Ago

I don't recommend Newfield at all. His class is loosely formatted, creating large scale confusion, even amongst the TAs. His expectations are all in his head, but never verbalized. Newfield's lectures were scattered, historical facts unrelated to English. At the time of the final, I had no idea what he wanted us to learn and study for the final.

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ENG193 . 12 Years Ago

Newfield is amazing. Hands down the best professor that I have had at UCSB, or anywhere. His ability to effectively connect wide-ranging social issues to the novels in this class was very impressive. At the end of some lectures when he got to his conclusion for the day, I felt like standing up and applauding. Take any class he teaches.

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ENGL193 . 17 Years Ago

Newfield is unbelievably funny and knowledgeable. The IDs on his tests were a little tricky and there is a lot of emphasis on his lectures. With most lecture courses, get a good TA because I had Alex and he's notoriously boring and a tough grader.

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ENGL193 . 17 Years Ago

Very good class! I hate reading (obviously not an english major) but this class was great! He is entertaining and cares about his students. Only probelm, TIME MANAGEMENT! Never ended on time. Which also means he rushed the last 10 minutes of class to try and get through everything. But he will email you his slides!

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ENGL193 . 18 Years Ago

Newfield really is the American Hugh Grant! His lectures were entertaining and often hilarious. The texts read quickly (some were 300+ pages). The exams could be kind of vague, but were generally answerable. GO TO LECTURES and DO NOT get a hard T.A (I have a 3.9****GPA, and my T.A. gave me a C+ on the first paper! WTF!)

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ENGLISHES . 19 Years Ago

Entertaining, very intelligent, draws upon knowledge from many disciplines to enrich the course content. Easy on the grading and open to your ideas. Cutie!

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ENGL192 . 19 Years Ago

Detective Fiction. Transfer students, TAKE IT. It's a great acclimation to upper-division coursework at UCSB, and Newfield is an awesome professor.

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I loved this class. I thought it was the greatest. Unfortunately, too many people took it b/c they it was going to be easy (which it was) so the quarter after mine it got harder.

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193 . 19 Years Ago

I thought I would hate this class, but it was seriously one of the best I took at UCSB. Newfield brings in so many different elements it's hard not to be interested in detective fiction after his class!

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ENGLISH . 19 Years Ago

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