
Rate My Professors (66)

POLS1 . 14 Years Ago

Prof Norris was a good professor. The problem was that the material was so horrible. He tried his best to clarify the readings but it was nearly impossible. Unless you have to or like philosophy, DON'T take this class. There is so much reading and it is all extremely difficult to understand. Your grade is based ENTIRELY on 3 papers and no MC final.

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POLS1 . 14 Years Ago

This is a course about pol phil with like 700 students and so much material your head will hurt. Because there are so many ppl there is non one on one. Even with the TA you won't have enough time to cover and actually understand even half the material. We had 3 papers and a final. In summation, DO NOT take this professor. Teaching not forte.

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PS1 . 14 Years Ago

Very judgemental. Seems passionate about the subject, but heavily opinionated. Not particularly kind. Is not here to help the students, not by a long shot.

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PS1 . 15 Years Ago

Norris is a very intelligent man...and knows it. Likes to talk down and openly insult the students who actually attend lecture. Reading is interesting, but the quizzes were excessive and ridiculous. Jason P is the best TA in the dept, try to get him if you can.

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POLS1 . 15 Years Ago

Norris was a very difficult professor, especially for an undergrad poly sci class. Unless you are thoroughly interested in the subject i would not take this class. there is tons of reading that must be done because of pop quizzes. Overall, i really enjoyed it. 3 papers, which are graded extremely tough. The final was part paper and part in class.

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POLYS1 . 15 Years Ago

50 percent of your grade is quizzes and the final which is a 5 page paper outside class and a very broad vague in class final. Discussion is only worth 10 percent of your grade. So by the last day of class you only have 40 percent of your grade accounted for so you can literally go from an A to an F in a blink of an eye. Horrible class overall.

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POLS1 . 15 Years Ago

Norris if you ever read this Ill give you one tip. Your class would actually be interesting and worth while if you didnt make quizzes worth 20 percent of your grade. Maybe 5 percent max, and 20-25 percent for discussion. Your class is a joke having pop quizzes every week and making them worth way to much. Stop being a sarcastic jerk please.

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POSCI1 . 15 Years Ago

this class is hard, quizzes worth 20% of your grade every week so you cant miss lecture. 3 papers due, no midterm but a in class and take home final(take home final is a paper)Brian is not the greatest TA he has puts no effort in section. Basically if you dont need the class dont take it!

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POLS1 . 15 Years Ago

Very enthusiastic about the subject, and has a pretty sarcastic but amusing sense of humor that keeps the class entertaining. We read Plato and Mill, which are tough to get through, but he does a good job of clarifying it in lecture. Weekly quizzes that are worth way too much, but no midterm. 3 papers. He's not as bad as everyone says, seriously.

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POLYS1 . 15 Years Ago

To make it short and quick Norris is a tyrant. He force feeds the class quizzes and claims they are simple if you do the reading, strange that I have never had any complains with a class at UCSB until I ended up in this one. Norris is just a bad teacher plain and simple, he finds the hardest T.As to grade your papers to. Dont take him.

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PS1 . 15 Years Ago

Norris is great! His humor is dry but i found it entertaining. The only time he calls people out is when youre doing something stupid like sleeping in the front row. Frequent quizes (so go to lecture!!) but as long as you do the readings youre fine. wasnt terribly interested in the subject but norris made it interesting!

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POLSC189 . 15 Years Ago

This class was really hard! Not only do you have to do a lot of readings, but you have to understand dense political theory that may be somewhat over the average undergrads head. It's really helpful to get to know your TA! Sometimes there are quizzes in class, not worth anything, but just checking attendance, so I would go as much as you can. Typic

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POLS1 . 15 Years Ago

His lectures can be at times, interesting, but usually they are monotonous. There are weekly pop quizzes. Oh, and he is really rude in person. Both my friend and I had a bad experience with him during his office hours. He actually YELLED at my friend for not knocking. Oh, and he humiliates people, reading some papers aloud in class.

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POLMBA . 15 Years Ago

To make it short, we had an essay due the other day, the second after we get to class and he talks about turning them in to our T.A's I quote him "Get out a peace of paper, Quiz Time! Oh I bet you all hate me, you knew it was coming, I love my job". What jerk gives a pop quiz the day an essay is due and our minds are fried. This prick of course.

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POLS189 . 16 Years Ago

This class is terribly and painfully boring. Professor Norris seems to feel he is God's gift to the world and much smarter than any of the students. He requested the first papers to be emailed to him, then proceeded to print one out and rip it to shreds. There was no constructive criticism. He likes to hear himself talk. AVOID this class!

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POLS189 . 16 Years Ago

Perhaps the most rewarding class I have taken at UCSB. Explains the concepts and theories perfectly. Go to every lecture and take close notes and you'll be good for the papers and final, just skim the readings before class to be ready for the quizzes. I learned more from Norris than almost every other professor I've had combined. Norris rules!

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POLSC189 . 16 Years Ago

He's a good professor and I learned a lot, but it was a lot of work. Reading is critical for the class so keep up on it! He'll suprise you with quizes on the reading every three classes or so. Also, go into the TA when writing the paper because they can really help you. Take really good notes in class and do not be afraid to ask questions. Good luc

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POLS189 . 16 Years Ago

He is very enthusiastic about political philosophy... however it is very hard to understand. There are 7 books that are required to read. 3 Essays (3, 5 & 7 pages). No midterm. Quizes throughout the quarter in lecture worth 15% of your grade. Very time consuming and a lot of work. If you take it Thomas Hughes is the BEST TA!

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