
Rate My Professors (14)

170 . 5 Months Ago

Do not take this teacher, I have never experienced a more awful class to take. He only offers tests and exams and his accent is EXTREMELY thick making it very difficult to understand what he is saying on top of his sloppy handwriting leaving you trying to figure out what he wrote down and falling behind. He does not try to listen or respond.

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170 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

He has a thick accent that makes the long, boring, lectures even worse. He reads out of the book and still gets questions wrong. Countless times the class had to correct him. Attendance is mandatory, it is a rough one to sit through. He won't stop to answer questions and only says "come to tutoring." Unhelpful, unengaging, and unwilling to adapt.

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PSTAT171 . 5 Years Ago

Caveat: 2004 -He has a thick accent and doesn't articulate or face the class. -He is quick. -Be a step ahead by reading the relevant portions of the book before lecture. -Sit in front. - Ask clarifiying questions to slow him down. -Notation and the beginning of the course are key or else you'll be lost.

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PSTAT5A . 19 Years Ago

Professor Bishwal was great, I hate anything related to math,the only reason why I took this class is because I had to for the GE Requirement. He has a thick accent but it is not too bad. I suck at math and with the help of CLAS and taking good notes I was able to get a B. The midterm & final are extremely easy, basically he uses the sample ones.

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PSTAT171 . 19 Years Ago

I stopped going to class after about the second week and still got an A in the class. Do your homework and you'll be fine.

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PSTAT172A . 19 Years Ago

He is the best teacher in Pstat. Very clear, knowledgeable and intelligent. Always enthusiastic about the subject and very generous. I enjoy his calss a lot. Great personality!!

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PSTAT171 . 19 Years Ago

He is a great Professor! I learned a lot. Tests were standard. One has to be very sincere and interested in the subject though. I highly recommend him to anybody.

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PSTAT171 . 19 Years Ago

Taught verbatim out of the book, so I stopped going to class. Just avoid him

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PSTAT171 . 19 Years Ago

licks dog balls

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PSTAT5A . 20 Years Ago

really easy class, good teacher but hard to understand. just go to the tutor and read the book if you have a hard time with math like i do and you can get an A.

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PSTAT5A . 20 Years Ago

greatest stats teacher ever

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PSTAT5A . 20 Years Ago

Dr. Bishwal is the man! He's nice, funny, and a great teacher. Makes the class interesting. He does have a thick accent, but you get used to it after a week or so. Great guy, fantastic teacher.

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170 . 20 Years Ago

This is by far the greatest course I have ever taken in my life. Dr. Bishwal is very helpful in class and afterward. He always goes out of his way to help his students. Lectures are very clear and concise. I highly recommend this professor to any student.

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PSTAT172A . 21 Years Ago

a little hard to understand, but easy, tests are very straightfoward

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