
Rate My Professors (89)

POLS7 . 16 Years Ago

Great class. You definitely have to work for your grade, but he makes the class extremely engaging and interesting. He has a definite bias and isn't afraid to express his opinion, but he definitely encourages you to push back.

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POLSC7 . 16 Years Ago

he makes the topics interesting and explains them clearly. It was my favorite class this quarter

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POLS7 . 16 Years Ago

He is one of the best professors i've ever had in my 3 years at UCSB. His lectures are extremely thought provoking and I learned soo much from his class. I love that he doesn't try to be funny but his random comments make lecture so much more entertaining.

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POLS7 . 17 Years Ago

he actually made a large lecture really interesting. i enjoyed going to class and learned a lot

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PS7 . 17 Years Ago

I consider this man an unusually gifted lecturer, very articulate, he does a great job of making ideas accessible to us. His use of powerpoint is effective. Has a strong leftward bias that he makes no attempt to conceal, and I consider that a bad thing. I love how his course makes you write a large number of short essays, instead of one huge paper.

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POLS159 . 17 Years Ago

One of the best poli sci courses I've taken. He was extremely interested and knowledgeable on the topic. Some reading was dense, but he explained it really well and always answered questions. Taught with a passion which made him relay the material well. Gives the mid term and final questions a week before so there is plenty of time to prepare.

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POLI159 . 17 Years Ago

This was a amazing class. I had his PS 7 and wasnt too thrilled, but this class is much better. This is an area where he has done extensive reseach and has firm grasp of concepts. If you can take this class, it is a must. Reading isnt too bad, and actually relatively short compared to most poli sci classes. he gave a few quizes that were easy

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PS7 . 17 Years Ago

I LOVE Belkin. He is one of the major reasons why I am majoring in Poli Sci. Take his class! It's not an easy-A class or anything, but you will learn so much. All teachers should be as passionate about their subject as Belkin. Totally recommend.

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PS7 . 17 Years Ago

Loved Belkin. Made class very interesting through his skill as a lecturer and the material presented. Grading was fair and reasonable. Has a bias admittedly but not in a way that silences other voices or is especially intimidating. I second the anatomy of a rock comment, I would take anything from this man, he is that interesting!

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POLS7 . 17 Years Ago

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PS7 . 17 Years Ago

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POLSC7 . 17 Years Ago

His lectures rock. He really made me think.

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POL7 . 17 Years Ago

International relations isnt just about con vs. liberal and that is the way he makes it out to be. Everyone here says how fantastic he was, he really isnt that great. He is funny and thought provoking, but he is nothing out of the ordinary. LD class should give you a much more broad view of concepts, not a liberal one sided view. Wait for UD 4 that

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POLS7 . 17 Years Ago

Belkin is an inspiring professor. Yeah, yeah, he's liberal. Tell me something I don't know about every professor on campus. I learned a lot from his class and he made an extra effort to make sure everyone understood what he was lecturing on. TONS of reading, but I only did half of it and got by just fine. I HIGHLY recommend him!

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POLY7 . 17 Years Ago

Belkin and International Relations is the best combination I could have asked for! I absolutely loved the class, even though it definitely did take some reading and studying, it was well worth it. By far my favorite class thus far, and he's an awesome professor!

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POLS7 . 18 Years Ago

Its a funny thing how most people who rate belkin praise his liberal views and sexual orientation as though it makes him a great teacher. He does not seem to understand that Intl Relations needs to be taught outside a realm of American Liberal vs. American Conservative. Belkin lacks this and it effects the content and utility of the class

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PS7PS159 . 18 Years Ago

Belkin is the most thought-provoking and inspiring professors I've ever had at UCSB. It's not wonder he is so widely recognized for his work. His "big points" make the lectures easy to follow, and his grading is fair. He does a good job at making sure that he has differing opinions discussed during lecture. I highly recommend Belkin's courses.

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POLISCI7 . 18 Years Ago

The class is the most biased class I have ever been in. All you hear are his political views and you never hear topics from both sides. If you are not liberal, it will be unconfortible for you!

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PS7PS157 . 18 Years Ago

AMAZING! My fav prof, he challenges students but teaches in such an interactive and objective way that I couldn't help but love his classes :)

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preaches more than he teaches. if your looking to find support for your liberal beliefs, he's your man. if your serious about getting a well-rounded course on IR, avoid his class. on second thought, you may want to switch schools.

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POLISCI7 . 18 Years Ago

belkin is awesome. interesting, smart and liberal to the core. i would take him again. francois as a TA sucks though.

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POLISCI7 . 18 Years Ago

oh my god, belkin is the best professor EVER.

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IR . 19 Years Ago

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POLISCI7 . 19 Years Ago

he is not only gay but jewish. he's a all-around good teacher.

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