
Rate My Professors (20)

SPAN185 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Knowledgeable and accommodating professor. Workload varies depending on the class he teaches, but this one in particular was heavy in writing (weekly essays for weeks 3-6~), but was an easy grader if you're already a good writer. Can be intimidating class at first but you'll realize it's easy and you just have to get through the weekly workload.

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SPAN102 . 2 Years Ago

Never met a professor with no amount of compassion. Really disliked him. Horrible human being.

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SPAN185 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Lupi is an amazing professor. He is very caring about his students and the material he is presenting, and he goes beyond to ensure we have a clear understanding of the material. There is a lot of reading because its a class about Sp-Am novelas, and there is an essay after each novel, but everything is doable. He is flexible & accomodating

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SPAN177 . 4 Years Ago

I took Professor Lupi for Span 177 (Spanish-American Thought) and Span 169 (Spanish-Caribbean Literature/Culture), and I rave about these classes! As other reviews said, the readings are often dense/confusing, but his lectures are clarifying and you will learn a ton. Go to office hours for help w/ papers -- he's happy to help and super sweet!

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SPAN30 . 4 Years Ago

Truly cares about his students. Although his lectures are hard to follow, he is incredibly accommodating and understanding of everyone in the class.

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SPAN177 . 9 Years Ago

For this class, he has you write four short papers: two for the midterm and two for the final, worth 45% each. I really enjoyed the material he presented in the lecture and in the assigned readings. The problem with Lupi is that when he grades the does not give you feedback- which is a downside if you're trying to do better on your last two papers.

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SPANISH111C . 10 Years Ago

He is absolutely amazing! The class is not easy, but you will learn a lot and I would definitely recommend his class.

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SPAN111C . 11 Years Ago

Interesting readings/topics. I didn't think he was a hard professor and his exams weren't too hard but apparently he's picky about grading. I wasn't too happy about the grade I received though I completed all the readings and seemed to do good on all exams.

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SPAN111C . 11 Years Ago

He's a very good professor! All the readings were interesting and he explained them very well which made them easy to understand. Definitely recommend taking a class with him.

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SPAN111C . 11 Years Ago

Professor Lupi is a wonder instructor. He is very fascinating to talk to and I have walked out of this course a million times more informed on current events in Latin America. He is super intelligent and I highly recommend him. I am looking forward to taking another class with Lupi.

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SPAN169 . 11 Years Ago

Brilliant professor. Strong historical emphasis. Will make you an expert on topic in ten weeks. Very useful office hours. Best/most intelligent I've had at SB.

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SPAN177 . 12 Years Ago

Fave span prof! He's very out-going and approachable with immense interest in what he teaches. His excitement is contagious. Promptly answers emails, questions, etc. Does his VERY BEST to enable you to get the best grade possible. Attendance mandatory and -3% per unexcused absence. Missed 3 (aka -9%) and got an A-. usually 10% part 40%x2 papers.

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SPAN102L . 13 Years Ago

Lupi is great! Very interested in the students and passionate about his work! He teaches in his own style and Ive had better but he makes up for it with his passion for students and teaching. The texts are always interesting and he goes out of his way to help students. take his class hes great!

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SPAN169 . 13 Years Ago

He is super intelligent and his lectures are very well structured and organized. However, the class can be a bit challenging and quite a bit of work. Also super adorable because he is Venezuelan. *sigh*

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SPAN177 . 14 Years Ago

Also had him for SPAN 169...he was one of the nicest and most helpful professors I ever had. He does genuinely care about how well you do if you are sincerely interested in the subject matter. Talk to him after class if you need help!

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SPAN111 . 14 Years Ago

Hard grader and kind of rude to students. He has no sympathy for students circumstances. He has a ridiculous attendance policy, if you miss more than one class he will drop you one letter grade!! So it's possible to do horrible in the class even if you ace his tests.

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SPAN102 . 15 Years Ago

He's really passionate and knowledgeable about the material but hasn't mastered teaching. Jumps around a lot so it's hard to take notes; he just kind of talks at you. Expects you to go beyond class discussion on the tests and he is definitely a hard grader. Not a terrible class but if you can take it with someone else, do it.

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SPAN177 . 15 Years Ago

The texts he assigned were sometimes boring and always very difficult to understand. Lectures were actually very helpful though, as he analyzed and explained what they were about. He's a very intelligent man and his lectures were actually interesting. Your whole grade is 2 midterm essays and 2 final essays, take home.

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SPN130 . 16 Years Ago

I don't like to bash young teachers, but this guy could use some. He's passionate about what he teaches, eager to teach, but simply doesn't know how to. Class was about as fun as the DMV. If he was a waiter, I wouln't leave a tip.

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SPAN112 . 16 Years Ago

Young guy, seems interested in what he teaches. Other than that, es muy torpe y no tiene ni idea de lo que esta hablando.

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