
Rate My Professors (25)

SOC147 . 4 Years Ago

This guy does not care. He gives you expert-level dense readings on a VERY abstract field with little to no context. Your whole grade is 2 10 page papers on these readings. During the pandemic/riots/protests, many professors turned their finals to "no harm" for students. Friedkin said he's not "comfortable" with that. TA was a lifesaver tho. 0/10

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SOC147 . 4 Years Ago

Doesn't really care about students, only cares about his "comfort" 10% of class showed for lectures. Lectures are dry and make no sense. Avoid

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SOC134N . 6 Years Ago

Prof. Friedkin was an interesting teacher. The 1st couple of days are intimidating, but they scare off the students who may not want to cont. with the class. 4 papers, each 100 points. I received B's on all of them; ranging 85-87. Attend class to take notes from the prof. then add those notes into paper. Helps a lot! TA is super helpful.

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SOC134N . 7 Years Ago

very heavy on papers 100 pts each & the class is 300 points in total & they were all based on readings so going to class was not mandatory. The TA for W17 basically gave everyone a B in all the papers, which pissed me off considering how hard I worked on all of it and how often I went to her office hours. overall, sweet professor, mediocore TA.

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SOC134N . 7 Years Ago

Class is based on 3 papers, you have plenty of time to do them all but the readings (empirical articles) are so dense and entirely what the papers are based on. The last paper incorporates lecture. All lectures are online, but the papers are just really hard to get through and are time consuming.

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SOC147 . 8 Years Ago

the class is just midterm/final. grading is super easy. he is an awesome prof who is very absorbed in this field. Most of lecture is based on his own theories and experiments which makes it cooler to hear him talk about

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134N . 8 Years Ago

I love sociology but this was the worse sociology class I have ever taken. Lectures were irreverent and boring. Essays had strange unclear prompts. Readings were very dense. I feel bad for anyone who takes this class.

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SOC148MA . 8 Years Ago

Professor Friedkin is an expert on social networks. People say his classes are confusing because they may be too busy texting on their phones. After taking SOC148MA, I'm seriously thinking about specializing in this field.

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SOC134N . 8 Years Ago

Lecture is painfully boring. Grade is only based on long essays based on reading. On the bright side you can skip lecture because its fairly irrelevant.

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SOC134N . 8 Years Ago

The lectures are sort of long & slow but the material was great! He does a great job at explaining the concepts but you will need to read to understand what is going on. There were papers due every 2 weeks (Average about 6-10pgs each so be prepared to work.) The final was a 15 page paper, but if you keep up with the reading you'll write up to 18

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147 . 9 Years Ago

I did not learn anything.

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SOC146 . 11 Years Ago

do not take this class!!! it was sooo awful. I thought the topic would be interesting about networks but it was so terrible. He made no sense. Grade was based on midterm paper (10-15 pages) and final paper (10-15 pages)--the prompts were ridiculous and he didn't care to help the students! SOOO AWFUL! WORST CLASS I'VE EVER TAKEN AT UCSB!

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SOC148M . 12 Years Ago

SOC 148MA. TAKE THIS! If you go to every class, your grade is bumped up a WHOLE letter grade. I did not pay attention for one minute, and got As on every single paper. There is a paper every 2 weeks but he canceled the final because we all were getting As. SO EASY.

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SOC146 . 12 Years Ago

Started every lecture one topic and ended up rambling on about something for the rest of class. No one knew what he was talking about. Assignments were very ambiguous. TA was not very helpful. Did well in the class but wouldn't recommend it. Attendance was taken at every class, +1/2 pt if there, -1/2 pt if not. So that's nice.

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SOC147 . 13 Years Ago

This class is an easy A. The material is not super easy to understand but the papers are graded very easy. I didn't feel very confident turning in my essays, but I always got an A on them. The grade is based on 3 term papers. The class can be somewhat boring to sit through but attendance can boost your grade A LOT.

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SOC147 . 13 Years Ago

If you go to every lecture, you get a WHOLE letter grade up (B becomes A). I also accidentally bought the wrong textbook so he gave me a 3 day extension on the first paper.

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SOC148 . 13 Years Ago

Great professor, fair on grading essays. Lectures seem crazy and boring, but actually have deep substance. He loves what he teaches. Classes are always 3 seven page essays. Not too bad, he gives you good guidelines.

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SOC147 . 14 Years Ago

Super easy, I took 147 and 148 with him. 147 was much easier, the entire class was 3 papers (4pgs each) And you can do a 4th for extra credit. His lectures are super confusing but if you take notes, he basically is telling you the answers for the paper. Soc 148 is a little harder, 10 papers, 3 pages each, due once a week but easy grader.

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SOC147 . 14 Years Ago

great guy, great class

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SOC147 . 14 Years Ago

Easiest class ever, got an A+ He insists that you don't cite the book in your papers so you just compare concepts to your own life experiences. EASY EASY EASY

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SOC147 . 14 Years Ago

VERRRYYYY EASY. 3 papers,there is written roll but in IV theater so I just showed up 30 minutes late and just signed in. papers consist of answering 2 questions (2-3 pages each for each so 4-6 pages each). Never opened the book, never listened to the prof and got an A. 2 pages a question is a B+ and 3 pages is an A. Free write!!!!

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SOC147 . 14 Years Ago

be ready for a lot of math-kind boring diagrams. very boring, but papers are easy.

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SOC147 . 15 Years Ago

extremely easy class! the content of the class is actually very interesting, although he's a boring lecturer. 3 papers total, thats it. he has a list of questions that he discusses and then you write your papers on any of the questions, i never went to class and received 100% on all of them. attendance is not mandatory. easiest class everr

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SOC147 . 15 Years Ago

Easy as pie. A paper due every two weeks, but they are simple. Do your work and you'll be fine. I got an A by making up stories and comparing them the the readings - which is what the papers are on. EASY EASY EASY. Lectures however are SOooOOoo boring and long. Bring an ipod and chill in the back and you'll be golden.

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