Rate My Professors (52)

HIST193F . Rappaport E D 12 Years Ago

Fantastic lady and an even better teacher. Extremely nice, but also very engaging. Willing to work with you about extensions as long as she can tell you are a dedicated student. Takes great pains to make lecture interesting and also to ask student opinion, can't recommend her highly enough

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HIST193F . Rappaport E D 12 Years Ago

Such a great professor. She makes the topics interesting and easy to grasp. She is so easy to approach and cares so much about her students. I can't wait to take more classes from her.

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HIST141 . Rappaport E D 12 Years Ago

She is an amazing professor! You can tell that she is passionate about her subject, and loves to share what she knows with her students. Her main focus is on the cultural aspects of Britain society, which is a nice change to the normal and sometimes boring traditional British history. Not much reading except for the 2 novels she assigned.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 14 Years Ago

All her lectures are on powerpoint so attending class is not 100% mandatory. Sessions are important, only 2 essays which are based on readings and a book. Final was the only difficult part.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 14 Years Ago

Easy class with really interesting subjects... but lectures got pretty boring. 2 900-word papers and a final. She gives a study guide out before the final, and lets you bring an 8x11 to the exam, so as long as you do the study guide you're golden. In the end, your TA does the grading, so definitely go to office hours!!

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 14 Years Ago

Hated the class, extremely boring lectures, i fell asleep in them. Her voice is whiny. Class theme was interesting but she found a way to make it boring, essays were somewhat easy, final was easier than i thought. Hardly went to lecture always attended discussion, easy final, passed the class. Boring teacher though.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 14 Years Ago

I felt this class was really boring. The subjects were great but I hated lecture. I always felt talked down to. there are definitely better history teachers. stick to 2C if you have the choice.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 14 Years Ago

her voice is annoying. she rants on pointlessly. grade consists of two papers and a final. kind of hard to write because ta was useless and didnt tell us exactly what he was looking for in a paper, topics were vague and open ended. try to take with diff prof if you have to take this class

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 15 Years Ago

Rappaport is a sweet lady. She gives you the midterm and final questions beforehand, AND allows you to bring in an 8 by 11 study sheet both sides... so just use really tiny font and put all the info you need. I missed a lot of lectures and still got an A. And she has a good sense of humor!

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 15 Years Ago

Her squeaky voice is a bit annoying, and she exaggerates and uses hyperbole to describe details in her lectures. It makes her sound a bit out of touch. I wouldn't avoid because in the end its your TA grading, but there's better historys profs out there

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 15 Years Ago

Easy A. Midterm, term paper, final. There's three outside books, but I didn't read two of them and I still pulled a B+ on the paper. Don't need to go to lecture, but if you do, you can see she's passionate. An easy class.

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HIST141B . Rappaport E D 17 Years Ago

She is very passionate about what she teaches and it really rubs of on her students. She is very helpful and understanding. Her lectures are interesting and her assignments are not at all complicated. Great Professor!

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 17 Years Ago

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 17 Years Ago

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 17 Years Ago

Really easy take home final/midterm and paper. Readings and lectures are both very interesting.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 17 Years Ago

Lectures outline textbook material she wants you to focus on. You can skip lectures, but if you go to lectures, you don't need to read the text--just the primary sources and other books. There's a take home midterm, term paper, and final (you get the questions prior to the final and a sheet of notes for the final. Easiest history class ever.

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HIST . Rappaport E D 19 Years Ago

How can you not like her classes? She's smart and the students I've heard complain about her could actuallylearn a lot if they'd come to class and pay attention.

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MANY . Rappaport E D 19 Years Ago

She was amazing I saw her love for British History, which she instilled on me

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MANY . Rappaport E D 19 Years Ago

One of my favorites. Ever. I went back to 2 more of her classes after the first one.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 19 Years Ago

This has got to be one of the worst professors in our History department! All she does is try to tell you how women were oppressed while everyone and their mother drank tea in Europe (I'm a girl too and I did not like her feminist rantings). Very easy though, I never went to class and got an A+...

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 19 Years Ago

Her lectures were boring but the readings she chose were great. Her tests were easy and she cares for her students.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 20 Years Ago

My god, this woman goes on the most unimportant tangents, and she can yak about it for quite some time. The class itself wasn't too difficult, but I would highly recommend another teacher. She got on my nerves.

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HIST4C . Rappaport E D 20 Years Ago

Whack...she's like this: blah blah blah...my focus is London/Britain...blah blah blah...i like to drink TEA..blah blah blah...i agree with the last post on her london bit...get a good TA, which makes the class worth it...barely went to class and got a B

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HISTORY4C . Rappaport E D 20 Years Ago

Her lectures blow-they are so hard to follow, she doesn't stay on what she says she's going to do. Focuses soo much on Britain/London b/c that's where her studies are but it totally changes the course. Get a good TA

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